It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 30 What is my past like?

"Old man, you don't like Qingyin, do you?" After leaving the wooden house, through the corridor and coming to Xuan Sa's yard, Xuan Sa abandoned me and suddenly asked without looking back.

"Ah?" Ren I thought that I didn't hear clearly. I walked around in front of Xuan Sa, looked up at Xuan Sa suspiciously and asked, "What are you talking about? Say it again?"

"..." Xuan Sa didn't know why he suddenly asked such a question, but as soon as he saw that although Ren I was not young, the appearance he picked up was really good, and the expression of the girl Qingyin praised him. When he saw it, he felt sad and didn't know what it was like. Anyway, He doesn't like him and Qingyin to stay alone again. He is inexplicably irritable: "I mean, you don't like other girls, do you? I don't even look at myself. I'm old, and I'm still dressed in white clothes and dressed like a fat fan. Involuntarily, Xuan Sa didn't know what he said.

On the contrary, the sentence 'fat fan' annoyed Renwoxing. Just as he was about to attack, when he saw Xuan Sa curling his lips and his face smelly, Renwoxing had the intention to tease him. First, he sighed and then said, "That girl is really a lovely person. The old man has never met such a person in his life that can A girl who is heart-pounding. Every time I stay with the girl, the old man instantly feels as if he is not so old, as if he is more than ten or two years younger. I was not sure what kind of feeling it was, but now that I hear what you said, I seem to really like that girl in time!"

"What? You..." Xuan Sa's pupil suddenly tightened, and the five-finger joint thumped, and as soon as he closed it, he grabbed my collar.

What are you doing? I'm your master. You've been really presumptuous recently. It's really unreasonable to offend Master again and again!" Ren Wu was unwilling to show weakness. His arms crossed his chest, and his face was serious. He stepped back two steps and put his arms in a fighting position. The two of them were really tense, just like two men who were fighting for love.

"You also know that I am my master, and that girl is also your apprentice. Daughter, how can you be so shameless and chaotic that you fall in love with your apprentice?" Xuan Sa scolded.

"I just helped her practice a few times. Who said that she was my apprentice? He and I didn't kneel down. How can we be regarded as a master and apprentice? And what's the relationship between the girl and you? She hasn't said anything yet. Do you care?" Xuan Sa is his apprentice after all. Although he is usually a little presumptuous, he is still somewhat afraid to let him do it with himself, so he is just putting on airs. But Ren Ixing didn't want to take advantage of his apprentice so much. It's not good for him and Qingyin to let him admit his feelings as soon as possible. So he continued to speak provocatively.

Indeed, nominally, she is her own junior sister, but everyone knows that she is just a stranger he brought back, which has nothing to do with her. What I said makes sense. What if that girl also likes the old man? Then why did he stop it? Thinking of this, Xuan Sa gave up his hand and turned around: "If you really like her, treat her better." After a pause, just when Ren Wuxing thought it had failed again, Xuan Sa suddenly twisted his head and said harshly, "You like her, it won't be because the boy inverted hanging in her body is obviously affectionate and cares about the girl, but he dares not admit the feelings in his heart and suffers here. It seems that he has to use some extraordinary tricks.

"The old man is not as shameless as you said! I'm sincere to the girl! As long as she wants, I dare to take her around the world! Be a big man who dares to be responsible for his feelings and each other's happiness!"

Are you responsible for your feelings? Responsible for each other's happiness? I am burdened with national hatred and family hatred, and I don't know where it will be in the future. Where does happiness come from? Although the old man is a little older, he is also good-looking, good at martial arts, and has a rich family background. He also gets along well with Qingyin. Maybe Qingyin can really get happiness with him!

Xuan Sa went back to the room silently, leaving me standing in the yard and sighing alone. He, as an apprentice, he knew less and less!

And in the Qingyin room, Huigang served Qingyin after lunch.

Qingyin took the mouthwash handed to her by Hui, rinsed her mouth, wiped her mouth, and asked Hui excitedly, "I heard that it will be my brother's birthday in a few days. What gift do you think I should give to my brother?"

Hui Zhen looked at the clear sound, still expressionless and shook his head silently.

"Hui, although I don't feel so familiar with you, we should also know each other, right? Do you also know your brother?" Knowing that Xuan Sa's birthday was approaching, Qingyin was thinking about what gift to give him. I think Xuan Sa was originally the crown prince, and I haven't seen anything good. And even if she wants to give him a valuable gift, they are hidden in the valley and no one can go out at all. She can't cook or embroider, and she doesn't know what she can give him. After thinking about it, Gong Shangjiao Yuhui and several maids are familiar with Xuan Sa and should know what he likes, so they asked.

