It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 30 Leaving the House

In the morning mist, two carriages slowly drove into the Murong Palace.

Lin Yi and Hongzhu sat in the carriage in front of Murong Wan. Looking at Murong Wan, who had subsided her fever but was still unconscious, Lin Yi was silent. The road ahead was very difficult. She only prayed that Murong Wan could survive smoothly.

Hongzhu has been carefully serving Murong Wan, twirling the corner of the quilt opened by Murong Wan, and touching Murong Wan's forehead for a while, looking very worried.

Hongyu and Linger sat in the carriage in the back while taking care of their luggage.

Because of Murong Wan's body, the carriage did not dare to travel too fast and tried to be as smooth as possible. So it took almost half a day to arrive.

Qingquan Villa is located halfway up the mountainside of Qingquan Mountain, surrounded by lush towering trees. The environment is quiet and the air is fresh. From time to time, the crisp birdsong in the mountain forest is indeed a good place to recover.

Princess Murong sent a quick notice to the stew manager of the villa. The stewor stood outside the gate in two rows with the servants in the villa.

The carriage stopped outside the gate, and a 40-year-old woman came forward to greet: "The yard has been cleaned up for the second lady!"

However, the woman's long face, with dark skin, thick eyebrows, slender eyes, thick and red lips, a little similar to Xianglin's sister-in-law, wide shoulders and big hands, although she is not beautiful and dignified, she is very energetic.

"Please lead the way in front of your sister-in-law!" Lin Yi carefully lifted the corner of the curtain and nodded to the woman.

The woman walked in front and guided the carriage through the corner door next to her. The rest of the servants were either on both sides of the carriage or behind them, quietly and without saying a word.

After walking around for half a quarter of an hour, the carriage stopped in front of a yard.

"I'm here. Let's wait for the lady to go into the house to rest!" It's still the voice of the previous woman, which is very straightforward.

Lin Yi said through the curtain, "Miss is getting the plague this time, and she still doesn't bother her sister-in-law and other sisters. She won't let her sister-in-law and your sisters also be infected. My sister-in-law just takes the way in front of the way."

Although Princess Murong informed them that Murong Wan was ill, she was not sure whether she had informed them of the danger of Murong Wan's illness, and Lin Yi said this for Murong Wan to quietly rehab in the future. As long as they all know that Murong Wan has the plague, they will get as close to here as little as possible in the future.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin finished speaking, he heard a few small footsteps and the sound of gently sucking his nose.

"No matter what the second lady has, it is our responsibility to take care of the second lady. Please don't refuse!" That woman is also heartfelt.

In this way, Lin Yi can't say anything more: "Then there will be a sister-in-law!"

The woman was so strong that she held Murong Wan in her arms and walked straight into the room. Hongzhu trotted beside him for fear that the quilt wrapped in Murong Wan would spread.

Lin Yi turned around and ordered Hongyu and Linger to unload their luggage, and then quickly caught up with him.

The pattern is very similar to that of Meiyuan. The main building is a two-story embroidered building, which still continues the style of Jiangnan architecture, but is much more gorgeous and exquisite than Murong Wan's embroidered building.

The mother-in-law carried Murong Wan to the bedroom on the second floor and carefully placed her on the bed. Thank you, sister-in-law!" Lin glanced at it. Hongzhu was already by Murong Wan's side. He pulled the woman out of the bedroom and walked to the middle hall outside.

"You're welcome!" The woman also replied politely: "My husband's surname is He, and he is in charge of the industry outside the villa. The girl will be called He's sister-in-law in the future!"

Yes! Miss suddenly became seriously ill and caused trouble for her sister-in-law!"

"What did the girl say? The slaves and maidservants are all servants of the royal palace, and they are eager to serve their masters!"

"Sister-in-law, don't call me a girl, just call me Lin Yi!"

"You settle down first, and I'll arrange a few people to serve you!"

Hearing that Mrs. He had to arrange someone to come over, Lin Yi quickly grabbed her: "Sister, there is no need to arrange someone. The doctor repeatedly said that the young lady needs to rest, and there are too many people in the yard, which is not conducive to the young lady's recuperation. Besides, after all, Miss's disease this time is not an ordinary disease, and there is no need to cause trouble to other sisters in Zhuangzi.

"..." Sister-in-law He was still a little hesitant.

"Sister-in-law doesn't have to be embarrassed. This is what the doctor said. Once the disease spreads, the consequences will be unimaginable! In the future, this yard will also be isolated, so please send someone to send us the ingredients we need to the door every day.

"All right! Just tell me what you need!" Perhaps scared by Lin Yi, his sister-in-law's dark face turned slightly white.

After sending Sister-in-law He away, Dr. Jane followed him, and Lin Yi ordered Hongzhu to boil the soup.

"D. Jane, is Miss all right?" Lin Yi walked to the door to make sure that Hongzhu had gone far, and then asked in a low voice.

