It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 25 Blood Therapy?

After allowing me to hesitate, Qingyin suddenly realized: "Is this method really effective?"

"I also just think that the hanging orchid has survived in the world for hundreds of years. The effect is not only so simple as to bring you back to life. Maybe there is still a lot of energy that has not been developed. That is to say, those energy is very likely to be hidden in your blood. We can only take your blood, give it to the merchant, and supplement it. Internal conditioning may make the broken meridians grow and heal again, but I can't guarantee whether it can work or not.

"As I said, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we will try our best. What are we waiting for?" After listening to Qingyin, he didn't feel that it was harmful to him at all. Instead, he was surprised to drag me to go to the business room.

"Do you really think it's worth giving up your blood for a maid?" The voiceless self-savers made me very moved, but I was still uncertain.

"What kind of maids are not maids? They grew up with me. Although I don't remember the past, there is no doubt that Shang is hurt for me. Besides, everyone is equal in front of human life, and there is a difference between high and low, but it only consumes a little blood to save people's lives. What about a good thing? Anyway, if the blood is lost, it can still be regenerated. What does it matter? The voice is unwavering and serious.

"In that case, the old man will break up again and help the girl." She said something similar many years ago. It is said that under the world, whether it is princes, nobles or exile beggars, everyone is equal in front of life and enjoys an equal opportunity to survive. It was also from that time that he slowly changed. And now the voice is becoming more and more like her, making him can't help but change his rules, but he doesn't feel anything wrong.

Really? Old man, you are so kind. You are the best old man in the world. As long as Shang can recover, the girl will definitely repay you well!" Qingyin jumped up happily, and a big smile appeared on his face.

"However, even if we want to treat doctors, we can't go now!" It is also a very pleasant thing for me to be infected by the voiceless emotions and feel that I can save people's lives on my own for the first time. Nor did he notice that Qingyin said that repaying her well based on the premise that business can recover. I still felt that I was finally taken care of and warmed for a long time.


Everything is good, but sometimes when you are in a hurry, your mind can't turn. You sigh silently at the bottom of your heart and point to the sky and say, "You don't look at what time it is now. You are so excited that you can't sleep, and they are going to sleep. Also, the boy may not be in the yard now. Do you want her to know that you are going to bleed and worry?

Qingyin reacted at this time and spit out his tongue: "Well, my brain is flooded, but I really can't wait to verify whether my blood has such a magical effect."

The appearance of sticking out her tongue is so similar to her. Ren Xing was slightly distracted and touched the head of the voiceless and distressedness: "Well, girl, since you have to bleed to save people after dawn, you should go back and have a good rest now. If you don't have a good rest, what if you can't stand it?"

"Yes! You should also work hard and have a good rest at that time. For the first time, Qingyin did not react to Ren's touch, but felt that there was a kind of father's love, which made her feel that Renwoxing was trustworthy.

Ren Wanxing was suddenly taken by the Qingyin and was shocked. It was very unnatural to follow the Qingyin back to the yard. Looking at the back of the clear shuttle, I felt the temperature gradually cooling down on my arm, and there was a circle of ripples in my heart. He habitually touched the thick beard on his chin and suddenly made up his mind.

Qingyin returned to the wooden house, but he was still so excited that he couldn't sleep. He lay on his back, and the quilt was not covered. There were hundreds of hanging orchids in his mouth, and his eyelids drooped heavily and slowly fell asleep.

In her dream, she came to a very strange place, which seemed to be a mansion. Many strange faces flashed by, calling a person's name, and she was hazy and unclear. She only felt that there was a thick fog everywhere in front of her, as if many hands were dragging her in different directions. But her body seems to have taken root on the ground and remained motionless. Because of being dragged, there is tearing pain in the arms and legs. She wanted to call for help, but there was no sound in her throat. Her eyes widened to see the people who dragged her clearly, but she searched carefully but couldn't even see her hands.

Then the picture turned, and she straightened up in a wooden house. The furnishings of the wooden house were very similar to the room she lived in, but larger. There was a young man lying on the bamboo couch in the room, vaguely. She felt very familiar, but she couldn't see her face clearly. Suddenly, a surged out of the ** person's chest. Blood waved her hand and called her name miserably, but it didn't seem to be her name. Anyway, she just wanted to save him. She was anxious to go to him. Her heel was as heavy as if she had tied an iron ball. She couldn't move at all. She could only watch the blood dye the whole room red. Her face was full of tears, but she couldn't cry. She only felt that her heart seemed to be cut out by knife, and it was heartbreaking--

Waking up from her dream, she suddenly bounced up from **, reached out and touched her face with a wet face. She actually woke up in her sleep. I wonder why I had such a strange dream. Where is the place in the dream? It seems to be very familiar? And who is the bleeding man in the wooden house? Why does she feel so sad to see him die? Wipe your face, walk to the window with your shoes, open the window, and see that it is already dawn, and a red sun slowly rises from the east. After taking a deep breath of the cool air in the morning, I found that my clothes were soaked with sweat. I walked to the wardrobe, opened it, found a set of short fights for martial arts, and then walked to the edge of the copper basin filled with water, threw cotton cloth to wipe off all the sweat on my body before changing into clean clothes. A long hair casually tied a simple bun above his head with a ribbon and tied it tightly before leaving the door.

