It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 51 Spring is coming

Just when Lin Yi thought that Chen Kang and Murong Wan's affairs were about to settle, Chen Wangfu came.

At night, attic

"Brother Chen Kang, it's inconvenient for me to see you off when you return to the imperial capital this time. Please be more careful along the way!" This time, Chen Kang secretly disguised himself and returned home. Murong Qing's status is special, so it is naturally inconvenient to escort him.

"Brother Murong doesn't have to worry. The people of my father and the people secretly arranged by the prince along the way must be safe!" Chen Kang was restless and always glanced out of the door, as if he was waiting for someone.

Murong Qing thought that Chen Kang had not seen Lin Yi, so he was reluctant to part with him. Although his heart was sour, he did not show it on his face after all, but he still breathed a little relief in his heart.

"D. Jane, it bothers you to pay attention along the way!" Although Murong Qing could not escort Chen Kang, he still entrusted him to accompany him all the way.

"Don't worry, my son, I will definitely protect Your Highness!" He simply nods slightly, and his words are sincere and firm.

"Wan'er, Your Highness is leaving. Aren't you going to send it off?" Lin looked at Murong Wan's lost appearance and couldn't help but be a little anxious.

"Sister, go. What Your Highness wants to see most is you!" She has deliberately avoided Chen Kang for so long. Now that she knows that he is leaving, she doesn't want to see him there, but she can't.

Little girl, what people want to see most is not me! Seeing Murong Wan's sad and disappointed look, Lin Yi couldn't help but want to tell her that someone always sneaked out the door to see you at night! However, she knows that Murong Wan is sure of the fact that Chen Kang likes her. Even if she tells the truth now, it is estimated that Murong Wan will only think that Chen Kang is coming to see her. This kind of thing still needs to be said by the person, and this girl will believe it!

"Then I'll send it to Your Highness!" Lin Yi sighed silently, paused and buried his head in Murong Wan's ear and asked softly, "Does Wan'er have anything to tell her sister?"

"I..." Murong Wan raised her head, her eyes flashed, and then faded down and down her head: "Please tell Brother Chen Kang to be careful all the way!"

Chen Kang's eyes have been paying attention to the movement at the door. It was not easy to see Lin Yishan coming late. He looked behind Lin Yi and looked behind him without Murong Wan, and his face showed a lost look.

"My maidservant, please give my highness!" Lin Yi saluted in a regular manner.


Seeing that the appointment with the people of Chen Wangfu was approaching, Chen Kang was so anxious that he didn't want to leave at all. However, he pulled everyone to gossip absent-mindedly and glanced at the door with no intention.

Lin Yi didn't mention Murong Wan for a moment, but Murong Qing finally remembered and asked, "Where's Wan'er? Why didn't you come to deliver it?"

Lin glanced at Chen Kang, looked forward to it, and raised the corners of his lips slightly unreachably: "Wan'er is not feeling well, but let the maidservant bring a message. Please be careful all the way!"

"Is Wan'er not feeling well? Is it serious?" Chen Kang asked anxiously when he heard that Murong Wan was not good.

After all, he was an experienced person. Suddenly, he found that Chen Kang's attitude was different. He turned his face and looked at Lin Yi and caught a glimpse of the little girl's secret smile. Now he was clear: "It's just an old disease, and there's nothing, but you can't be sad!"

Lin Yihe simply glanced at each other and instantly understood the meaning of the simple words.

In a simple sentence, Chen Kang blamed himself.

The dark guard of King Chen's Mansion saw that a quarter of an hour had passed, but the prince had not appeared, so he came to the attic with light skills and arched his hand and said, "The hour has passed. Please leave!"

After gleeing out again, Chen Kang shook his head and sighed, and then lay reluctantly on the already prepared stretcher. The dark guard dressed as a small man carried him out of the attic, went all the way out of Qingquan Villa and met the other dark guards.

He was blindfolded. Of course, he didn't know that Murong Wan had been hiding outside the door and silently watching him leave. He had already burst into tears.

Red beads are dead!

This news blew up the whole Qingquan Villa again! Then Hongyu was also scared and sick! It makes the people in the villa even more panicked!

Fortunately, it was announced later that Murong Wan's 'plague' had been completely cured, and everyone's panic was slightly relieved.

And Yu Shuyuan was also released from quarantine due to Murong Wan's recovery.

Although it was simply to announce that Murong Wan had recovered, everyone still felt lingering fear about Hongzhu's death. At the beginning, they were still very careful not to get close to Yushuyuan, but later there were always some strange slogans in Yushuyuan, which made some little maids couldn't help but be curious. I sneaked to the door of Yushuyuan to peek.

"One two three four, two three four, three four, three two three four..." In the yard, Lin Yi, Murong Wan and Ling Er, all dressed in short shirts and trousers, slipped away, raised their hands and kicked their legs, doing some movements that no one knew, some of which were like martial arts, but also seemed to be dance. Anyway, a group of little girl looked at each other and stunned.

"Sister, I can't do it. I'm too tired!" After a period of recuperation, Murong Wan's whole body circled, and her chubby face was red and glowed with a healthy luster.

