Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 281 Cracks in the Sky

Just after Yuan Kong finished bathing and dressing, a summoning order came from the mask on his face.

The new mask can be disguised as any appearance and has a lot more functions.

In the Daxiong Treasure Hall of the General Altar of the Buddha, the godless organization gathered again, but now as the eighteen arhats, and there is no one else present.

Sitting on the lotus platform, the Buddha baby opened his eyes and spoke.

"You should be able to mobilize your men now."

It has been more than a month since the canonization of the Eighteen Arhats. If the power of the subordinates has not been controlled for more than a month, it can only be described as incompetence.

"No problem."

Hearing the words, the Buddha nodded and said, "The eighteen arhats are in charge of 70% of the Buddha's armed forces, which can play a great role in our hands. In this way, you first take your martial monks to the cracks in heaven to carry out some actual combat. Only actual combat can really integrate into your subordinates."

"By the way, communicate with the war leaders of other races in heaven, such as the angels and the immortals."

"Are all the eighteen arhats out? In this way, isn't the Buddha's internal emptiness?" Banana Luohan said.

Hearing this, the Buddha turned his eyes to the banana arhat and said, "We just borrow Buddhism for a while. Let's do whatever we want after using it."

The Eighteen Arhats didn't say anything when he heard the words. Yuan Shi's meaning is very simple. Even the destruction of Buddhism has nothing to do with it. As for now, he is the boss here. You can do whatever you want. Don't care about the consequences.

"Go back and prepare. The trend of demon invasion will soon increase, and assistance is urgently needed." The Buddha said solemnly.

Through the reverse transmission of Liantai, Yuan Kong returned to the French elephant Luohan altar again.

The next day, the bronze man Luohan brought an assembly order and ordered the elephant Luohan to lead 300,000 martial monks to gather in the Exorcism City 30,000 miles away from the cracks in the heaven.

The Exorcist City was jointly established by all races in the heavenly world, building a line of defense 3000 miles away from the cracks in the sky to block the invasion of the demon army.

It turned out that last night, the demon clan suddenly sent a large-scale attack. The army of 300 million demons rushed out of the cracks in the sky. The attack was extremely fierce. The city guards stationed all year round was almost unable to resist and sent out a request for help overnight.

What is the scale of the 300 million demon army? I don't know what Yuan Shi has done to provoke such a war just to let the eighteen arhats practice. It's too much.

Looking at the 300,000 martial monks who quickly gathered in the martial arts arena, 100 Hehe Realm, 3,000 original ancient realms, and 30,000 spiritual disaster realms, the rest are innate realms.

Such a huge lineup is already magnificent, and the powerful evil spirit emitted by 300,000 martial monks is frightening.

What's the difference between 300,000 and 300 million? Yuan Kongguang felt horrible when he thought about it. He still had never seen the world and thought that it was a war to deal with some corpse soldiers in Sandstorm City.

"Last night, the demon clan invaded the heavenly world. In the order of my Buddha's mercy and salvation, the Buddha ordered me to go to the exorcism city to rescue as soon as possible. Now let's go." Yuan Kong said.

The Buddhist monks were very disciplined. They began to leave without saying a word, and no one spoke on the way.

The martial monks above the ancient realm brought their own companion beasts, all kinds of giant elephants, thunderstorms, divine wind elephants, ice elephants, and diamond elephants, all of which are matched with their own realms. Although they are huge, it is not slow to catch up. If you don't take into account the low realm of the martial monks, it is not a problem to take a thousand miles.

Yuan Kong also sits on a giant elephant, which seems to be very ordinary, but in fact it is a celestial phenomenon. His cultivation is higher than Yuan Kong's and perfect.

However, Yuan Kong's strength is strong, and the perfect realm also convinced it.

The crack in heaven is in the south of the heaven. The boundary of the angel family is a bottomless abyss from afar, thousands of miles long and millions of miles wide.

Countless demon creatures kept rushing up from under the abyss and rushing towards the huge city thousands of miles away. This city is the exorcist city.

The Exorcist City is built in four directions, southeast and northwest of the abyss, with an independent city in each direction. The town is millions of miles away. The huge gate spreading on both sides surrounds the whole abyss, and the gate is guarded by a large number of city guards.

The exorcism city in the east is guarded by immortals, the exorcism city in the west is guarded by Buddhists, the exorcism city in the south is guarded by angels, and the exorcism city in the north is guarded by spiritual people.

After three days and three nights of continuous travel, Yuan Kong took the lead in rushing to the Western Exorcism City with 300,000 martial monks.

Now the chief Buddhist who guards here all year round is the Tibetan Bodhisattva. The Dragon Luohan and Fuhu Luohan also arrived first with 300,000 martial monks and began to rest.

"Have a good rest first, and I'll let you know when I need it." The Dizang Bodhisattva presided over the battle to guard the city at the entrance, and the person who received Yuan Kong and other Arhats was a Yujing Bodhisattva, who was very beautiful.

Yuan Kong nodded and said, "It's troublesome."

Under the leadership of Yujing Bodhisattva, everyone went to the back of the Exorcist City to rest, and the food and accommodation conditions here were also good.

