It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 35 Kunlunnu

It took half an hour to arrive at the gate of Heyi.

The high gate has long been full of red lanterns, and the Heyi city buildings are tall and majestic without losing their prosperity.

The guards at the gate are several times more than usual. Although everyone's face is still cold, there is no violence and blood that Lin Yi saw when he came to the gate of Heyi for the first time!

However, at the end of the time, villagers gathered from all directions at the gate. Whether it is a woman or a man, whether they are in pairs or in groups, they all wear new clothes, and their faces are full of joyful smiles.

Thinking of the scene when he came out here four months ago, Lin Yi couldn't help sighing!

It's just this moment of prosperity and stability. How long can it cover up the hidden crisis in the city? When Murong Wan said in surprise, "I never knew that the city I live in had such a different prosperity from the mansion!" That's what Lin Yi thought. And once she has this idea, it reminds her of the few days when she was a drifter! I feel more and more uneasy.

"Sister, look, that prince is so beautiful!" Murong Wan lived in a deep boudoir for many years and suddenly came to a strange environment without the fetters of others. She was so fresh and curious about everything she saw and heard.

"Is it better than your brother?" This is not the first time that Murong Wan has expressed surprise, and Lin Yi smiled disapprovingly.

"My brother is also good-looking, but he is different from my brother's!" Murong Wan tilted her head, stretched out her index finger and pressed it on her lips. Her bright black eyes turned around her eyes, and after thinking a little, she frowned and said affirmatively.

"Oh? What kind of beautiful man is it that makes us miss Wan also!" Lin Yi has always been worried that Mu Wan will finally be unable to distinguish between simple feelings and get into trouble. Now that she actually shows the little girl's aesthetics, Lin Yi is naturally happy. Also because her heart has been beating inexplicably since she was under the city of Heyi, and she could just divert her attention, so she pretended to look out of the window.

Unlike the people wearing red and green around him, the man was wearing a black gown, with a belt with cyan and jade around his waist, tight cuffs, high hair, and a martial arts man's costume. Unlike Murong Qing's bright and elegant elegance, it is not as beautiful as Xuan Sa, but there is another heroic masculine and free spirit in the chest. At first glance, people feel that they can be trusted.

Xuan Sa? Why do you have to compare others with him every time? Lin Yi suddenly realized this problem and squeezed out a sense of inexplicable intimacy for the man in black that had just risen from the bottom of his heart. Thinking of the mockery that Xuan Sa's maidservant stared at her at the beginning, Lin couldn't help feeling depressed.

He must be the first person he met when he came to the world, or a beautiful man, that's why he had a profound impact! In this way, Lin Yi felt a little relieved.

"Sister, are you good-looking?" Without waiting for Lin Yi's answer, he turned his face and saw Lin Yi staring at others motionless and jokingly asking.

"Uh! It's not bad, but I think it's a little exaggerated to say that it's better than your brother!" In order to hide his distraction, Lin Yi deliberately carried Murong Qing out, hoping that Murong Wan would no longer pester him with a strange man. But I didn't want to be trapped by the little girl.

"Do you mean in your heart, or is my brother much more handsome?"

"Yes!" I blurted out without thinking about it, and then found that it was abnormal. Lin Yibai smiled and Murong Wan said with a bad smile: "I don't want anything good at a young age!"

"Sister, I didn't think about anything!" Murong Wan's long eyelashes flupped, looking innocent.

Lin Yi was posed again by Murong Wan, and his face turned red to the root of his neck. In his heart, he secretly cursed the handsome man dozens of times. The corners of his eyes inadvertently glanced at Hongzhu staring at himself in a daze, so he pretended to look out of the window with Murong Wan.

At this time, in the elegant room of a restaurant in Heyi City, a man in a cyan gown suddenly sneezed three times inexplicably, and a trace of anger suddenly flashed angrily and cursed 'Da Damn it'. He took out a brocade handkerchief from his arms, carefully wiped his mouth and hands, and threw it on the ground at will. The tea cup on the table took a sip of tea.

Tonight's Heyi has lifted the curfew, and as it gets later and later, more and more villagers gather at the gate.

