It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 60 Goodbye Red Jade

"Sister, what are you doing?" It has been a while since Murong Qing and his party left. Before Lin Yi came out, Murong Wan entered the room and saw that the things that Murong Qing had just sent were packed in a bag and asked doubtfully.

Lin Yi seemed to have been caught as a thief, and his face turned damp in an instant. He asked in a low voice, "Well, Wan'er, these things were given to me by the prince, right?"

"Yes!" Murong Wan replied puzzledly and suddenly doubted the meaning of Lin's words. She was stunned. She came forward and pressed Lin Yi's hand: "Sister, you don't want to give all these things to that person, do you?"

"Delivery? I'm sick!" Without thinking about it, Lin Yi blurted out.

I have been here for half a year, and I still know something about the currency here. The boy threw ten taels of silver ingots to himself! According to the system in the house, the master girl of a courtyard like her is only a tael of silver a month, that is to say, the boy almost threw out her one-year salary, just to buy a few clothes or something. If she sells these herbs to him, that's good!

"Why does the sister pack all these things?" Looking at Lin Yi's appearance, it really doesn't seem to be given to him. Murong Wan still pointed blankly to the burden on the table and asked.

"You know that he is my savior. Now he is weak. If you can take care of these things, you can recover as soon as possible and leave the top of the mountain as soon as possible, so that you and I don't have to be afraid of his exposure!" It's not that Lin Yi has the intention to hide it, but it's just that it's embarrassing to let Murong Wan know her true intention. After all, it's still immoral to exchange things for money. But there is nothing we can do! It's okay if she didn't have money before. Since the boy threw the ingot of silver to herself, she really wanted to start saving her own money. Murong Wan will also have her own home in the future. She can't stay by her side all her life, and she doesn't want to be locked in this deep house yard all her life. Although she doesn't want to be rich and noble, she also wants to live the life she wants in such a world. After thinking about it, I said this to Murong Wan.

During this period, she and Lin Yi were indeed having trouble sleeping and eating because of the man on the mountain. It would not be a bad thing if they could send him away earlier, but they still ruined their brother's heart after all.

"But, sister, these things are all given to you by your brother for healing. You gave them all to him to enjoy. If your brother knows about them, you will be sad."

"I won't give him all of them all! And if you don't say it, how can the prince know? This is a unique business, and it's all up to you! If you want all of them, it depends on whether you give them or not. Thinking of the white silver, Lin's eyes couldn't help shining.

"But sister, this pearl powder is used for women's beauty. He doesn't seem to need this for his physical recovery, does he?" Murong Wan picked out a delicate silver box from the bag and spread it in the palm of her hand.

"Oh? Ha ha, yes, when I panic, everything is messed up. This is left for us Waner's beauty!" If he needs it, he can also cut off the starting price! However, since he was picked out by Murong Wan, Lin Yi can't stick to his little thought. I had to scratch my head and stuff the box into Murong Wan's arms, as if it was just because of my sloppy moment.

"I dare not take it. This is for my brother to restore your wound skin!" Murong Wan's lips bent, and a meaningful smile pushed the box back to Lin Yi's hand.

"In that case, let's enjoy it together! It happens that I also know how to make pearl mask. As long as I do it once, I will take care of Wan'er's skin, which is as smooth as gel!" Lin Yi blinked and seduced Murong Wan (harmonious).

"Mask? What is it? Murong Wan was really curious.

"Well, I'll do it for you when I come back!" After being delayed by Murong Qing for so long, now the sun has turned west, and I don't know how the boy is. Will you think that you have escaped from the money? I guess you have regretted it now. As soon as you take action, you will give yourself so much money! Lin Yi tied his bag tightly and hurried out.

"Sister, are you going up now?"

"Yes! It's time to clean up today!"

"But?" Murong Wan always felt a little uneasy. She was worried that Murong Qing hadn't left the villa yet. What if Murong Qing knew about it?

"Oh! By the way, Waner, do you have any linen? It's such a big piece!" Lin wore a burden on his shoulder, one shoulder shrugged high, and one shoulder hung low, slantingly on the table.

"What does my sister want to do with linen?" There are too many things that make her puzzled by what Lin Yi did today.

"ma bu, of course it's a rag!" But it's not for cleaning furniture, but? Ha ha! Lin Yi had a bad smile on his face.

"I don't have it here. Xianglin's sister-in-law should have it. Why don't you ask Sister He to get it!" Murong Wan didn't doubt that he was there, but she just felt faintly uneasy.

"Ha ha, you see, I'm really confused! How can you have linen, even if you can't see it when I'm with you every day!" Lin Yi smiled shyly, put down his burden again and rushed out of the door.

