It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 17 First taste of the elixir

The autumn rain is very lingering, and there is no tendency to stop for three days in a row. After a burst of autumn rain and a burst of coolness, the temperature suddenly dropped a lot. The original golden color on the ginkgo trees in the yard slowly fainted. The small golden leaves were swept down by the wind and wet and stuck to the floor of bluestone bricks, like a small and exquisite folding fan.

This day, but the afternoon is about to pass, and the sky is as gloomy as the evening. From time to time, there are several muffled thunders in the sky, which makes people feel depressed for no reason.

Murong Wan's illness not only can't stand fatigue, but also can't stand the cold, and Hongzhu's medicine is also more prepared. Lin Yi looked at Hongzhu's busy life behind the stove, and it was inconvenient to come forward to help, so he had to stay in the room.

At this time, the voice of a little girl sounded in the yard, which was the first time she saw in Meiyuan. She would not come to the backyard at all except to pass medicine. When it was her turn to pass the medicine, Murong Wan usually suddenly fell ill.

Linger hurriedly stood on the steps and shouted softly, "Sister Hongzhu, Sister Hongzhu!"

Except for Hongyu, the people in Meiyuan spoke very low. If they hadn't seen Linger's figure, they wouldn't have heard her call.

Hongzhu hurried to the kitchen door. Linger grabbed Hongzhu's sleeve and whispered a few words to Hongzhu.

Lin Yi was worried and hurried out of the door. However, seeing that Hongzhu's face was still calm, he turned back to the edge of the stove, took a medicine jar similar to boiled, poured the medicine into a porcelain cup, closed the lid, and walked away with Linger.

Lin Yi remembered the appearance of Murong Wan's illness at the beginning, and he was even more anxious. He was hesitant to follow him to have a look.

'Puff!' The voice pulled her thoughts back. It turned out that the medicine shop in the medicine jar on the other side of Hongzhu spilled out and looked at the courtyard door. Hongzhu couldn't come back for a while, so she had to lift her foot into the kitchen. I thought that I'd better help show the fire first, in case Murong Wan wanted to use it overnight.

Removed the boiling medicine jar from the fire and poured out the bubbling medicine juice inside, but the red beads had not come back yet. The steaming soup does not have the unpleasant smell of ordinary traditional Chinese medicine. Instead, it emits a strong aroma. Some of them are like the chicken soup stewed with Angelica astragalus, or the smell of ginseng gas pot chicken, with a faint floral fragrance. It turned out that Hongzhu had been staying in the kitchen, but Lin Yi didn't feel it. Now that he is close to this legendary elixir, his mouth can't help but be full of sour saliva. Lin Yi couldn't help swallowing. The more she swallowed, the more saliva she secreted. She, a little greedy person in her heart, kept squirming, itchy and uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Lin's mind flashed, biting his lips and moved to the kitchen door. There was no one in the yard except the sound of raindrops. He gently retreated to the edge of the Eight Immortals table with medicine, picked up the white jade bowl and quickly swallowed a small bite.

Wh! It tastes good. The mouth is mellow and smooth, fragrant and soft, just like a pot of soup with full heat. I couldn't help taking another sip.

He stretched out his tongue and licked the remaining juice on his lips. Behind him, there was a sound of footsteps stepping into the water. Lin Yi hurriedly picked up the medicine jar again and pretended to be pouring the medicine into the white jade bowl.

After doing all this, he turned around and pretended to see Hongzhu. He put his back against the table and explained in shock: "Sister Hongzhu, just now, the medicine was spilled. I, when I saw that you didn't come back for a while, I was afraid that Miss's medicine would be gone, so... sister..."

Hongzhu swept the medicine jar full of medicine residue and only half a bowl of medicine juice, and then looked at the fire that had been extinguished by the medicine. There was no anger or anger on his face. He walked to the edge of the Eight Immortals table, put down the bowl in his hand and looked at the remaining two fires still stewed with medicine.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, and it seemed that she believed in herself. But as soon as he looked up, he saw Hongzhu staring at him.

He hurriedly saluted Hongzhufu, ran back to his room as if he had escaped, closed the door, leaned his back against the door panel, and his heart jumped 'plop, plop'. She secretly complained that the 'thief' didn't seem to be what ordinary people could do. At least she didn't have the courage to be a thief without blushing or beating her heart.

Fly brush the corners of your lips and touch the taste of the half bowl of medicinal juice just now. Although she didn't like the taste of traditional Chinese medicine very much in her previous life, she was still not disgusted with some medicinal diets. And I just drank half a bowl of medicinal juice, which should be the tonic in ginseng antler. Because she felt that her body was warm now, because of the continuous rain, the soft limbs and bones seemed to be refreshed in an instant, and every cell of the body emitted vigorous vitality.

She just wants Tong Xiangyu, who ate thousands of years of ginseng in the biography of Wulin, and her whole body is full of strength and **! I don't know if I will be as crazy as her? Lin Yi felt a little uneasy. It seems that as a normal person, you can't take medicine casually!