"You are too bold. Miss is already weak. How can you stand this tos?" There was no fourth person in the room, and Dr. Jane was not polite when he spoke. He paused and asked, "What's the reason why Miss is so dangerous?"

"This..." It's not that Lin Yi hesitated to say it. Since Dr. Jian is a famous doctor of Heyi, it is impossible for him not to see the signs of Murong Wan's poisoning, but he knows what Murong Wan is poisoned for?

"Since I'm willing to promise to lie to you, I know that I won't be bad to the young lady. Do you still want to hide it from me now?" Looking at Lin Yi's appearance, he is simply angry.

Lin Yi took a simple look before taking a deep breath and said, "Don't Dr. Jane know what's in the soup that Miss has been taking for a long time?"

Usually, Murong Wan is diagnosed by the imperial doctor in the palace. Unless there is a sudden situation, the imperial doctor in the palace will not be able to catch him for a while. But this situation is very rare. It has been three years since the last time I saw Murong Wan. This time, Murong Wan is not good at making an opinion. I'm afraid he will never see her in his life. However, when he diagnosed Murong Wan's pulse this time, he also felt something strange, but he didn't expect that there was really something wrong with the soup. Simple eyes stared: "Do you think there is something wrong with the soup you took? What the hell is it?

"The soup taken by the lady was poisoned. Eating less of this medicine can be exciting, but if you take it for a long time, it will eventually..."

"Dead from heart failure!" Simply take over the stubble.

Lin nodded.

"I have heard of this medicine, but it is rarely available among the people, even in the palace." Saying that the simple pupils here tightened and showed fierce eyes: "You mean that there is someone in the house who wants to harm the young lady!"

"Ye" Lin bit his head: "Originally, we and the prince were still planning how to save the young lady, but the young lady couldn't wait, so we made a dangerous move!"

"But even here, they are all from the royal palace. How can you avoid everyone's eyeliner and not take the medicine sent from the palace?"

"That's why we want you to say that the young lady has the plague, so that the number of people in the yard is limited, so we can control it!"

"That day, I took the pulse for the young lady and found that she was deeply poisoned. Her body was not good in the first place. This poison is so dangerous that it is not easy to eradicate it."

"Although we are not sure, we should also try our best, otherwise the young lady will die soon!" Murong Wan wants to successfully quit drug addiction. They can't rely on their own reckless work alone. They also need such a medical person to recuperate Murong Wan's body. Only by lay a good foundation can they have more chances of winning from drug addiction. This is also the reason why she finally took the risk of being hurt by Murong Wan's people to tell the simple truth. And since she is a famous doctor, she naturally knows that she is not alarmist.

Looking at the simple and falling into meditation, Lin Yi thought that he was hesitating whether to help them or not, so he hurriedly knelt at his feet: "Please take care of Dr. Jane's life! When the lady recovers, we will be grateful for your life!"

Even if Lin Yi doesn't ask him, he can't live up to his promise to someone. Over the years, he has subjected Murong Wan too much torture. He is really ashamed of his entrustment to her. If he was not just suspicious three years ago, why did Murong Wan get to this point today? It's all his fault!

"Get up, Wan'er's body, I will do my best!"

Wan'er? Lin Yi thought he had heard it wrong, but he looked up and saw the pain and guilt in his simple eyes, and he couldn't help but be puzzled. However, since he promised to do his best, Murong Wan will definitely be auspicious.

Hongzhu boiled the soup and came in, but she saw Lin Yi kneeling on the ground. She panicked and walked to Murong Wan's bedside with her hand holding the tray trembling a few steps. Seeing Murong Wan's expression, she looked at Lin Yi inquiringly.

Only then did Lin Yi realize that he was still kneeling on the ground. He smiled and stood up to Hongzhu and said, "Miss, it's okay!"

Hongzhu stared at Lin fiercely, put the medicine on the Xiaozi on the edge of the bed, and went to help Murong Wan get up and take the medicine.

He simply looked at Lin Yi and saw that the other party nodded. He came forward and said to Hongzhu, "Hongzhu, I have a pair of medicine in the medicine box. Miss will take it immediately. You go and fry it first!"

"If you ask you to go, go quickly. Miss's plague can't be delayed!" Looking at Hongzhu hesitantly, he looked at the simple, and then looked at the medicine bowl, Lin Yi said harshly.

Lin Yi is only 14 years old, with a young face and clear eyes, but his face still has a little majesty, which makes simplicity also have an illusion that the person in front of him is not a little girl.

Hongzhu put Murong Wanyi in Lin Yi's arms and carefully twitched the corner before taking the medicine bag in her hand out of the bedroom.

He simply picked up the bowl of soup and smelled it. His eyebrows tightened and walked to the window with an angry face to pour out the medicine. Lin Yi hurriedly stopped him: "Dr. Jane, I can't do it!"

"Why not?" This is the culprit who has poisoned Murong Wan for so many years. Why not? Do you still want Murong Wan to continue to suffer from it?