As soon as I got out of the door, I saw a man standing with his back to the door. He was not tall and a little thin, but his back was straight, and his hair was loosely tied with a broom behind his head, wearing a brand-new white gown, a belt with blue jade, and a slender waist tightly tied. The back is a little familiar, but for a moment I can't remember where I saw it. When he was wondering, the man heard the sound, turned around and looked at the clear sound with a smile.

"Are you?" A standard melon seed in front of this life, a pair of willow eyebrows with just the right curvature, white skin, a small upturned nose, rosy lips are plump and thick, and two rows of neat teeth are like white shells. In particular, a pair of small eyes are shining against the faint sunshine in the morning. When they smile, the two deep dimples on their cheeks are as bright as stars, as the cleanest breeze in the morning, and they are a delicate little beauty. She couldn't help but confuse Qingyin that she had seen such a beauty there, but she had no impression at all.

"Why, the girl doesn't know the old man?" Who else can that old man be if the voice is not that bad? However, with the beautiful face in front of him, Qingyin could not connect him with the sloppy old man.

I thought it was because of last night's nightmare that I was dazzled. I rubbed my eyes fiercely and stared at the person in front of me for a long time, not a phantom!

"What is the girl doing? Didn't you ask the old man to clean it up? Why don't you know me now? The old man, no, beauty, Liu Mei frowned and skimmed. The charming look was really touching.

I walked around the old man and looked carefully for a long time. Qingyin suddenly walked to the old man and pointed to his nose: "Hahahaha... It's really funny, the old man... Lushan's true face is actually a beauty..."

Seeing the clear sound laughing, he leaned forward and backward, and his tears squeezed out. Two red clouds flew on my white cheeks, and quickly turned red to the root of my neck. I regretted it to death. Why did I be confused for a moment and made such a wrong decision? Instinctively wanted to escape, but the voice was also sharp, and he pulled my belt. Seeing that I shrank my neck and looked embarrassed, I felt that my reaction was too fierce just now, so I had to hold my fist and press it on my lips: "Cough, isn't that the girl rude? Really, I really didn't expect you to be so beautiful, completely comparable to most women!"

After thinking about it, I knew why the old man had to be sloppy. It was all caused by this face. No wonder, indeed, he looks a little better, but he lacks a little manly spirit. I guess the old man has also been ridiculed by many people before, so he is proud of that beard. However, what Qingyin didn't expect was that the old man really abandoned his proud beard just for his own words. It seems that your charm is really unstoppable!

Since the old man has made such a great sacrifice, he can't let others continue to be embarrassed. He tilted his head and praised rigorously and seriously: "Wow, it's really not a girl. I praise you. You are simply Pan An's reincarnation, a rare beautiful man in the world! I don't think even your brother is as good as one-tenth of you. If you were a few years younger, I don't know how many young women have fascinated their hearts. After a pause, he changed his words and said, "No, as soon as the old man goes out casually now, he is simply a killer in the women's world from 80 to eight years old! It's a pity that the girl is too familiar with you, or she must be close to the water platform and eat you first!"

When she saw her for the first time earlier, when she knew that she was a man, she wanted to laugh at herself for being unmanly and feminine as before, so for so many years, he has always tried his best to hide his real face, even Xuan Sa is just I saw myself when I was very young, and I guess I have forgotten it a long time ago. If it hadn't been for Qingyin's disgust, he wouldn't have made up his mind. However, now I hear Qingyin laugh at myself not because I look too much like a woman, but because I am handsome. This is the first woman who has lived for decades and praised herself as looking like Pan An. Ren Ixing's heart blossomed: "Is what the girl said true? Don't you think I'm too much..."

"Too mother, right?" Ren Wexing is still embarrassed to say that word, and his embarrassed face looks more like a little lady. The voiceless interrupted him and continued, and then stretched out his index finger and waved in the air: "Come on, you are definitely not a mother, but a neutral beauty."

Ren Wexing only cared about Qingyin's evaluation of himself and didn't notice the words at the beginning of Qingyin. He thought it was just a tone word, but he did not ignore the 'neutral beauty' behind him and asked blankly, "What is neutral beauty?"

I don't know how to explain the clear sound. I bit my lips and thought about it, and said, "Neutral beauty should be the highest level of beauty in the world!" For example, whether it is a man or a woman, he can't help but be moved by the beauty of the world. The simple explanation is that your appearance is the best in the world and the treasure of all mankind! The madness that can make men jealous can also make women admire and launch the war of the century.

Although Ren Wexing couldn't understand most of the Qingyin's words, and even a little confused, he also knew that the Qingyin was completely praising him, which attracted his vanity. In an instant, he only felt as if he was lying in the clouds, and couldn't help opening a big happy smile.

Isn't it just a few nice words? If you really succeeded, you scared the stinky old man, oh! No, it's time to call the American old man now! If I hadn't relied on you to heal my wounds, I wouldn't have bothered these words. But it's really unfair. Why is an old man more beautiful than himself? Damn it, damn it!

Watching the sun slowly rise into the sky, the clear sound can't be delayed: "Oh! Handsome, don't be beautiful. We still have something to do!"

I suddenly changed my name. I'm really not used to it, but I can't help it. Who told me to ask him? When the business matter is solved, she must laugh enough! In order to resist laughing, Qingyin's face turned red.

I intuitively felt that something was wrong, but I was so happy that I didn't think much about it. The two went straight to their yard hand in hand.