It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 65 I won't see you tomorrow

Xuan Sa threw the pottery bowl in his hand to the ground at will, and it broke into the ground with a crisp sound.

"Hey! This thing is not yours! How can you damage other people's things at will? Lin Yi did not feel sorry for the bowl, but everything here was kept as it was when the former princess lived. The important thing is that she is responsible for being together here now, so if someone really pursues it, the person who will be punished must be her.

"It's so dirty!" Xuan Sa ignored Lin Yi, took out a sackcloth, wiped his hands in disgust, threw it into the fire, and burned in an instant. Within a moment, he had curled up into ashes.

"You..." Lin was angry and speechless. He glanced at the embarrassed appearance of the little sackcloth in a very ill-fitting clothes, and couldn't help laughing secretly. When he saw that what he had just discarded was a small piece of sackcloth cut by her, he was secretly proud.

"Do you still want me to teach you how to bake it?"

"No, no!" This boy just owes a beat. An evil idea flashed in Lin's mind in an instant.

I deliberately found a clean branch, washed it in the water tank, and was ready to pick up the 'uncle's trousers. Unexpectedly, the boy hadn't left and suddenly said, "Are you going to use this?"

Lin was so scared that his hand trembled. As soon as the branch that picked up his trousers shook, his trousers fell to the ground.

Seeing that his personal thing was stained with unclean dust, Xuan sa turned pale and gritted his teeth and said, "You, you idiot!"

"No, I'm sorry, it's all me, I..." Lin Yi picked it out again in fear. As a result, the more panicked he became, and the branches in his hand became more and more disobedient. Seeing that his trousers were approaching the fire, Xuan Sa instinctively took action to fish for it. Unexpectedly, Lin kicked the pieces of the pottery bowl just now. The debris swirled in the air and fell into the fire. As soon as the fire lit, he rolled his trousers into the flames.

"You, you did it on purpose!" Watching his close objects gradually shrink in the fire and turn into a pile of ashes. Xuan Sa stared at his eyes and pointed angrily at Lin Yi's trembling body.

"I, I, the maidservant is wronged!" Lin took two steps back and then threw down the branch in his hand in horror.

This boy doesn't really see the clue, does he? She did deliberately kick the pieces of the pottery bowl just now, because she found that the reason why he could successfully light the fire just now was because the pottery bowl was filled with oil. Who told you not toss an injured little girl in the middle of the night and baked her trousers, which was only you who came up with. Humph! But now it's burned even if you don't burn it. You can never admit that you did it intentionally. It's necessary to pretend to be pitiful.

"Son, or my maidservant will compensate you!"

"Compensation? Can you pay for it?" Xuan Sa's eyes were full of reluctance, and his tone was also sad.

"As long as the prince says that he bought this in a store, the maidservant will risk his life to help him buy one."

Is that right? Then make one for me!" This personal thing has always been done by the mother herself and never pretends to be with others. He has been used to it for so many years, so he cherishes it so much.

It turned out to be a warm card! Maybe it's the masterpiece of that confidant! Sending such things should be regarded as a heavy taste in this dynasty. It seems that the relationship is extraordinary! But let me do it? Well, who told me to burn your warm card! But do you think it's difficult for me? Men's blasphemy trousers, isn't it just two trousers?

"Okay, I'll do it!"

"Tomorrow!" Xuan Sa somehow felt that this was very interesting to the girl. However, it was still very serious on the surface, and he spit out such two short words without discussion.

"But prince, am I still on the mountain?" I can't go back to Zhuangzi until tomorrow. Not to mention whether the raw materials are good or not, the key is that I only come up to clean today. No matter what, I have to wait three days before I have a chance to come up!

"Tomorrow!" Xuan Sa left a sentence and didn't wait for Lin Yi to refute. He turned around and left and went back to the wing.

"Bastard!" Lin spit on his back, extinguished the fire, and followed him into his wing. He found a stool on the edge of the table and sat down, fell on the table and dozed off.

"What are you doing?" Xuan Sa had already slept with his clothes. Seeing that Lin Yi was so stingy that he wanted to sleep in his room, he sat up from **.

"Sleep!" Lin Yi rolled his eyes disapprovingly and lay back again.

"Get out of here!" Since he was a child, he stretched out his hand to open his mouth and was surrounded and served, but he never tolerated anyone staying in his room, even the most intimate maidservant.

Being used to being roared by Xuan Sa, Lin Yilai didn't think he was serious. Originally, he wanted to beg for a few words. He looked up at his burning eyes and felt a deep chill for the first time, as if he had been swallowed up at any time as he was a little careless. The words that rushed to my throat were swallowed back. He shook his lips cowardly and was about to leave, but he saw Xuan Sa's chest wet.

"Get out of here!" Lin Yi not only did not leave, but walked quickly to his bedside. Xuan Sa roared again, and the wound on his chest was torn and painful. He subconsciously shrank his shoulders. The corners of his eyebrows twitched and tilted on the couch. When he pressed his chest, he felt a slippery ** oozing from the palm of his hand.