First, the carriages of some noble rich people entered the city, and then it was the turn of ordinary carriages like them, and then the walking civilians.

Entering the city, all kinds of lanterns all over the street made the whole Heyi beautiful. Even Lin Yi, a modern person who has seen countless high-tech lantern fairs, was also shocked by this scene.

The streets are full of people, all of whom wear all kinds of beautiful clothes. Most of the women are carefully dressed, and the people in the advanced city carry all kinds of lanterns in their hands. Some are made at home, and some are bought on the street.

Ten miles of foreign field is just like this! Lin Yi thinks so!

I couldn't help but be infected by such a festive atmosphere, as if everything disappeared with the sound of firecrackers. And the boredom of being banned for a long time also disappeared without a trace.

"Sister, you are so beautiful! The first time I saw the Shangyuan Lantern Festival turned out to be like this!" Murong Wan couldn't help sighing. In addition to surprise, there was a slight sadness in her expression.

"When Wan'er gets better, she can come out to play at the Shangyuan Lantern Festival every year!"

"Hm, my sister must be with me then!"

While the two were talking, the carriage had stopped at the door of a restaurant.

"The prince is already waiting inside! Let's meet the prince first!" He simply jumped off the horse and lifted the curtain and said to Lin Yi and Murong Wan.

"Good!" Lin Yi took the lead in jumping out of the car. Hongzhu followed Lin Yi and came down and stood outside the car to pick up Murong Wan.

Three people got out of the car, and at the door of the restaurant, a servant specializing in the carriage came forward to take the reins in his simple hand and led him into the backyard by the corner door behind the restaurant.

"Sister, is this a restaurant? Do we really want to drink tea and eat in it?" Murong Wan seems to have never been to a restaurant, just like Grandma Liu, who has just entered the Grand View Garden. She seems to be very eager and extremely disbelieved.

"Of course!" Murong Wan's words made Lin Yi sigh with the ancient feudal system, and a little sad about Murong Wan's experience. He looked back at the restaurant in front of him, where he had asked for a job, and the gold signboard 'Jufulou' on the plaque! As soon as the shopkeeper saw his ragged clothes, he covered his nose and coaxed himself directly. Unexpectedly, the reincarnation of the world can also enter here generously.

withdrew his eyes from the signboard, walked behind the simple Murong Wan, and stepped into the brightly lit hall: "Be careful under your feet!"

Suddenly, a blue figure passed by Lin Yi. Lin Yi's heartbeat suddenly missed half a beat. He hurriedly looked back and saw the figure standing at the door with his back to himself. He gently wiped a brocade hand on his right shoulder that had just touched by Lin Yi. He muttered something that Lin Yi was not quite clear, left the brocade handkerchief and strode away.

Looking at the Jinpa lying on the ground, how familiar it is!

"Why didn't my sister leave? Is it uncomfortable?" Lin Yi suddenly stopped. Murong Wan asked in surprise. Seeing Lin Yi's face white and red, she took Lin Yi's hand and asked with concern.

"Uh! It's okay. I'm probably in a hurry!" Lin answered absent-mindedly, but his heart had gone away with the fading cyan figure.

As soon as he explained the situation to the store's second, he saw Lin quietly looking back at the door of the store from time to time, looking depressed, but he didn't say anything, but just urged them to leave quickly.

went to the innermost elegant room on the second floor, and Murong Qing and Xiao Si were already waiting in it.

"Wan'er!" As soon as Murong Qing saw Murong Wan's figure appear at the door, he got up to greet him.

"Brother! Great, I finally saw you. Wan'er miss her brother so much!" At the beginning, Murong Qing went to Guozi to supervise the study, and it was two years. Although he finally became a meritorious minister later, Murong Wan missed him for two whole years! Now Murong Wan and Murong Qing have just got together and have to separate because of their bodies. And this time, it is not as long as last time, but it is even stronger. It is a clearly seen but uninexplicable pain! Murong Wan lay in Murong Qing's arms, and her eyes were red with tears.

"Brother also wants Wan'er." Murong Qing stroked Murong Wan's back and comforted her: "Is Wan'er well? Are you tired all the way? Sit down and have a cup of tea first!"