Hui only thought for a little and nodded. Qingyin took the opportunity to pull Hui to the stool beside him and sit down, holding Hui's hand: "You know, I have forgotten all about the past. Can you tell me about the past?"

Hui raised his eyes and looked at the clear sound. An uncertain light flashed in his eyes, and then his pupils shrank slightly, and a faint smile appeared on his cheeks. The peerless face instantly emitted a shining light like a gem, and the clear sound he saw was also fascinated. He couldn't help admiring: "Sister is so beautiful!" With that, those eyes seemed to be deeply attracted by the emblem and could no longer move. Even the blink of an eye seemed to be a very luxurious thing.

"What do you want to hear, Miss?" Hui's voice has become very light, and his tone is more soothing, even though it is still the rough tone, but it makes people feel comfortable all over, light, soft, as if in the clouds, brushed across the cheeks by the March breeze...


"Does it also include the life of the young lady, the tragic experience, and the tragic death of the young lady's father? And the humiliation suffered by the young lady's mother? The emblem is not light or heavy, but it has an impulse that makes people cry when they hear it.

"My background, tragic experience, my father's tragic death, my mother's humiliation..." The voice is just constantly repeating the words spit out from the emblem's mouth. Inexplicably, I feel the anger and hatred surging in my chest, and my expression is getting more and more serious. My eyes closed, and my palms are tightly clenched into fists, and it seems that in front of me In that scene, the eardrums were full of a sad scream, and I kept falling from the abyss and falling into the pile of stones. The violent sound of bones breaking, and the limbs seemed to be torn again, which was painful. He held the painful and cracked head in his hands, and his face was twisted.

"Miss, what else do you want to hear?" Hui's voice flicked far and near, as if it was not real, but the sound hit the atrium, bringing a strong vibration like a drum, which can't be ignored.

"All, all, all!" Qingyin didn't know how many truths she didn't know, but she just shouted hoarsely, trying to find all the memories of the past she had lost for more than ten years and fill her empty heart.

"Miss is tired. I will tell you more tomorrow!"

"No--" Looking at Hui getting up to leave, Qingyin hurriedly pulled her clothes, tears, eagerly looking at Hui's calm face, sometimes clear and sometimes blurred.

"Miss, good boy! Huiding did not hide anything. As soon as Hui spoke, Qingyin obediently followed Hui to stand up, slowly walked to the bedside, lay quietly back to **, and let Hui cover her quilt. For the first time, she closed her eyes and felt that Hui was the most trustworthy person in the world. And why don't others mention their past just because they are afraid of being sad? Or what other purpose?

Sink into the dream, the dream is also full of the past described by Hui and her. The scene is thrilling and frightening, and the heartbeat also follows the little by bit of the past, or surprise or happiness, and finally it just turns into deep hatred!

Hui silently stayed by the bed, his lips trembling, but whispered silently.

"How about it?" Hui arranged the clear sound and went back to his yard. The palace was already waiting in the kitchen. As soon as he heard her footsteps, he hurried to meet him.

"Good recovery!"

"That's good!" Gong was relieved, carefully looked at the merchant's room outside the kitchen, and told him, "Miss, you can take good care of it. They have me."

"Ye" Hui did not turn around and did not question, but nodded firmly.

The palace passed the emblem and returned to the merchant's room.

"Are you feeling better, Miss?" The merchant asked anxiously.

"Hui said there was nothing serious. Think about it, hasn't the lady taken the inverted hanging orchid, and isn't there a magic doctor guarding it on Wang's side and taking care of it at any time? You don't have to worry too much. Now the most important thing for you is to take good care of your body so that you can worry a little. The palace came forward to tweak the quilt for the merchant and comforted him.

"Hey! It's so hard, Miss!" Shang sighed, and Gong's hand subconsciously paused and secretly glanced at Shang. Seeing that she didn't look at herself, he straightened up and said, "I'll see if there is any news in the corner."

"Yes, go. If there is a result, come and tell me as soon as possible. I will definitely repay the lady's kindness!" Shang did not notice the moment of the palace's distracting, biting his lip and said fiercely.

"Don't worry, it's not to talk about you, even our sisters!" Gong went out of the door as he spoke. I said silently, 'In this way, if the young lady has done something in the future, it will also be regarded as a reward for us to the young lady'!