It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 48 Tricky

At this time, Xuan Sa sat in the right position above the hall, knocked on the table of the red sandalwood with one hand, making a soft sound of 'cough cough', holding a small piece of paper in the other hand, with a solemn face and a tight frown.

The fox in the hall sat down, standing by the door in the distant corner.

After a moment, Xuan Sa asked Linghu, "What do you think of the marriage between the Murong family and the Gong family?"

Linghu shook his head and said, "This matter is too sudden and there is no warning in advance. Gong Youdao has always kept a low profile. This move is not like his style."

"So, do you also think it's strange?" Xuan Sa narrowed his eyes and asked.

"If it is said that the Gong family chose a person, it should also be Murong Qing, who has been promoted recently because of the blow to us. Even if Murong Luo is the nephew of today's emperor, everyone knows his nature in the court. How can Gong Youdao safely send his precious daughter there? Isn't he not afraid of being wronged?" Linghu analyzed.

"Murong Qing?" Hearing Linghu mention this person's name again, Xuan Sa's eyes flashed with a fierce light. His lips were tightly squeezed, and he wished he could drink his blood and eat his flesh alive. After a pause, he thought of something and asked, "As you say, the Gong family will not choose people casually. Will the Gong family do anything secretly?"

Linghu nodded first, and then shook his head: "Gong Youdao's heart is very deep. In the current Zhou Dynasty, it is obviously Zhou Xiong alone, but no less than half of the people in the court are actually biased towards Gong Youdao. Of course, Zhou Xiong can't know, but he just closed his eyes. But now he not only did not reduce the power of the Gong family, but allowed the Gong family and the Murong family to join hands. Zhou Xiong must have a secret plan for the Chen family and the Murong family. It's just that my subordinates still can't guess what Zhou Xiong means?"

"So what?" Linghu's words make sense. Zhou Xiong is very suspicious. Otherwise, the Gong family would not have retreated bravely and ended most of their business after helping Zhou Xiong win the world. Although the Gong family has cultivated a lot of their own forces in the court over the years, they have not taken much action, but are retreating step by step. However, he suddenly married Murong Luo, which was so big that it had to be suspected.

"I don't know yet, but didn't Jia Zhuo say that he had installed manpower in Murong's house? If you want to fully know what Gong Youdao has done, you have to wait for Jia Zhuo's news. Jia Zhuo accidentally inserted people into the Murong Palace, which is the most comforting good news for them recently!

"Bear by the way, is Jia Zhuo stable?" Xuan Sa nodded slightly and suddenly asked uneasedly.

"Everything is fine! Jiangnan was originally Jia Zhuo's territory. Although our stronghold was exposed last time, Jia Zhuo's identity has not been recognized so far. Now Su Ziyang is also afraid of Jia Zhuo's financial resources, and because Jia Zhuo has the opportunity to be appreciated by the Gong family, he will naturally take care of everything. I think there will be nothing wrong in the near future. Speaking of which, if Jia Zhuo hadn't insisted on going back and took back a lot of property, they wouldn't have dealt with daily expenses so easily. The important thing is that Jia Zhuo stays outside so that they can know the movement of everyone over there in time. Although it is a dangerous move, it may be the best move in Yunyin today.

"Speaking of which, we have suffered heavy losses this time, but there has been no movement in the court for the time being. Although it is inconvenient to establish strongholds for the time being, it is still possible to slowly penetrate some people outside. Leave this matter to you at full disposal!" In the past few months, the court has indeed been cold to Yunyin. Now Jia Zhuo is in the south of the Yangtze River. Although Linghu said that he was not in danger, Xuan Sa was still worried. Because of the actions of the Gong family and the Murong family, he was also a little impatient.

"I know! Recently, I will choose a few good noodles and sneak in there. Linghu nodded and led the order.

"Although the wind outside is not so tight now, there is no guarantee that the brothers are not in danger, so when you choose people, try to find people without parents, wives and children, and make sure that they are willing!" None of the pioneers sent out know what the consequences will be. It is commonly known as the dead man. Therefore, in order to minimize the damage, people generally find people without parents, wives and children. Their people have been injured too much, and there are many more lonely children left. Xuan Sa, as their master, naturally thinks more about them.

"Wang..." Linghu called hesitantly, and finally got up and retreated.

After Linghu retreated, Xuan Sa paced back and forth on the hall for a long time before calling the corner that had been guarding at the door: "Some things, I need you to do!"

"At the king's dispatch alone!" Horn's respectful response.

Although the current timing is not the best, some things still need to be deployed in advance. Otherwise, when the opportunity comes, you will not have enough ability to grasp it. How can we talk about recovery? When the horn flew away, Xuan Sa secretly said to himself, 'I hope the horn will not return without success this time'!

It's already after noon to finish the business.

Xuan Sa returned to the backyard with a lot of trouble and had long forgotten that today was his birthday. As soon as he got to the backyard, he saw Gong and Yu carrying two bamboo baskets and hurried into his yard.

Just as I wanted to stop, I suddenly saw Qingyin dressed in a brief introduction and came out of his yard happily. As soon as I saw him, I was stunned. Then I turned around and looked back at the yard in panic, then turned around and walked to me and took his arm. He looked up and smiled, "Brother came back so early? "

"What are you doing in my yard?" Xuan Sa was about to raise his eyes and look into the yard, but he was pulled in the opposite direction by the clear sound and dragged him in the direction of Nan's wooden house. As he walked, he explained, "Aren't I going to clean up the room for you!"

"Where are you dragging me?" Xuan Sa asked puzzledly, but his footsteps did not stop following Qingyin all the way.

"Oh, oh, that's it. I just cleaned up the room for you, and suddenly I felt very tired, dizzy, and my eyes couldn't see clearly. I don't know if it's because of the bloodletting, Qingyin had to bother my brother to heal my wounds again. Brother won't you?" After saying that, he squined his eyes and looked at Xuan Sa eagerly.

I just jumped out of the courtyard door, and now I'm dizzy. Instinc Xuan Sa felt that there were tricks in it, but when he looked up at the clear sound, he could see that the head of the sound was full of fine sweat. Warm dampness also came from the palm of his arm. He subconsciously reached out and touched the voice's forehead, frowned and asked worriedly, "What's wrong? Are you still dizzy now? Do you have any other feelings?"

Qingyin tilted on Xuan Sa's shoulder, stretched out a hand on his forehead, looked up at the hot sun, and rolled his eyes in pain: "It's just dizzy. I think it's caused by physical overdraft and the weather is too hot, so Qingyin will bother you this time. ."

Qingyin pulled her eyelids, bit her lips, and her face flushed. Thinking that she was so weak that she didn't forget to clean up the room for herself, she couldn't help but feel guilty: "Didn't you say that the room doesn't have to be cleaned up every day? You are not well yet. What if you are tired again? After saying that, he picked up the voiceless sound, protected his chest fiercely, and strode to the Nan wooden house.

Buried in Xuan Sa's warm arms, he spit out his tongue in a clear voice. Brother, I'm not going to lie to you.