It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 12 My First Kiss! Wow

The voiceless sound is because there is so much internal force suddenly in the body, so I am very tired and sleep very soundly. As for Xuan Sa, it is because he was not disturbed by nightmares for the second time in his life, and he slept very sweetly.

The next day, it was three times a day, and the clear sound woke up. I just felt that my whole body was sore, and my head was so drowsy that I couldn't lift it. Slowly opened his eyes, but found that his eyes were on the top of the white tent. He thought he was still dreaming. He closed his eyelids, turned his eyes, and then opened them again. However, he was still a completely strange mosquito net. Suddenly, he wanted to sit up from **, and found that his arm was heavily pressed by something and he could not move at all. , turned around and saw Xuan Sa's beautiful face, and opened his mouth unbelievably: "Brother?"

Yi Xuan's martial arts should have been noticed as soon as he woke up, but for the first time, he was slow to hear the voiceless sound. It seemed that he was very unhappy to be disturbed by his dream. His eyebrows twitched and his eyelashes fanned before opening his eyes. From **, he stood up and rubbed his eyes half lying down: "You're awake!" As soon as he opened his mouth, Xuan Sa noticed all this abnormality, especially that he felt that all this could not be more normal, as if they had been husband and wife for many years.

Suddenly, Xuan Sa's eyes widened in disbelief, panicked, and he didn't know what to do for a moment. His fingers subconsciously clenched the quilt, suddenly pulled in his own direction, and wrapped his body tightly.

I felt a chill on my body. When I looked down, I found that I only wore a belly pocket. At this moment, most of my snow-white skin was so brightly exposed to the air and Xuan Sa's vision. Qingyin immediately reacted and went to grab the quilt in Xuan Sa's arms. At first, Xuan Sa still pulled tightly and refused to let it. After a while, he reacted and let go and let Qingyin cover his body. His face was also burning hot, covering his inner panic and quickly from **. He pretended to look for his clothes on the ground.

"Brother, did you kiss me?" His mind was blank for a moment, and Qingyin recalled that it was not in his room last night. Did Gong Heshang transmit internal force to himself? Later, it seemed that I fainted. How could I be here, and I slept with Xuan Sa in such a dress all night? Wait, I was sore all over, and it seemed that someone was frivolous before I fell into a coma. Thinking of this, Qingyin blurted out.

"Ah?" Unexpectedly, Qingyin would ask this question, and Xuan Sa just grabbed the clothes in his hand and fell to the ground.

"Isn't it you? Who would that be?" The voice tilted his head and thought.

"Uh... that, that's... to heal your wounds!" After a difficult explanation, who knows that the clear sound is indomitable: "Heal the wound? Do you need a kiss to heal your wounds?

Huh? It seems to be true! There are many ways to heal people. It's true that kissing is not the only way! But why did you choose the most intimate one without thinking about the emergency at that time? What was the reason? Xuan Sa was stunned by Qingyin's question, and his heart was puzzled.

"Hey, you're not taking advantage of me, are you?" Looking at Xuan Sa's stunned appearance, Qingyin knew that he had guessed right. Although recalling the feeling of yesterday, I liked it a little, a little longed a little, and a little infatuated, this person actually took his first kiss when he was weak and had no resistance, and without his own consent. Even the childhood sweetheart can't take advantage of others like this. . The voice pouted and questioned.

"I, I had it. At that time, the situation was urgent. I, I had no choice but to do that!" Xuan Sa explained, but his eyes were so panic that he dared not look at the voice.

"Real no?"

"Absolutely not!" Xuan Sa raised his hand in the air with a sincere face.

"Well, I don't think my brother is that kind of person." Suddenly, Qingyin turned his finger to **, narrowed his eyes, and looked directly at Xuan Sa: "Then what does this brother explain? Is it also forced by urgency?

"..." At that time, I didn't even think about it, and I didn't know what was driven by. I took her directly and completely forgot that in her room, in addition to hiding herself, she was the third person to come in, and she was the only person who could sleep on her couch, which was more important. Yes, he actually slept with her. What's more, I not only don't feel annoying, but also like it in my heart.

"I can't say it!" With his ambiguous dress and the soreness all over his body, is it possible that he not only took away his first kiss, but also lost his body without his knowledge? Thinking of this, Qingyin couldn't sit still any longer. He jumped up from **, walked to Xuan Sa, pointed to his nose and asked angrily, "What else did you do to me when I didn't have the ability to resist?"

