It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 86 Royal Assassin

Xiaoba was responsible for delivering food to the bodyguards of the outer courtyard, while Linger took Qingyin all the way to a courtyard between the inner courtyard and the outer courtyard, where all the guards in the royal palace lived.

At this time, it was time to change shifts. The bodyguards of the previous class had not yet returned, and the bodyguards in the latter class who were ready to watch the night were ready to go. Qingyin secretly counted in his heart, and there were only about ten people guarding the inner courtyard at night.

There were three tables in the hall. Linger set up two tables. The guards were well-trained and quietly waiting for Linger and Qingyin to finish the meal. They did not show too much curiosity and doubt about the Qingyin they suddenly saw. They just glanced and lowered their heads and buried themselves in the rice in their bowl.

The food is arranged in this hall. Linger took another food box and went to the most remote room in the yard. Qingyin followed Linger, and the closer he got to the room, the more he felt creepy his body and his back was numb. There was only a small front door in the room, and the windows on both sides were closed. The room was dark. Quietly, only the sound of Linger and his own slight footsteps and breathing were heard. I don't know if there was anyone in the room or not. Obviously, it was not the first time to come here. She was not afraid at all. When she entered the room, she did not light the lamp or speak. She groped to put the food box on a table in the room, pulled the clear sound and retreated out and closed the door.

"Linger, who lived in that room just now?" Out of the yard of the guards, Qingyin breathed a sigh of relief and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know!"

"I don't know?" Voiceless rhetorical questions.

"Anyway, the prince has always asked us to prepare things and send them there. No one has ever seen anyone living in it, how many!"

"Is it so mysterious?" The voice muttered, and there was already a bottom in my heart. It seems that those people are the hidden secret guards in King Chen's mansion. According to the weight sent, there are only three to four people at most, but when the guards came all the way just now, Linger had told her how the time was arranged for those people to guard there. Naturally, she could not know. And those talents are the key to the protection force of the whole palace.

Walking to the door of the big kitchen, I happened to meet Jin Niang carrying this food box back to the kitchen.

"Thanks to you and Linger today. If I don't miss the time over there, I will suffer!" Jin Niang patted her chest and said gratefully.

"It's just a matter of raising hands! What does my sister-in-law have in the future? No matter what you ask, I can't eat for nothing, can I? He said in a clear voice and yawned. Jin Niang said hurriedly, "It's getting late. You're tired today. Go back and rest early!"

"There is still so much work to do. Linger and I'd better help my sister-in-law clean up together before going back!"

"No, there are seven and eight here. You can go back and rest early!"

"All right! Thank you for your hard work, sister-in-law!" Qingyin slept all afternoon, and he was sleepy there, but he just wanted to go back early, pack up, and visit the royal palace at night. After saying that, he took Linger back to Rong Xuan Pavilion.

Although the yard in King Chen's mansion does not have the habit of opening fire alone in the small kitchen, each yard still has its own small kitchen. But it's only used to boil bath water and so on.

Back to the yard, Linger boiled a pot of boiling water, let Qingyin take a bath, and freshen up before going to bed.

When it was Hai, Linger fell asleep, and Qingyin got up and found the dress she wore when she pretended to be a dwarf last time. She changed it, slipped out of the courtyard door, and walked all the way to King Chen's yard.

Several guard points in the inner courtyard have been familiar with before, and those who are familiar with the road have avoided it. It's just that those dark guards are still a little afraid of the clear sound. Fortunately, when she was at the villa, she practiced at night, and her night vision ability was also very strong. Even in the dark night, she could distinguish clearly.

Carefully jumped on the dense bushes at the gate of King Chen's yard, hiding among the trees and looking around vigilantly, but I didn't find any shadow of a dark guard. I couldn't help but wonder.

King Chen's yard is unified with the architectural style of the whole Chenwang Mansion. The courtyard is full of evergreen trees or low bushes, which just provides convenience for clear stealth.

King Chen's yard is not big. In the front hall and backyard, the yard is quiet, and only a slight wind can be heard roaring by.