Lin Yichong turned a deaf ear to Xuan Sa's roar, and regardless of whether Xuan Sa was willing or not, he pressed him down to **: "Lie down!" The sound is not much lower than Xuan Sa's.

"What are you doing!" Lin Yi undressed her clothes. Although she knew that she was healing herself, she couldn't help asking stupidly, and suddenly there was a faint and unnatural blush on her face.

"Shut up!" The little man's clothes are actually not complicated, but I don't know how to touch the warm body, her heart is inexplicably a little flustered, and his red fruit in the water vapor came to her mind: "Damn it!" Cursing, he simply pulled off his belt, lifted his skirt, and saw the red gauze stained with blood inside.

I groped and found a pair of scissors to cut it. The thin scab inside was torn open and the blood was still oozing outside.

Open the burden of the wound medicine by the bed, take out the ointment, suck the blood from the wound with clean gauze, and then apply a thick layer. Seeing that the blood has finally stopped, the wound is gently rebanded.

"Don't move when you sleep. If the wound cracks again, even if you are infected, Daluo immortals can't save you!" He soaked in water for so long at night, and it is a miracle that the wound has not cracked until now. However, it was also because of this that Mr. Xuan Sa's little son started to burn again.

Fortunately, when Lin Yi turned off the fire, he left a little spark buried in the charcoal ash, and now it is not too troublesome to burn again.

Zhang Luo decocted a dose of medicine and waited on him to take it.

Xuan Sa saw Lin walking outside in a daze and muttered, "Where are you going?"

"Didn't you tell me to get out? I'll guard at the door. If you need anything, just call me!" Lin Yi stretched out and yawned.

"Don't go!" Xuan Sa said hazyly and fell asleep.

Huh? Is it my illusion? That boy seems to be a little dependent and reluctant! That's what you said. Don't regret it when you wake up tomorrow! Measured, the cold all night outside is still more unacceptable than he regrets it, and it is even more unacceptable at this moment. Anyway, regret is also what happens after waking up tomorrow!

When Xuan Sa woke up, it was already dawn. When he tried to sit up, he felt that his body was soft. And there was something heavy on his chest. He lowered his head and saw that it was Lin Yi's little girl, holding her waist with both hands and her head resting on her stomach. Subconsciously wanted to be angry with her, but saw her quiet little face in the morning mist. The dawn came in from the outside of the window and fell on her pink face, with a layer of light gold, and the fine white fluff could be seen clearly. The long eyelashes trembled gently, casting a circle of fan-shaped silhouettes on her face. The eyebrows stretched, the pink lips were slightly upturned, and the corners of the lips were faintly shining. Light. Just for a moment, her heart was filled with a kind of warmth, as if she couldn't bear to disturb her good dreams.

Thinking of this night, he was not tortured by nightmare for the first time, but he slept so peacefully for the first time in 20 years! For the first time, I didn't feel the disgust of being approached by strangers, and even had a little expectation and attachment.

slowly lay back to **, which still shocked Lin Yi.

Lin's eyelids trembled, then opened his eyes wide and stared at his Xuan Sa. He popped up and looked frightened: "I'm sorry, that, that, I accidentally fell asleep!"

Xuan Sa got up and found that his hands were a little numb, his eyebrows twitched, and his expression returned to his disgust with everything.

He found that Xuan Sa's eyes were still at the corners of his lips. As soon as he touched his hand, he touched the saliva at the corners of his lips. Seeing that Xuan Sa's stomach was wet with his saliva, he glanced at it, pretended to flick the water, and hurriedly escaped.

Looking at Lin Yi's escape back, Xuan Sa had a kind of sad feeling for the first time.

"Sir, you should take these drugs regularly. The medicine for trauma should be changed every day, and the wound must not be stained with water again! Please use the food first. I won't come up to see you in a few days!" After serving Xuan Sa, it was not too late. Thinking that she had not returned all night, Murong Wan must have died of anxiety. Lin Yi hurriedly told Xuan Sa.

"Are you leaving?" Although she knew that she could not stay by her side and take care of herself all her life, she couldn't help asking.

"I didn't go back to Zhuangzi all night yesterday. I don't know if they found it. In case I find it, I'm afraid it's not good for the prince!" This is also one of the reasons why Lin Yi is anxious to go back. In case Murong Wan cares about her and is confused and finds someone to find her, Xuan Sa will definitely be exposed.

"Yes, prince, please remember to apply this medicine together with the trauma medicine." Lin Yi packed up his things and suddenly solemnly handed a silver medicine box to Xuan Sa, and gave thousands of exhortations.

"What is this?"

"Elixir!" Lin Yi blinked his eyes and opened the medicine box like a treasure. Suddenly, Xuan Sa's nose was surrounded by a faint and refreshing breath, like a mist, like the moist air after the autumn rain.

"Father, take care. I'll come to see you in three days!" Lin Yi, who was only concerned about the rising sun, did not notice Xuan Sa's abnormality after seeing the ointment. He re-covered the silver box and handed it to Xuan Sa, and hurriedly said goodbye.