It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 56 A little injury is in the way!

It was already bright when he returned to Yushuyuan from the top of the mountain. Lin was tired after not sleeping all night. He secretly avoided Linger, who was resting in the wing on the first floor, and returned to the room. He groped and opened the door softly and heard Murong Wan's weak voice: "Is it sister back?"

"Hm?" Lin Yi didn't expect that Murong Wan was awake at this time. He closed the door and turned around to touch the fire fold on the table and lit a candle.

"Is your sister all right?" At this time, Murong Wan had already picked up her shoes from **, ran to the table in a few steps, took Lin Yi's hands and asked worriedly.

Thinking that he still had a wound on his neck, he avoided the candlelight. Instead, he let Murong Wan go and lowered his head and pretended to sort things out: "Wan'er woke up so early?"

"Wan'er is worried about her sister, she can sleep there!"

Ah? Wan'er, you..." She didn't sleep all night? She, the eldest daughter of the Murong Palace, actually stayed up all night worried about her slave maidservant? She really thinks she is a sister! It's absolutely false to say that you are not moved! Lin Yi's heart is warm. Although she comes to a different world, she is still not treated by her relatives, but she can have such a sister who is willing to abandon her beloved for her. What else can she ask for her to be here? As soon as she looked up, but saw Murong Wan wearing a thin bedwear, she said angrly, "The spring fog is cold. Why don't you go back to ** and lie down? If you provoke the wind cold again, how can you feel at ease?"

As he spoke, he led Murong Wan to **, helped her collapse, and carefully covered the quilt.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? Did that man hurt you? As soon as Murong lay back **, he saw the scars on Lin Yi's neck and the dry blood stains on his skirt, and he turned over from **.

"Huh?" Lin Yi pretended to be unimped and took two steps back and said with a smile, "It's okay. It's just that I can't see clearly in the dark, so I was scratched by a branch on the roadside."

"Is it true?"

"Really, doesn't Wan'er believe her sister?" Lin Yi said as he wrapped Murong Wan's body in a quilt.

The wound is not very neat, and the wound is shallow. If it is really the person who is going to hurt his sister, the wound in such a position can be killed with a knife with a little force! Murong Wan nodded and believed it. However, she saw Lin Yi's red traces exposed outside. Murong Wan seemed to feel that the branch was scratching her skin. She couldn't help but wet her eyes. With a slap of her long eyelashes, tears slipped from her eyes, and the abdomen of her index finger gently brushed Lin Yi's neck. , but be careful not to touch the wound: "Sister, does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt. It's just such a small injury with rough skin and thick flesh. It doesn't matter!" It's really a little girl's heart. She cries when she says she cries! However, she also really loved herself so emotionally. Lin Yi not only did not hate it, but also felt more heartbroken, so he sat next to Murong Wan.

"I still said it didn't hurt. My sister must have hurt to death at that time!" After sucking her nose, Murong Wan took the opportunity to pull half of the quilt to cover Lin Yi's body and said hatefully, "It's all that person's fault. What if my sister left a scar because of this?"

Scar? Will it? What should I do? In case I really leave a scar and still be in such a conspicuous position, I haven't been a beauty in my previous life. Although I am not as beautiful as a flower in my life, at least I am a beautiful woman. In case I really destroy this body, I will definitely take responsibility for that damn Xuan Sa to the end.

"Sister, that man, die... Are you all right?" When Lin Yi was wandering, Murong Wan also had a plan in her heart. In case Lin Yi really left a scar because of this, wouldn't it be cheap for him if that person died easily? However, after thinking about how he said that he was also Lin Yi's lifesaver, so halfway through, he found that his words were inappropriate, so he asked euphemistically.

"Huh? Who?" Lin Yi didn't react at first. He withdrew his eyes and looked at Murong Wan, who turned her head and waited for her answer. Thinking of the demon's final demands on him, he said, "Oh, he can't die, but it's also terrible!"

After Lin finished speaking, he simply described the danger that Xuan Sa experienced this night to Murong Wanyu, but of course, he avoided the part where he hurt himself and later teased himself! It was only said that he had a high fever and took care of him who was in a coma overnight before his fever subsided.

"So, his life is not in danger now?" Thinking that when Chen Kang's fever did not subside, he and Lin Yi took care of it for so long that he was out of danger, but the man was there alone and did not take medicine. Who knows if it would suddenly deteriorate?

"I don't know!" When mentioned by Murong Wan, Lin Yi also frowned and looked serious!

He was so seriously injured that he didn't eat anything, what if? Thinking of this, Lin Yi felt a little uncomfortable.

"But I think he is strong and should be fine! My sister has been tired all night. Let's take a rest first!" Murong Wan couldn't bear Lin Yi's worry and comforted him.

"Miss, Sister Lin Yi!" Linger knocked on the door outside.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yi motioned Murong Wan to lie back ** and silent before asking cautiously.

"The breakfast is ready!"

