It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 38 Cloud Hidden

The general waved a few soldiers: "Search me well, and you can't let go of any doubts!"

"My subordinates are in command!" Several soldiers ran upstairs.

"Who is it?" A soldier saw Lin Yi holding the mask of Kunlunnu in his hand, and his body was also stained with blood. The long gun in his hand pointed straight to the tip of Lin's nose.

"I..." Lin raised his hands above his head and took two steps back in fear, but the soldier pushed forward step by step.

"He is my little one!" Murong Qing heard Lin Yi's voice and saw that the soldier's long gun was about to stab Lin Yi's face. He stepped forward and made a sound to stop him. The soldier took the long gun and nodded to Lin, and went to carry the body with the others.

It's so dangerous! Lin Yi's stiff body was soft, and his hands were put on both sides.

"Brother..." Murong Wan had been worried about Murong Qing's situation. Now she finally heard Murong Qing's voice and hurried out of the room.

Lin Yi grabbed her sleeve: "It's okay!" Deliberately saying the word 'boy' very seriously.

Just now, Murong Qing gave himself a look when he told the soldier that he was his little man. After such a big incident, it is impossible for him and Chen Kang to hide their identity, but Murong Wan should be recuperating in Qingquan Villa now, so her identity must not be exposed, let alone let the house know.

Murong Wan and Lin looked at each other and understood what Lin Yi meant before they calmed down a little.

"D. Jane, the son of the world is injured!" Lin Yi said briefly later.

Three people went downstairs together.

Because of Murong Wan's relationship, he simply carries a medicine box with him in case of emergency, and now it happens to come in handy.

The knife on Chen Kang's arm is very deep. Obviously, the person who did it did his best. Fortunately, Chen Kang's martial arts foundation is not bad, and his physical fitness is also very good, so he did not break his muscles and bones. However, because of too much blood, his face was pale. If he hadn't held on, he would have been in a coma now.

I simply gave Chen Kang a hemostatic drug and bandaged the wound.

I saw the soldier who had examined the body come to the general's ear and whispered in the general's ear. After listening to it, the general suddenly changed his face and his eyes widened with horror.

"Do you have any clues?" Chen Kang asked weakly.

"To tell the son, these are Yun Yin's people!" The general came forward and replied respectfully. Although he tried his best to keep calm, he could still hear a faint panic from his tone.

"Yun Yin?" Chen Kang muttered, his eyebrows tightened, and his pupils shrank slightly, falling into meditation.

Yunyin! The people may not know this title, but almost all the people in the court know it. This is a secret assassination organization that has appeared in the world in recent years. No one knows their origin or who they are, but the other party's methods are fierce, and most of the targets are important ministers in the court. The reason why they know that their organization is called Yunyin is that every time the officials they assassinate will receive a secret cloud-shaped pattern the day before their death, sometimes hidden on their clothes, and sometimes they will appear in the meal. In short, as long as people who have seen this pattern, they will not be spared, and the next day they will be miserable. Death. Because of this, the cloud-shaped pattern has become a nightmare for everyone in the court. So much so that the ministers in the court were panicked, and now they have sent people to secretly visit, but they still get nothing. Their whereabouts are mysterious and there is no trace, and because they only target the ministers in the court and never invade the people, it also makes it more difficult to investigate Yunyin.

It's just that Yunyin has always acted in secret and has never openly assassinated the market so much. Why do they not only use so much manpower on themselves, but also accidentally hurt the people? Moreover, he went on a tour this time. For the sake of insurance, he didn't even bring Xiao Liuzi, so not many people knew his whereabouts at all, but Yunyin knew it! And he didn't receive the cloud pattern in advance! The other party's deployment is strict and does not seem to be a temporary intention. All this puzzled Chen Kang! If it hadn't been for Murong Qing and simplicity today, he would not have escaped bad luck.

"Yun Yin?" Lin Yi hid behind Murong Qing and gently repeated these two simple words, but suddenly remembered Xuan Sa. What does he have to do with this organization? When I looked up, I saw a cyan figure standing on the roof opposite the restaurant. Those eyes were also shining in the dark night, like the brightest star in the sky, but with a chill that made people's hearts tremble. Lin Yi couldn't help taking a breath, but then subconsciously covered his mouth.

"What's wrong with you?" Murong Wan has been standing beside Lin Yi. Seeing that Lin Yi looked different, she pulled her clothes and asked softly.

At this time, Chen Kang was thinking about the problem, and the hall was very quiet, so although Murong Wan's voice was extremely light, everyone heard it and turned to look at the two of them.

Lin Yi was so capable that he didn't want people to find him. He hurriedly walked around from Murong Wan to Chen Kang's side, knelt down on the ground, his eyes flashed, and said cowardly, "The villain is rude. I hope the world will forgive you!"