Murong Wan looked up at Jian and Xiaosi in the room, sniffed embarrassedly, and smiled: "With the care of Dr. Jane and her sister Hongzhu, Wan'er's body is almost well. Dr. Jane said that in two months, the poison on my body can be completely removed! At that time, Wan'er will be able to meet her brother without scruples!"

"D. Jane told me that I didn't believe it very much, but now I see that you are much fatter and better than before, so that my brother can rest assured!" Murong Wan looked at Murong Wan carefully, her eyebrows, and her face was not let go, and then she was relieved: "During these days, Dr. Jane and Lin Yi have worked hard! In the future, Murong Qing will definitely reward you!"

"It's the doctor's job to treat diseases and save people. You're welcome!"

"It's also my job for the maidservant to serve the young lady. It's really a matter for the prince to say so!" Lin Yi's thoughts were still immersed in the departure of his back. After a simple speech, he pulled her back and hurriedly blessed her body.

Hongzhu can't speak, and also followed Lin Yifu.

Only then did Murong Qing notice that Hongzhu also followed him. He looked up at Lin Yi and asked questions. Seeing that the other party nodded helplessly, he handed Lin Yi a look and turned his face to Murong Wan a cup of hot tea.

"Miss, I saw people on the street wearing all kinds of masks. Hongzhu and I are going to choose two for you to play, right?" Lin Yi later cared about Murong Qing's meaning. It was not easy for him and Murong Wan to meet. There must be a lot of inconvenient words to say in front of Hong Zhu, and there are many things to discuss. And it happened that there was also Xiao Jiujiu in her heart, and she immediately asked with a flash in her mind.

Before Murong Wan could speak, Murong Qing bent her lips and admired her gently jaw: "How can I forget such an important stubble! It's a custom to wear masks on the Lantern Festival!"

Lin Yi answered, but his body did not move.

Murong Qing looked at her in astonishment and saw Lin Yi secretly pointing to Murong Qing's waist. Murong Qing thought for a while before he suddenly realized and hurriedly told Xiao Si, "Give Lin Yi a few pieces of silver!"

Xiao Si hasn't seen Lin Yi for a long time. He is very excited, but with red beads and simplicity present, he can't be too presumptuous, so he has to quietly follow Murong Qing's back and wait for him. Now he is ordered by Murong Qingyi to take out a few silver ingots from his wallet and Lin Yi at the moment he handed it to Lin Yi. He whispered, "Long time no see!"

'I miss you very much' Lin Yi thought of his previous life when he joked, followed by the four words, and his heart suddenly thumped, but the hardness of the silver in his hand made her extremely happy now! I too! Since Murong Qing generously gave himself 'wary change', he would never ask for the spare money he didn't use! In fact, it's not that she is greedy for money. Money is the closest thing in any dynasty. And most importantly, she has been wearing it for more than four months and has never seen the appearance of 'money'. On the surface, she is the head of Murong Wan's yard. In fact, she has never seen what her moon silver looks like!

"Go and come back!" Murong Qing seemed to think of something and suddenly said this.

Nonsense, can I not know what you mean?

"Bear by the way, I don't know what kind of mask the prince and the young lady like!"

"I heard that the most popular one this year is a Kunlunnu mask made based on the appearance of Kunlunnu. Let's choose this one for us! It's just that this kind of mask is very popular. I don't know if I can still buy it at this time!" Murong Qing nodded with great satisfaction.

"I will visit every stall selling masks as soon as possible, and I will definitely find your favorite Kunlun slave masks for the prince and the lady!"

"If you really can't find it, forget it. After all, you are not familiar with the roads in this city. It's not good if you get lost!" In fact, Murong Qing's words are really not just telling Lin Yi that he can come back in about an hour, and don't stay outside for so long to avoid suspicion. In Murong Qing's heart, he is still really worried that Lin Yi will get lost in the city, and there are many people outside. Heyi City looks calm on the surface today, but in fact, who knows how many exiles are hidden in it!

After all, tonight's Heyi has lifted the curfew!