Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 203 The Wind of nothingness

High cultivation does not mean that you can resist your own desires.

After all, Yuan Kong is young and lacks resistance to women, especially women like Mandala who understand men's hearts.

"Where are you going to take me?" Mandala asked.

Yuan Kong's luck escaped while feeling that his body was getting hotter and hotter, and his skin was as red as a stove.

"Take you out of the ghost city. It's not a good place." Yuan Kong said that at this time, he was already lucky enough to escape, and the following pursuit of escape disappeared.

"Where there is a good place in the world, there are people everywhere." Mandala said that the fragrance blew to the tip of Yuan Kong's nose.

"Why do you deliberately leave the fragrance and don't want to get rid of the people behind?" Yuan Kong asked.

Mandala smiled and said, "You are quite smart, but it's a pity that some people can't get rid of them. They are like naughty dogs, sticking to you."

"Then you are wrong. As long as you want, you can get rid of them." Yuan Kong said, "The reason why the naughty dog depends on you is because you are too fragrant."

"You also think I'm very fragrant. I used to like my body fragrance very much, but now I feel disgusted. Maybe I'm tired of smelling it." Mandala said.

"I'm not tired of smelling it yet." Yuan Kong said that he felt that the people behind him were chasing after him. It seemed that they were all masters.

Xiao Xiao's desperate flying knife can't be resisted by ordinary people.

As soon as Yuan Kong finished speaking, a black flying knife hundreds of miles away shuttled through the ancient forest like the wind and flew towards Yuan Kong.

Yuan Kong hurriedly flashed when he heard the sound of the flying knife breaking through the air. Unexpectedly, the flying knife turned around and continued to chase.

"The deadly flying knife can't be avoided. His flying knife is already conscious." Mandala said.

"Since it can't be avoided, it can only be broken." Yuan Kong shook his right hand, and the reincarnation air sword struck a thunderbolt to smash the flying knife in front of him.

But I saw that the flying knife broke, and more than a dozen fragments collapsed, shooting at Yuan Kong's face.

Yuan Kong can't scream well, and he can't avoid it anymore.

Mandala suddenly took action. She lay on Yuan Kong's back, and her jade hand stroked Yuan Kong and patted all the fragments away.

"Why did you save me?" Yuan Kong kept flying away.

"It's boring if you die now. Let them chase for a while." Mandala said playfully.

"How can I die? This kind of small method can be easily solved." Yuan Kong said.

Mandala hummed and said, "I'm arrogant."

When Yuan Kong heard the words, he didn't say anything more. He continued to find a safe place.

The power of vacuum can't isolate the fragrance of mandala, which he didn't expect. It's worthy of being called the other side flower on Huangquan Road.

More than a dozen flying knives broke through the air. Feng Xiaoxiao's swordsmanship has been framed into the realm, which is more powerful than Yuan Kong's swordsmanship. After all, he has only practiced swords for only a month.

The three fierce ghosts are resentful ghosts, starving ghosts and niggers.

The resentful ghost is best at soul attack, and has gradually locked in Yuan Kong's breath a hundred miles away.

"I didn't expect that there were so many strange people in a small ghost desert. What kind of punch is this? It actually broke through my vacuum power." Yuan Kong secretly thought that at the same time, he urged the power of reincarnation to lock in the other party's consciousness.

The starving ghost did starve to death. It is rumored that he was originally a congenital boxer. He was imprisoned for a hundred years without food, and starved to death and turned into a ghost.

"Do you know the name of the boxing practiced by ghost thieves?" Mandala asked again.

Yuan Kong frowned when he heard the words and said, "Is it also one of the three major boxing skills?"

"No, the three major boxing skills are not so easy to get. It is rumored that he was originally a servant of Jingzhou God of War Palace. He secretly learned God of War Fist and hid here." Mandala said, "Do you know the Palace of War?"

"I know, one of the six families seems to be very tricky." Yuan Kong said.

The hungry ghost's thigh was broken. He suppressed the pain and picked up the broken thigh and swallowed it a few mouthfuls, and saw that his thighs grew out again.

"Yuan Kong, I must eat you." As he spoke, the corners of his mouth overflowed with water.