Lin Yi has never been such a rude person. Murong Qing saw Lin's look flustered, but after thinking about what she had experienced this night, he also felt that such a reaction was not unreasonable, so he said, "Brother Chen Kang, this man is my little man. I have never seen such a scene. I hope Brother Chen Kang can forgive me for your rudeness. !"

Chen Kang's eyes fell on the Kunlunnu mask in Lin's hand, but saw that the mask was different from other Kunlunnu's masks. There was a dark red mark on the eyebrows of this mask, so he said, "Show me the mask in your hand!"

Lin Yi couldn't bear to give up, but now he couldn't help himself in this situation, so he held the mask in both hands and handed it to Chen Kang.

Chen Kang took the mask and looked carefully for a moment. The more he looked at it, the darker his face became. The dark red in the face of the mask's eyebrows, the more he looked like a cloud-shaped pattern! Chen Kang couldn't help but doubt Lin Yi, who was lying on the ground and trembling. But just now Murong Qing personally said that he was his little man. I think this little man should not be a suspect, but this mask is really strange, and since he is the person around Murong Qing, he may know his whereabouts in advance. Thinking of this, Chen Kang slapped the mask heavily on the table and asked, "Where did your mask come from?"

At this time, Murong Qing also found that Chen Kang's face was abnormal. He carefully glanced at the mask and was also shocked when he saw the dark red cloud pattern, but he would never believe that Lin Yi was the person who leaked his whereabouts! First of all, she has been accompanying Murong Wan to rehab in Qingquan Villa, and she has never even gone out of the courtyard door. Secondly, she is even more unlikely to know about his appointment with Chen Kang today, because in addition to him and Chen Kang, only Xiao Si knows about this matter.

"Yes, I bought it on the street!" Lin Yi lied. She didn't know why Xuan Sa killed Chen Kang, but she just wanted to protect her life-saving benefactor.

"Real?" Chen Kang questioned.

"Indeed! I didn't lie!" Lin Yi was very panicked, but he still forced himself to calm down.

When Murong Wan saw that Chen Kang suspected Lin Yi, she was trying to help her, but she simply grabbed her and shook her head. Seeing that Murong Wan was still worried, she pouted in the direction of Murong Qing.

Sure enough, Murong Qing stood up: "Brother Chen Kang, he is a servant beside me, definitely a credible person, and I asked him to deliberately find this Kunlunnu mask, but I don't know why he bought such a mask!"

"Since you bought it, can you tell me that you bought it at that stall on that street?" Since Murong Qing tried his best to guarantee, there is no doubt about this person, so the problem is the origin of this mask.

"This..." She knew that it was bought at that stall. She is not familiar with the streets in the city, so it is impossible to make up a name casually. Lin Yi is in a dilemma.

"If such a thing has happened, the street vendors must have been astigmatized for a long time. Now it is really not easy to trace it. I'm afraid we can only investigate secretly!" In fact, of course, Murong Qing is the most guilty of Chen Kang's injury. If he hadn't asked him to help investigate Wan'er's poisoning, he would not have made a visit. Therefore, Murong Qing has made up his mind when he said this. Now we must not only protect Chen Kang's thoroughness, but more importantly, we must find out Yunyin, otherwise more people will suffer.

After thinking about it, Chen Kang felt that what Murong Qing said was reasonable, so he waved his hand: "It has nothing to do with you. Get up!" After saying that, he collapsed weakly on the chair.

"Thank you, son!" Lin Yi tapped another song before slowly standing up.

"You?" Because Chen Kang was sitting, Lin Yi stood up and was about to pass in front of him. Chen Kang vaguely saw Lin Yi's appearance and suddenly shouted at Lin Yi: "Wait, raise your head!"

Lin Yi and Murong Qing were puzzled, but Lin Yi still raised his eyes obediently and looked at Chen Kang!

Chen Kang seemed to be shocked by Lin Yi's appearance, and then seemed to think of something. He shook his head helplessly, with a bitter smile on the corners of his lips, and waved his hand to Lin, signaling her to retreat.

"Brother Chen Kang, what's wrong?" However, in an instant, Chen Kang's face changed several faces, and Murong Qing asked puzzledly.

"He looks like a man!" What's the use? He's just a servant. Even if he is really a woman, it can't be her! She died 13 years ago and died at the hands of a group of unknown people.

Wait! Unidentified, isn't it? When Chen Kang thought of this, he suddenly felt cold, and in his hatred for the loss of his loved ones in those years, he had a stronger desire, that is, to eradicate any kind of evil force! This desire is like the hottest fire, burning his heart, burning with pain all over his body!

"The prince is here!" With a sharp voice, Murong Changtian gathered down to the restaurant surrounded by a group of guards!