"Wan'er, stick to it. As long as you insist on doing this radio gymnastics every day, I promise that you will eat deliciously in the future and be in good health!" Since Chen Kang left, Murong Wan's mood has been very low. Only then did Lin Yi remember that exercise can sometimes relieve her emotions, and Murong Wan's physical foundation is not good, so he pulled her to do radio gymnastics early every morning and continue to practice the yoga she taught after taking a nap in the afternoon.

However, hard work pays off. After all, Murong Wan is the heart of a little girl. She has done radio gymnastics for a week in a row, and her mental state is really much better. Although she still misses Chen Kang when she is idle, she is not as sad as she was at the beginning.

"Sister, your hair is loose. You can also take a rest!" Murong Wan tilted on the thick brocade couch, gently fanning the wind with a silk handkerchief, looked at the energetic Lin Yi, and smiled faintly.

Lin Yi then reached out and touched his hair and found that it was indeed a little scattered. He turned his face and caught a glimpse of the chattering little girl at the door. He raised his foot but walked to the little girls and laughed and coaxed, "Would you like to do exercise together? It's good for your health!"

"Sister, what kind of dance is this?" One of them asked a bolder puzzled question.

"This!" Lin Yi narrowed his eyes and pretended to be mysterious: "This kind of dance can not only strengthen the body, but also the most important thing is that it is a secret that can make us young and beautiful and keep our figure!"

"Really? Sister said, can we be young and beautiful and have a good figure by dancing this dance with our sister? The group of girles completely believed Lin Yi's words and jumped happily.

Lin Yi nodded seriously and looked back at Murong Wan, but covered his mouth and laughed secretly.

Lin Yi blinked his eyes, as if he was telling Murong Wan that I didn't lie! Regular exercise can really make us look radiant and slim!

The little girl were really moved and asked Lin Yi to teach them this magical dance. Yushuyuan gradually began to get lively.

Murong Wan is the direct daughter of King Murong's Mansion. Because of the distation of Prince Murong, she has never had any status in the royal palace, and there are not many people to trust around her. Therefore, Lin Yi deliberately did this. On the one hand, she could let Murong Wan find her smart innocence as a girl, and on the other hand, she also hoped to cultivate some of her own power while helping her get the love and respect of her subordinates.

After all, after Hongzhu's 'death', Hongyu fell ill again. In addition to Xianglin's sister-in-law, herself and Linger, she also needs to add a few more people to serve her.

The bustle of Yushuyuan also infected other people in the villa.

On this day, Sister-in-law He came to the door with a smile on her face,

"Look, look, the whole village is the most lively here!"

"Sister-in-law is here!" Lin Yi came forward, took his sister-in-law's hand affectionately, and attracted Murong Wan's side with a smile.

"Gance to the second lady!" Sister-in-law bowed slightly.

"My sister-in-law must be polite!" Murong Wan took her body slightly and waved her hand.

"Recently, spring has just started, and the field is busy. The old slave is so lazy, and I would like to ask the second lady to be punished!" Sister-in-law didn't get up, but still half lowered her head and looked humble.

"Sister He worked hard for the harvest in the house, but there is only merit, what is the crime?" Murong Wan's speech was empty and stretched out her hand to hold it.

Seeing this, Lin quickly helped Sister-in-law He get up in person. Linger had cleverly put a round stool and placed it on Murong Wan's hands.

"My sister-in-law is so busy and doesn't forget to come to say good to the young lady. It's too late to be happy. How can she cure her sister-in-law?"

Busy in the field? Ghosts believe it! However, I saw those little girl coming this way recently, and I was afraid that if my words would not bow to my master would spread out, so I ran over in panic! Thinking of the rumor that Murong Wan was evil in Zhuangzi a few months ago, when she came to see Murong Wan alone, Lin Yi did not have much affection for this sister-in-law. But after all, she is the head of this Qingquan Villa, and she still can't give face carelessly.

"Thank you for your kindness!" Sister-in-law He paused and gratefully and said, "Now the young lady is in good shape, but the people in this yard are indispensable. Hongzhu is a blessed person, and Hongyu is a disappointing person. Now there is no reliable person in the house. In the past two days, I have picked out the village and found two kind ladies. Here, let's make the call first!"

Now I remember that I want to send someone to serve. What did I do?

However, Lin Yi had an idea and said with a smile, "My sister-in-law is so busy and still cares about the young lady. It's really hard for my sister-in-law. I don't think my sister-in-law need to bother any more. I think the two girls with clear water and green water are quite agile, and she still likes them, or just them!"

During this period, Lin Tiantian and the little girl jumped and found that although the two girl were not the best-notch, they were sharp, and their personalities were also honest. They never deliberately flatter her and Murong Wan, and they had the intention to receive them.

Sister He still wanted to say something. Murong Wan had seen Lin Yi wink at herself, so she brushed her forehead and said, "Sister He, I think that's it. I've been jumping all morning, and I'm a little tired!" After saying that, he closed his eyes and pretended to be silent.

Murong Wan has issued an expulsion order. Of course, Mrs. He's servant can't say anything, so she has to smile: "Since the lady likes it, it's the blessing of the two girls! The old slave is going to arrange it and let the two maids come to serve him immediately!"

After saying that, Murong Wan nodded and saluted.