"Hunger, are you all right?" At this time, others also caught up, and the resentful ghost came forward and asked.

The resentful ghost is a female ghost with a shatter. Her appearance is not flattering, and even the starving ghost doesn't like her.

"Don't mind your own business." The hungry ghost said that I continued to run and chased after Yuan Kong.

Seeing this, the resentful ghost showed a look of jealousy and resentment, and also chased after him.

Running, Yuan Kong came out of the vast ancient forest, and there was a sea in front of him.

There is only one sea area in the ghost desert, called the Dead Sea.

The water in the Dead Sea is black, the wind is calm, and there is no vitality here.

Yuan Kong landed on the sea of the Dead Sea and asked Mandala, "Which way should I go?"

Mandala heard the words and said, "To the west, you can go back to your south."

When Yuan Kong heard that he was lucky again, he rushed to the west on the surface of the water.

But when he went deep into the Dead Sea, the sea suddenly surged up, forming a huge water prison to trap Yuan Kong.

"It's the devil thief. This man's practice of breaking the wave fist is very powerful." Mandala said.

Hearing the words, Yuan Kong hurriedly lucked with the power of Shura, and the blood-colored electric light shone, and he quickly rushed to the barrier of the Dead Sea.

However, the water barrier is so resilient that it actually bounces Yuan Kong back.

Seeing this, Yuan Kong poured the power of Shura into the reincarnation air sword, used a sword to Jinghong, directly broke a mouth on the wall of water, and quickly flew out.

However, the purpose of the devil thief is to delay Yuan Kong. At this time, Xiaoxiao has taken the lead in catching up with Yuan Kong, and both sides can be seen with the naked eye.

Feng Xiaoxiao's sleeve robe shook, and a desperate flying knife hit Yuan Kong.

Attacking at this distance, his flying knife skill completely shows his powerful power.

The speed of the desperate flying knife is incredible. Yuan Kong stepped on the water, and the reincarnation air sword rotated rapidly, splitting the original trajectory of the other party's flying knife.

"There is no split." Yuan Kong said to himself.

"Feng Xiaoxiao has three desperate flying knives. What you broke before was his weakest one." Mandala seems to know a lot about many masters in the ghost desert, said.

At this time, the five thieves and the three ghosts also caught up, and the starving ghosts took the brunt. He accelerated to Yuan Kong's side and kicked him in the head.

"Looking for death." Yuan Kong didn't pay attention to him. The reincarnation air sword curved, trying to break the hungry ghost's feet again.

His sword had just passed, but a flying knife was flying at the wrist holding the sword. Seeing this, Yuan Kong changed the kendo and did not hurt the starving ghost, but forced him back.

Seeing that Yuan Kong almost hurt the starved ghost, she howled in the air, and a circle of air waves visible to the naked eye attacked Yuan Kong.

Yuan Kong raised his sword across the sound wave, but he felt a sharp pain in his mind, and he almost fell to the sea.

"Ghosts are best at soul attacks, and you can also fight back with the power of the soul." Mandala said in Yuan Kong's ear.

When Yuan Kong heard the words, he poured the power of the soul into the reincarnation of the air sword. As he ran, he shot a sword at the resentful ghost. The soul sword gas cut through the sky and hit the opponent's chest. When the blood fog sprayed, the resentful ghost's body was almost broken in half and fell from the air.

"The third flying knife of Feng Xiaoxiao is invisible and qualitative. Be careful." Mandala said.

When she reminded Yuan Kong, Feng Xiaoxiao had held an invisible flying knife in the palm of her hand, just like Yuan Kong's vacuum power.

It was too late to think about it. Yuan Kong paid attention to his opponent's wrist and saw Feng Xiaoxiao's wrist making a flying knife. Through his flesh-and-blood movement, Yuan Kong directly waved a sword at the empty void, with sparks everywhere, and Feng Xiaoxiao's third flying knife was also broken by Yuan Kong.

"What kind of flying knife is this? Even I can't feel it." Yuan Kong said.

"This is the wind of nothingness. The boxing technique he practiced is called Xuwangquan," Mandala said.