Looking from the window into the kitchen, Hongzhu is still the same as in peacetime. Fortunately, she was not suspected, otherwise she would have been accused of stealing the master's tonic, and it is estimated that she would have stayed in this royal courtyard.

In the evening, Xianglin's sister-in-law brought back food to Murong Wan.

"Sister-in-law, is Miss 2 okay?" Lin Yi cleaned up the tableware on the table while caring for Murong Wan.

"What's the matter?" Xianglin's sister-in-law obviously didn't know about Murong Wan's illness and looked puzzled.

"You went to get something in the daytime, and the young lady fell ill again. I'm so worried!"

"Oh! "Miss is fine!"

"That's good!" Lin Yi's hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

After dinner, I returned to the room and soaked in the wooden bucket. Somehow, the steaming soup came to my mind, and the strong aroma lingered around my nose. She shook her head hard and couldn't put aside the smell. She always felt that there was a hand in her body, scratching her heart.

Bah! Isn't it just a bowl of medicine? Why are you greedy?

Lin Yi cursed himself in the bottom of his heart, but the tip of his tongue still involuntarily secreted sour saliva. I buried my head in the water, suffoed for several minutes, drilled out my head, took a few breaths fiercely, and then felt a little calmed down.

But I couldn't help gearing in the direction of the kitchen.

I went around all night and barely fell asleep when the sky was bright.

Xianglin's sister-in-law knocked on her door.

yawned, stretched out, opened the door sleepyly and saw Xianglin's sister-in-law's worried face: "Sick?" It's not Xianglin's sister-in-law cursing her. It's really that she hasn't got up so late since she followed Xianglin's sister-in-law.

But I'm really sick, and I'm not serious about the disease. Lin Yi quietly replied in the bottom of his heart. In fact, although she has never eaten those expensive things, at least she was a complete food lover in the 21st century. She flew in the sky, ran on the ground, and swam in the water, and she had seen a lot. In particular, Xianglin's sister-in-law, who was still the first chef of Heyi, was actually scratched by a small bowl of soup. But this is her secret. She can't really tell Xianglin that she is thinking about the young lady's soup, can she?

sighed in the bottom of my heart and said quietly, "It's okay. It's just cold and a little cold!"

"Then you can rest!" Xianglin's sister-in-law didn't ask much. She waved her hand and put the door on.

Lin Yi also simply went down the donkey along the slope and returned to ** to lie down. But I can't sleep anymore. My thoughts can't help drifting to the kitchen.

It's strange to say that Hongzhu also boiled soup in the kitchen. Although one is on the right and the other is on the left, it is always in the same room. Why didn't you find the smell of the soup so attractive at that time? Now, she is still in the room where the door is closed to the east of a dam. The smell seems to be full of the whole room, and she can't disperse. She is more and more seductive and depressed. Her body is like tens of millions of ants crawling. Her limbs are itchy. She wants to scratch but can't scratch. There seems to be an illusion in front of her eyes, as if everything in the world is irrelevant. Only that bowl of soup is the meaning of her life.

Although he couldn't sleep, Lin Yi simply got up and dressed neatly and dragged his legs to the kitchen. As soon as I got up the steps of the kitchen, the strong and mellow smell poured into the nasal cavity from all directions and squeezed into every cell in the body. It jumped excitedly. The body seemed to be uncontrollably and wanted to run there immediately. The source of the smell could not be integrated into the whole body and never come out again.

"Don't you rest?" Xianglin's sister-in-law looked at Lin Yi's face, but stared at Hongzhu in a daze. She hurriedly came over from behind the case, took Lin Yi's hand, and brushed Lin Yi's forehead with the other hand.

Xianglin's sister-in-law's big hand was cold and covered Lin Yi's forehead, which suddenly made Lin recover. Xianglin's sister-in-law's clear figure gradually appeared in her pupils. Lin Yi pushed Xianglin's hand away and hit her forehead a few times.

Xianglin's sister-in-law was in a hurry and stopped Lin Yi from pounding her other hand on the forehead: "What are you doing?"

Lin Yi sensed his gaffe and smiled twice: "It's okay, but I have a headache!" But his eyes still involuntarily glanced at the hot fog on the other side of Hongzhu.

Those ethereal fog turned into soft hands, as if saying, "Come on! Come on! We are waiting for you! Come on!"

Lin Yitong was lax, his expression was full of expectation and longing, and he couldn't help but lift his feet.

Xianglin's sister-in-law looked at Lin Yi's face and seemed to remember something. She quickly dragged Lin Yi out, dragged him back to the room, scooped a basin of cold water, and poured it down from Lin Yi's head.

"Sneeze! Sneeze! Sneeze!" Lin treshivered for a while and sneezed several times in a row before standing firm. He turned around and looked at Xianglin's sister-in-law with a blank face.