When I came back a quarter of an hour later, I had two large table-sized linen in my hand. When I entered the room, I looked for scissors everywhere. Then cut the linen into small pieces and neatly stack them together. He pierced a small bag and put the previous big burden on his shoulder and said to Murong Wan, who was confused, "I'll be back before dinner!" I went out of the door like a gust of wind.

After Lin Yi left, Murong Wan walked in the room for a long time and still felt uncomfortable. I couldn't help going to the simple yard opposite Yushuyuan, but I heard the doorkeeper say that he simply followed Murong Qing back to Heyi. It is said that he will not come back after dinner.

Since my brother has left, there should be no more worries! Murong Wan thought so and walked slowly to Yushuyuan. As soon as she reached the gate of the courtyard, she saw Xianglin's sister-in-law coming out of her embroidery building alone.

"Is my sister-in-law looking for me?" When she lived in Meiyuan, although Xianglin's sister-in-law never asked for credit in front of her, she knew that thanks to Xianglin's sister-in-law's face in the house, the women in the kitchen could still think of her as a young lady. Although Xianglin's sister-in-law never appeared in front of her, she has always been grateful and respected Xianglin's sister-in-law.

"Uh? Let me ask the lady what she wants to eat tonight!" Xianglin's sister-in-law's face was only slightly stagnant, and she said calmly.

"Oh!" I think Lin Yi left in a hurry just now, so there was no arrangement. Murong Wan didn't think much about it. She smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, let's do it!"

"Well, I'll steam steamed buns at night, make two more dishes, and stew a lily white fungus soup!" Xianglin's rough voice can't hear a trace of emotion!

"It's just my sister-in-law's arrangement!" Murong Wan was not unhappy with Xianglin's sister-in-law and her etiquette of not seeing her master and servant. Instead, she felt very kind. As soon as she finished speaking, she remembered that the food problem of the mountain had always been a headache by Lin Yi, so she added: "Sister-in-law, steam more steam a few more steamed buns. It's easy for me to come back!"

After hearing this, Xianglin only nodded and was about to turn around and leave.

Murong Wan stopped her: "Sister-in-law, I'm also idle anyway. Let's go to the backyard to talk to you!"

Xianglin's sister-in-law looked up at Murong Wan suspiciously. For a moment, she half lowered her head, nodded gently, and then strode ahead.

Murong Wan never came to the backyard and was very curious about everything. After passing a half-covered door, she only heard a very light moan inside. She glanced sideways and saw that the room was dark and couldn't see anything real. Suddenly, she felt a little cold back. Subconsciously walked forward two steps and followed Xianglin's sister-in-law and asked cowardly, "Sister-in-law, who is this?"

Xianglin's sister-in-law stopped, and her tone was cold that Murong Wan had never heard of: "Hongyu!"

"Red jade?" I have hardly seen the girl since I got the plague. I heard that she was sick a few days ago. She just thinks of it as an ordinary cold, but she has recovered in a few days and is still working in the backyard. Is it possible that she hasn't seen her for so long?

After all, when Lin Yi hadn't come and didn't get the plague, she took care of anything about her affairs. Inadvertently, Murong Wan also felt a little guilty about her care about Hongyu during these times.

"I'll go and see her!" As Murong Wan said, she stepped forward two steps to push the door of Hongyu's room.

"Miss!" Xianglin's sister-in-law suddenly spoke. Murong Wan turned around and only saw Xianglin's sister-in-law staring at her, but stopped talking.

"My sister-in-law, I want to see Hongyu. After all, she has served me for so many years!" Murong Wan almost had a little sense of prayer.

Xianglin's sister-in-law closed her eyes, just shook her head silently and turned her face aside.

The room was dark and full of a damp musty smell, which made Murong Wan frown involuntarily, and her nose couldn't help closing. She took out a brocade from her waist and gently covered her lips and nose, and it took a long time to adapt to the light in the room.

Step forward slowly, slowly approaching with the sound of Hongyu's breathing.

"Is it Linger?" Hongyu's weak voice is as light as the dust in the room, as if it is just a gust of wind, and all the traces of life will dissipate in an instant.

"Red Jade!" Murong Wan hesitated for a moment and still shouted.

"Little, cough, miss!" I only heard a rapid and weak struggle in front of me, and then with a 'plop' sound. Hongyu fell down from the bed, groped and climbed over to Murong Wan's feet with difficulty. She hugged Murong Wan's feet, put her face on it, and cried: "It's all, little... sister, maidservant... to save me. ......Forgive me......

Just a few words have consumed the strength of Hongyu's whole body. Before she finished speaking, her body softened and collapsed on Murong Wan's feet, gasping for breath. To Murong Wan, it was just a heavy moan.

Feel the protruding cheekbones on Hongyu's cheeks, Murong Wan's heart is also infinitely sad. It's only been a few months. How did the former round and watery girl become what she looks like today!