It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 47 Flowing 2

In the evening, Yushuyuan, three people will never sleep tonight.

Chen Kang was wrapped in the quilt, and the wound on his arm was itchy and scratched. He also thought about Lin Yi's appearance in his heart. He was even more depressed and annoyed. He got up and walked back and forth in the room with only a nightgown. He still felt confused. He simply opened a small window in the attic and stood against the window. The cool wind at night After brushing through my body, I felt more comfortable.

And Murong Wan couldn't sleep for a long time because of the secret of opening her heart to Lin Yi, and she pulled Lin Yi to sleep with her. Lin Yi had something in his heart, and he felt as if he felt guilty about Murong Wan. He couldn't concentrate, so he simply pretended to be asleep.

"Sister, are you asleep?" After not hearing Lin Yi's response for a long time, Murong Wan called in a low voice, but listened to Lin Yi's slight and even breathing before whispering, "My sister has been working so hard these days, and Wan'er still doesn't know how to understand her sister. It's all Wan'er is not good. Wan'er will definitely repay her well in the future!"

After saying that, I closed my eyes and fantasized about a lot of beautiful future in my mind, and gradually fell asleep.

Feeling that Murong Wan was sleeping, Lin Yi opened his eyes and looked at the top of the tent and recalled the scene of getting along with Chen Kang. She really couldn't wait not to meet him again in the future, but now Yushuyuan is the only person who can get close to Chen Kang openly with her, and can take care of him closely. She wanted to escape and had nowhere to escape. She sighed silently, but was sleepless.

The next morning, at breakfast time, Lin Yi had two big dark circles under his eyes and reluctantly delivered food to Chen Kang.

knocked on the door, but didn't hear the reply of the people in the room for a long time. He tried to push the door. The door was tight from the inside, thinking that Chen Kang had not got up yet, so he left first.

An hour later, Lin Yi waited on Murong Wan for breakfast and simply gave Murong Wan a safe pulse. He went to Chen Kang's room, but he still didn't get an reply. He came back to ask Lin Yi, "Can the world have a meal in the morning?"

"Not yet. I knocked on the door early in the morning and didn't respond. I guess I came back before I got up!" Lin Yi lowered his head and packed his things while saying listlessly.

"Strange! At this point, the son should have been up a long time ago!" He simply looked up at the sky and wondered.

Wh! Yes, Chen Kang has never been a bed-in person. Even if he is injured, most of them get up before breakfast. He simply cleans up and then has to practice. It's really abnormal today. Did it happen yesterday? Nothing will happen!

Thinking of this, Lin Yi could no longer sit still and ran to the attic where Chen Kang lived.

The door was still locked. Lin was weak and weak, and he couldn't push it open.

Fortunately, he also noticed the abnormality, followed and kicked the door directly.

Lin Yi raised his foot behind him and rushed in. Looking for Chen Kang's figure everywhere in the room, he found that Chen Kang was only wearing a sleepsuit, with a pale face and fine sweat on his forehead. He was actually unconscious under the open window.

Before he came forward, Lin Yi had helped Chen Kang's body and leaned against him. He felt Chen Kang's whole body hot. Lin Yi was really shocked. His hands were so panicked that he didn't know why. He just frowned and called softly: "Your Highness, Your Highness, wake up!"

"FUCK!" He simply cursed in a low voice, ignored Lin Yi, and picked up Chen Kang from Lin Yi's arms. Unfortunately, although he was simple and strong, Chen Kang was not light in weight. He finally put him flat on the bed and simply ignored the sweat of his face to diagnose his pulse.

Lin Yilai half squatted on the floor and suddenly felt empty in his arms. His eyes were full of tears. He reacted in a trance. He got up from the ground and followed him to the edge of the couch. He randomly pulled the quilt and wrapped Chen Kang tightly. He raised his eyes and looked at his face more and more ugly.

His lips trembling, and he asked cowardly for a long time, "Your Highness, is it okay?"

"Is it okay?" Simplicity has never been irrational. Even when Murong Wan was seriously ill, Simplicity had never lost his temper. Lin Yi knew that Chen Kang's situation must not be optimistic, and tears came out of his eyes.

"D. Jane, you must save Your Highness. If there is any mistake... It's all my fault. If it weren't for me... Your Highness, you must save me..." Lin Yiping and pleaded.

At this time, Murong Wan had also put on her clothes, and her long hair casually tied a bun. After following her, she saw Lin Yi's tearful face. Chen Kang was unconscious, his simple face was solemn, and his little face was white, covering his mouth and silent.

He simply turned his head and stared at Lin Yi suspiciously. Although he didn't know what had happened between Chen Kang and Lin Yi, he also felt a little distressed by Lin Yi and slowed down his tone: "Ok, the son of the world has no worries about his life! You don't have to worry too much!"