Shameless? Er, no one dares to scold him like this, but why don't they feel angry? Instead, they think she looks very cute!

"You, you, you, won't really... Wow... Stinky brother, bad brother, I hate you so much... Dad, mom... How can you leave me alone... and be bullied by this man..." Qingyin suddenly cried loudly, and his feet kept on the floor, like that No matter how sad you are, how sad you are.

Seeing the sad appearance of Qingyin, Xuan Sa's heart also trembled. Hearing her deafening cry, he was afraid of attracting people and causing any unnecessary misunderstanding. His eyebrows were locked and he became more and more panicked. He walked around Qingyin and lowered his head to comfort him, "Okay, girl, I, I really didn't do anything. So, I'm just too tired, so I fell asleep. I swear, my brother absolutely didn't take advantage of your danger. If so, let him die..."

"Shut up, is the oath nonsense?" As soon as I heard Xuan Sa explain that nothing had happened to him and me, I felt a little disappointed. Suddenly, I heard that he was going to swear poison. I quickly stopped crying and stopped it harshly.

This move warmed Xuan Sa's heart, and his voice softened unconsciously. His arm subconsciously took the voice into his arms: "I'm sorry to make you sad, but my brother really didn't do anything wrong to you. It's just that Gong and Shang forcibly sent you internal power yesterday, which caused the three of you to go crazy, so I brought you here in a hurry. Gong He Shang is probably still healing in your room now.

"Ah? So are they all the matter?" It was he who strongly asked Gong to help him speed up, which put all three of them in danger. If Gong and Shang have three advantages and disadvantages, how can she feel at ease? Immediately, he forgot about the matter between just and Xuan Sa and asked anxiously.

"Kaku and Yu are healing their wounds. It's been a night, and it shouldn't be a big deal!" Xuan Sa said with relief, but he didn't think so in his heart. The power in Qingyin's body is too strong, and Gong and Shang are seriously injured, especially Shang. If he didn't heal Qingyin yesterday and with his help, the Chamber of Commerce would be in no risk, but he only took care of two people at all. I just hope that Jiao and Yu can work together to save the lives of merchants as much as possible.

Seeing Xuan Sa's solemn expression, Qingyin knew that things were by no means so simple. He immediately broke away from Xuan Sa's arms and was about to go back to the wooden house to see the two people, and forgot that he was only wearing a belly pocket. Xuan Sa saw her intention, hurriedly grabbed her, pointed to her body, and then Qingyin reacted. Although there are usually no outsiders coming in the backyard, now the village is full of people. In addition, if something like that happened yesterday, in case someone is seen, there will be no misunderstanding. But she was worried about Gong and Shang, and she couldn't wait for a moment.

"Wait!" Xuan Sa let go of his hand, strode to the wardrobe, opened the cabinet door, took out a cyan gown from it, and threw it to Qingyin.

Qingyin is just a 14-year-old girl. Compared with Xuan Sa, she is at least one head shorter, and she is petite. She can support Xuan Sa's clothes, but now she can only take it first. As long as she goes back to her room first, she can change it.

I just twisted the cyan clothes in my hand. From the feeling of a little familiarity in my heart, a cyan back appeared in my mind in an instant. However, she knew that this was Xuan Sa's favorite color, so it was not surprising that she had such a memory in her mind, and there was no doubt at all. She hurriedly put her clothes on her body and did not sort out the long sleeves and dragging hem for a day. Xuan Sa had to help himself, folded the hem up and folded it twice around his waist, tied it with a belt, and then folded his long sleeve twice, so that he could barely see it.

"Is it okay?" Qingyin was anxious and didn't want to delay any more, but he couldn't stand being tossed around by Xuan Sa and asked in a hurry.

"Ye" Looking at the thin and petite figure hidden in his clothes, I suddenly felt a strong desire in my heart to protect her from being hurt any more. Now as long as he remembered that the moment he saw her bones and meridians at the bottom of the cliff, he couldn't help but feel heartbroken, and he couldn't wait to smash the person who pushed her down the cliff. I'm also secretly glad that if I hadn't found her first, I'm afraid that she would have died a long time ago, and there would have been two people living together today. For the first time, he began to hesitate and regret. He carefully wondered whether his plan should continue! This is really unfair to her!