Sticking to the wall, he slipped into the main courtyard from the front hall. There was a faint light in the east wing room. It seemed that it was Chen Jialuo's place. He looked around carefully for a moment and made sure that there was no one. Then he flew down lightly and landed steadily outside the room.

Step by step approaching, the veil on the window, the scene inside can't be seen in the clear sound, so I can only put my face against the window board on my ears and listen to the movement inside.

It took a long time to hear a deep sigh.

Then I heard the voice of a slightly old man speaking. Through the door panel, the clear sound was not real, and I could only hear one or two words vaguely and intermittently. At first, I thought that Chen Wang was talking to someone, but the more I heard the back, the clear sound did not hear the second voice from beginning to end. Only then did I know that it was King Chen who was talking to himself. Thinking that King Chen is a dead princess, and he has been guarded like jade for decades and has not married again, I think he is remembering the deceased princess!

At this moment, there was a very light footsteps in the yard, and the sound was clear, and he hurriedly dodged in a bush in the hallway.

I only saw a middle-aged man with a flat back and black clothes slowly walked to the door and knocked on the door: "Your Majesty?"

For a moment, the door opened in response. Chen Wang frowned and walked out sadly. He could still see tears on his face. He sighed and shouted, "Wu!"

"Your Majesty, it has been so many years, and you can't change the fact that she has gone!" The speaker is Chen Wu, the old man whom King Chen trusts the most.

Because Chen Wu turned his back to Qingyin, Qingyin could not see Chen Wu's appearance clearly, but he could see Chen Wang's appearance through the hazy light.

When Chen Wang was about 50 years old, he was somewhat similar to Chen Kang. He had a Chinese character face and thick eyebrows. Although he was old, his eyes, maybe because he had just cried, were shining in the night, which made Qingyin always have a sense of déjà vu and lost his mind for a moment.

At this time, a fluffy thing jumped from the voiceless body. The voiceless voice did not make a sound, but the body unconsciously moved, causing the bushes to make a 'rustling' sound.

Chen Wu immediately turned around and shouted cautiously in the bushes: "Who?" While shouting, he has slowly approached the bushes where Qingyin was hiding.

He didn't dare to come out of the clear atmosphere, thinking about whether to hide or fly away immediately. Until Chen Wu approached the bushes and could see himself as soon as he bent down, he suddenly bounced up from behind the bushes. With a little toes, his body had flown lightly to the roof.

Chen Wu's face changed greatly. He immediately turned around in front of King Chen and shouted, "There is an assassin, catch the assassin!"

Within half a minute, there was a black masked man who flew behind Qingyin from nowhere. The guards in the royal palace were also awakened and rushed to King Chen's yard one after another. The voiceless sound was not good. The front yard was full of fire and armed guards with weapons, followed by a man in black, and then two men in black gathered from the other two directions, seeing that they had no chance of escaping. It is bound to be a fierce battle, and I don't know where another man in black fell from there. However, the later man in black did not chase her, but stood behind her and fought with three other men in black with a long sword to buy her time to escape.

Qingyin did not care about the identity of the later man in black. Before the bodyguard completely surrounded the inner courtyard, he hurriedly shuttled through the night and went straight back to his yard. At this time, Linger was also shocked. The light in the room had been lit. Qingyin hurried into his room and had no time to change his clothes, so he had to do whatever He grabbed a piece of clothes and put it outside, broke his hair, and opened the door pretending to be sleepy: "Linger, what's wrong?"

Linger ran to Qingyin's side in panic. Her scared little face turned white. She held Qingyin's clothes tightly and trembled, "I don't know. I only heard that there was an assassin in the house!"

"Assassin?" Qingyin pretended to shout exaggeratedly and trembled with fear. He hugged Linger and quickly retreated to the room and closed the door tightly.

After a while, there was a chaotic footsteps at the door of the yard: "Qingyin, Linger, open the door!"

Chen Kang shouted anxiously outside the door.

Linger heard her master's voice, then relaxed a little and ran to open the door of the courtyard.

"Are you all right?" Chen Kang entered the courtyard door and went straight to the hall. He was relieved to see that the clear sound was safe and sound.

"Your Highness, what's the matter?"