Yuan Kong didn't eat well for three days. Today, he finally had a big meal, although it was all vegetarian dishes.

The Buddhist system is not suitable for meat and is easy to be allergic, so it is basically vegetarian, especially in war, let alone let the body have accidents.

After dinner, the other monks sat down on their knees and rested in place, but Yuan Kong went to the gate to watch the battle to learn about the invasion of the demon clan.

The gate is as high as 100,000 feet, thousands of feet wide, like a dragon. The two ends are connected to the two exorcism cities in the northeast, and the four cities surround the abyss.

Under the leadership of an arhat, he ascended to the Guankou command tower, and the dragon and Fuhu were also there, as well as Dizang and the Yujing Bodhisattva.

"The riding elephant arhat is also coming." Dizang said in a salty tone.

"Let's take a look at the war." Yuan Kong walked over and said.

The whole battlefield can be seen on the command tower. A large number of demon soldiers are constantly pouring out of the abyss thousands of miles away. There are flying crawling and running, and most of them have never seen it.

"This kind of invasion has not happened for hundreds of thousands of years." Dizang watched the monk and the devil below fight with flesh and blood, and the blood flowed into a river, but his face still did not change.

"Giant rock demon, flying bat, little devil, black mud snake, I can recognize several kinds. Where did this demon clan come from?" Yuan Kong said.

"This crack was left by the ancient killing period. It is connected to multiple extraterrestrial worlds. The demon clan is only collectively called. In fact, these races invaded from different worlds." Dizang explained.

"I see. It seems that the wisdom is not high, and it should not be too difficult to deal with." Yuan Kong said.

"No, the wisdom of most races is not high, but the wisdom of several races is not lower than ours." Dizang Bodhisattva said.

"Is it the race that commands these monsters?" Yuan Kong said.

Dizang Bodhisattva nodded and said nothing. Yuan Kong fell into meditation when he saw this. Since the command must be in the rear, it was difficult to beheading.

The overwhelming demon army kept attacking this defense line, but the Buddhist monks were not weak, and they resisted step by step.

A large amount of materials are constantly sent up, and magic arrows are actually available, but they seem to be only used in war.

"Have you ever thought about taking the initiative to attack?" After watching the dragon arhat for a long time, he suddenly said.

Dizang was also stunned for a moment when he heard the words and said, "The abyss is not like heaven and earth, and it has been firmly occupied by monsters. We rashly send troops to attack. Even if we kill a few more monsters, it will not play a big role, and we will die in vain."

"That being said, sticking to it will delay the time of the war, and there will be many monks who die in the end." The Dragon Luohan said.

"What do you want to say?" Dizang Bodhisattva said.

"It's better to form an elite team to raid the other side's commander, so that the war can end soon." The Dragon Luohan said.

Yuan Kong's heart moved when he heard the words and said, "I also think the same. After attacking and killing the commander of the other party, the demon army will be in chaos, and it will not become a climate."

Fuhu Luohan didn't say anything, but he obviously agreed.

"You two have a plan to say so." Dizang Bodhisattva said.

"Plan? Let's discuss it in detail when other 15 arhats arrive." The Dragon Luohan said.

"Do all the eighteen arhats come? Buddha values the invasion of the demon army very much." Dizang is still the same, saying that it is not salty or light.

The three arhats didn't say anything when they heard the words and watched the battle separately.

At least understand the fighting methods of various races of the demon clan first. If you want to launch a raid at that time, these things are very important.

That night, the monk brought by Yuan Kong began to devote himself to the battlefield of defending the city, which showed that the war was really tight.

Yuan Kong still stood on the command tower to watch the battle, just like a huge mountain-like rock demon rushing over at the bottom of the gate, and the earth rumbled every step of running.

As soon as the giant rock demon rushed to the bottom of the gate, he began to beat the wall with two huge fists, and many crawling monsters jumped up through its tall body.

At this time, he usually shoots the rock demon with a magic arrow, but the white elephant arhat who was compared with Yuan Kong that day jumped down the wall with a diamond iron stick and fell on the head of the rock demon.

In the eyes of others, this move is undoubtedly looking for death. The number of monsters below is unclear, and no one can resist it at all.

The white elephant Luohan used the falling gravity to push the top of Mount Tai. With a shock of his legs, he stepped on the giant rock demon's body and made a loud noise. At the same time, the diamond iron bar in his hand directly hit the head of the giant rock demon, and his head was torn apart with one move, and the blood gushed out like a river. Come on.

With the power of this stick, the white elephant arhat's body rebounded and flew back to the barrier. In the middle, the interception of flying monsters was cleverly resolved by him, either dodge, or directly killed. The whole process was completed in one go, and the momentum was extraordinary.

"That's good. Take him to the beheading operation." Yuan Kong also saw it and nodded with satisfaction. In the perspective of the defense of the city in the past few hours, he had selected more than a dozen arhats qualified to participate in the beheading operation.

The courage and strength of this white elephant arhat are enough, and there are also twelve thunder elephant arhats that competed with Yuan Kong that day.