There is no fear of life! He is simply a famous doctor in Heyi. You must believe his words and his words!

Lin Yi kept hypnotizing himself, but still asked uneaslently, "When will the son of the world wake up?"

"The son had suffered such a serious trauma, but his body has not recovered, but now he is depressed and attacked, coupled with the wind and cold, so he is in a coma with a high fever. I'm not sure when he will wake up now!" Although there are many doubts in his heart, the most important thing now is the son's body. Let's ask slowly after the son wakes up.

Depressed and attacking? She didn't listen carefully to other simple words, only these four words, and her heart was particularly sincere! It's really my own reason! But does he already have such an important position in his heart? But we have only been together for a few days!

I simply gave Chen Kang a needle before he prescribed the prescription, and told Lin Yi how to take care of it, and then he quickly left to grab the medicine.

Lin Yi has always been worried about Chen Kang and did not notice Murong Wan approaching gently.

"Sorry, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have done this. If I had known this, I would have told you!" Seeing Chen Kang with a frown and a painful face, Lin Yi sincerely blamed himself.

Murong Wan was scared just now. Now she is a little distracted and walked to Lin Yi's side worriedly: "Is Brother Chen Kang really all right?"

"Wan'er, why are you here?" At this time, Lin found Murong Wan and remembered what he had just said. He stood up in astonishment and pushed Murong Wan to the door: "The wind and cold is contagious. Wan'er's body is just better. Don't get infected again."

"But isn't Brother Chen Kang in the way?" Murong Wan felt that Lin Yi did not want her to be with the son, as if it was not just because of her body. When Lin Yi just found that he was also there, his eyes seemed to be hiding something. What was it?

"Didn't Dr. Jane say that life is worry-free!" Lin Yi pretended to be calm.

"I'm worried about Brother Chen Kang, just let me stay here!" Murong Wan looked really good at the simple green face just now. She didn't have the ability to comfort herself like Lin Yi, so she was so tight that she was afraid that she would leave half a step away forever.

"Wan'er, I'm here. What's more, Dr. Jane will boil the medicine and send it to you. You can go back to rest first!"

"I..." If you like a person, doesn't it mean that you should have both blessings and difficulties? If you like him, don't you have to be desperate to protect him? Murong Wan thought so simply, pouted and stubbornly unwilling to leave.

"Ouch, Waner, don't make trouble here. If you are not afraid of the prince and want me to take care of two patients alone, then you can stay here!" Lin Yi was a little annoyed, and suddenly his tone became worse.

Lin Yi has never talked to himself like this. Murong Wan couldn't accept it from her heart for a moment, but she was even more convinced that Chen Kang's situation was urgent.

The two were still deadlocked, but the unconscious Chen Kang made a moan. Lin quickly rushed over. Chen Kang's current face had changed from the previous pale to an abnormal red. His face was still sweating, his teeth were clenched, and his lips were a little dry and cracked.

Lin Yilai took care of the patient, but at this moment, his mind was blank, and all the simple instructions were thrown out of the sky.

On the contrary, Murong Wan could still react rationally and correctly. She walked three or two steps to the edge of the copper basin filled with cold water, threw a piece of cotton cloth, and spread it over Chen Kang's forehead.

When the cold cotton cloth touched Chen Kang's hot skin, Chen Kang made a comfortable and relaxed whisper, and the muscles on his face loosened.

He claimed that he was a slave, but at such a critical moment, he was not as good as a Murong Wan! It seems that the power of love will destroy people and make people stronger!

Murong Wan kept running between the bed and the copper basin. Lin Yi couldn't drive her away again, so he had to follow Murong Wan to join the action of changing the cotton cloth.

When Murong Qing heard the news, he saw Murong Wan's hair scattered and pale, constantly going back and forth between Lin Yi and the copper basin. Lin Yi's face was pale, squatting on the edge of the bed, carefully wiping the sweat on Chen Kang's forehead, face and even neck. Chen Kang shook his lips and seemed to mutter something, holding a corner of Lin Yi's shirt in his hand hanging outside the quilt.

Looking at Lin Yi's thin white fingers, he moved gently on Chen Kang's throat knot rolling up and down. He was just a little stunned, so he stepped forward and gently pushed Lin Yi away. He grabbed the cotton cloth in Lin's hand and took over Lin Yi's work.

"Brother, has Chen Kang's fever subsided?" Murong Wan changed another wet and cold cotton cloth and handed it to Murong Qing.

Murong Qing lowered his head and saw Murong Wan's frozen red fingers, and suddenly became inexplicably angry: "Did these things happen?"

"It's all bad..." Lin didn't finish his words, and there was a slight low roar between Chen Kang's roar, and then his eyelids moved and slowly narrowed a gap.

"Brother, Brother Chen Kang is awake!"