Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 341 Ancient Killing Field

"It's not that I just want to live. There's no need to do it like this." Yuan Kong was also angry. Yuan Shi had endured very hard. When he met two more crazy people, he couldn't help it.

"Haha, Yuan Kong, you are the same. You will do whatever it takes to live." Man Tian laughed disdainfully and said, "I think you have good qualifications. If you become my subordinate, I can consider taking you out."

Yuan Kong originally wanted to beat the other party up, but when he heard the words, he was immediately frustrated. He was right. He was not the same, and even his will would never be extinguished.

"How about it? Do you want to live?" The sky continues to seduce Yuan Kong.

Yuan Kong didn't say anything when he heard the words. His idea was absolutely not to agree, but his will was telling him that this was the only way to live. Even his father could not save himself under the explosion of the sun. Don't take a chance.

"How can it be like this? Suddenly there is such a clear deviation between the idea and the will. It would not have been like this before." Yuan Kong felt that his head was about to explode, as if there were two people fighting in it.

"As Kong'er's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and his own will will slowly emerge. Although he is still covered up by Uncle Yuan's will, he has begun to move and has a trend of self-liberation." Mu Yaner knows the current situation very well, and all she has to do is to stimulate Yuan Kong's potential with pressure and let him liberate his will.

This can also explain why Yuan Kong selfishly saved his life when his strength was low, but as his strength gradually increased, his heart began to change, which was the role of his own will.

"Promise him that if he goes against his will, it is equivalent to self-destruction." Mu Yaner said.

Yuan Kong woke up when he heard the words. He didn't understand why he had such a situation and doubted his will.

"Don't talk to them. Act quickly. The boundary is about to be shattered." At this time, the sky urged.

Man Tian stopped talking nonsense and said, "Well, since you don't agree, you have to be annihilated in the explosion of the solar core." After saying that, he began to use the law of explosion. As the power of his law penetrated into the core of the sun, Yuan Kong felt that the nucleus under his feet surged violently, as if a volcano was about to erupt.

"Looking for death!" How could Yuan Kong let him suce? He instantly realized his will. Bai Yan put on his clothes and entered the state of heaven and man.

His strength soared, and he used the sky cannon to hit the sky to prevent him from detonating the solar core.

"If you want to stop us, dream." The sky urged the Eastern Emperor Zhong to block Yuan Kong's gun fist, and only heard a loud noise. Yuan Kong's right arm was shaken by the force of the reverse shock, and the meridians ruptured and the blood overflowed.

"What is this? It not only shocks my punch, but also strengthens a lot." Yuan Kong was slightly shocked, and his arm quickly recovered.

At this time, it can be clearly seen that the Sun's nucleus begins to collapse, which is the process of shrinking and then exploding.

"How long will it take?" It also felt very tricky for the sky to block Yuan Kong's full blow.

"It's almost time for a cup of tea at most." He laughed and tried his best to launch the law of explosion to control the contraction of the solar core.

Yuan Kong also heard the other party's conversation. If it is time for a cup of tea, it should not be difficult to stop the other party from detonating the star nucleus.

"You must live, and there is hope."

"You still choose to live, knowing that life is better than death. This is where I admire you the most."

"Empty, in fact, death is not terrible."

"Empty, in fact, death is not terrible."

Yuan Kong clenched his fists and grabbed his palms with blood, but he didn't feel it at all.

The pain of the realization of the will has completely covered up other scars, and this pain continues to increase.

"There are still three breaths." The solar core quickly collapsed and turned into a hot white core. The heat emitted, and even the wood smoke had a demon emperor's physique could not stand it.

The time of three breaths means that the explosion of the star core is irreparable. Even if you escape, it is useless. Now there is only one or two choices left.

Either give in to save your life or die together.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside, and the boundary was broken.

"The sky, the sky, you die obediently!" Yuan Shi's child's voice quickly approached, and there was also the invincible momentum of the divine corpse army.

But what greeted Yuan Shi was the horrible solar core that contracted to the limit.

Hesitant to close the boundary, Yuan Shi did not sense the mutation of the sun's core outside, so he rushed in with the army of corpses.

"You! It's so crazy!!" Even Yuan Shi couldn't help cursing and turned around and ran away.

"Haha, it's too late for Yuan Shi. Go to hell!" The sky laughed loudly and quickly entered the Eastern Emperor's Bell with the sky.


I can't tell what kind of explosion it is. The three worlds were covered by huge flames in an instant, and countless stars and rivers were annihilated in the dust. Even masters like Yuan Shi and his army of divine corpses were wiped out and completely died.

"Er, why?" Mu Yaner couldn't help hugging Yuan Kong again, because he did not choose to leave in the end, but stayed with himself.

Yuan Kong also hugged Mu Yaner for the first time and said in her ear, "It's not what you said. Death is not terrible."

Then both of them disappeared in the dazzling light of the explosion, and there was no sign of life.

The ancient wilderness, this once gloomy, beautiful and extraordinary vast land, countless vitality in the three worlds, disappeared into the torrent of history at this moment.

At the moment of the explosion of the Sun's core, on the infinity of the abyss, Yuan Fang and Mu Jingchen joined hands to perform the great summoning skill and shouted, "Ancient killing field!"

Countless roars, countless bloods, earth-shaking wars, crying wheels, golden iron horses, the vast setting sun, the seal of the boundless abyss was broken at this moment, which made the ancient killing field of frightened for centuries.