"Oh!" Lin Yi looked up and looked out of the window. Unconsciously, they actually talked about breakfast time. Looking back at Murong Wan's tired face, she was distressed and guilty: "Wan'er, why don't you take a break after breakfast?"

"Forget it, I'm not too sleepy anyway!" Murong Wan smiled very understandingly. She sat up from ** and asked Lin Yi to open the door for Linger and dress herself.

Lin Yi pulled his neckline to cover the wound on his neck before getting up and opening the door.

Since the water is clear and the water is green, Linger has moved from the backyard to the main building, and she doesn't have to do those heavy jobs. Basically, she has completely served Murong Wan's living and diet, which allows Lin Yi to have so much free time to take care of Xuan Sa. However, Linger is also sincere to Murong Wan, but she has never been too clever, so she has not found Lin Yi's abnormality.

After breakfast with Murong Wan, Linger cleaned up the tableware and exited the door and simply came over.

" Dr. Jane is here!" Lin Yihe was familiar with each other and didn't have to salute anymore, but they still smiled and nodded to each other.

"How is Wan'er today?" Simply put down the medicine box, sat next to Murong Wan, and diagnosed Murong Wan's pulse.

Murong Wan just had enough to eat. It was when she felt sleepy and yawned repeatedly.

I simply noticed that Murong Wan was unusual. She turned her face and saw that Lin Yi was also a vegetable. She thought that the two little girls had talked all night again. She comforted Murong Wan in her heart that she could have friends who could speak her heart and said angrily at the same time, "What are you talking about? The two girls have to talk at night during the day..." Before she finished speaking, she saw Lin Yi. The blood stains on the skirt, his face changed, and he looked around nervously.

yin Lin Yi and Murong Wan's puzzled two sides looked at each other.

"Old man, what's wrong with you?" A handsome uncle who was usually serious suddenly looked like a thief, and Lin unconsciously spoke rudely.

"Did something happen here last night?" Yesterday, I heard a noise here in the next yard. At that time, I only thought that there were two new maids in the yard. It was normal to make some noise in the evening. I didn't expect that I was negligent for a moment. Did someone really sneak in? Simply chagrined with his dereliction of duty, he got up and checked Murong Wan up and down uneasily, but found nothing, which was also very puzzled.

"Here? No?" Lin Yi was a thief with a guilty heart and flashed words.

"So where did your injury come from?"

"Ah?" Lin Yi was able to cover his neck, his eyes turned around, cleared his throat and said, "This is when I helped Waner dress up in the morning, my hand slipped and I didn't hold the comb firmly!"

After saying that, he squeezed his eyes at Murong Wan.

The silver comb used by Murong Wan is a pattern of plum blossoms wrapped around branches, with edges and corners, saying that it is possible to be scratched by the comb.

"Yes, in the morning, my sister combed Wan'er's hair. As a result, Wan'er was careless. As soon as her head turned away, her sister was injured by the comb. Dr. Jane didn't say that I forgot it. Dr. Jane showed it to my sister quickly. Don't leave scars!"

"Really?" Why do you feel that these two girl seems to be hiding something from themselves?

"Of course it's true. Did the old man think it was me who pulled himself? Lin rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Dead girl, come and I'll have a look!" It's simple to relax my vigilance.

"Old man, will it really leave scars?" After disintegrated the simple suspicion, Lin Yi was really worried about his injury. However, he has his own abacus in his heart.

"The wound is not deep, but it is not certain whether it will leave a scar or not. This medicine depends on your recovery." Simply and seriously, he gave Lin No. 1 pulse, and he became the famous doctor of the living man Heyi again.

"Old man, can you bear to leave a lifelong regret when I'm young?" The uncle's acting skills are good, comparable to the movie emperor. Lin Yi's acting skills are not bad. If he can't live safely in this other world, he will immediately look pitifully: "I know that as the most famous doctor in the whole week, there must be a panacea to relieve my pain. Please ask Dr. Jane to save me, this poor little girl. Head! If I have scars in the future and are disliked and willing to marry me, won't my life be ruined?

"A little girl opens her mouth and wants to get married, and she is not ashamed!" How dare this little girl say anything! He simply brushed his forehead and exhaled, and his face was slightly pale.

"This is the only way in life. What's the harm? Doesn't the old man have anyone he wants to marry?" After being together for so long, Lin Yi knew that he was over 40 years old but had not married a wife. He was not only curious, but also wanted to know what kind of woman the woman buried deep in the bottom of his simple heart was worth letting him spend his life to protect her like jade!

A trace of bitterness flashed on his simple face, and he looked up at Murong Wan slightly unchecked, with a trace of water in his eyes.

No way! Shouldn't he like Murong Wan's mother? Did she guess wrong, or did she really have such a hobby, or did she pass on her feelings? Simplicity is not bad, but isn't it too old compared with Murong Wan, and Murong Wan has someone in her heart!