It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 89 Sudden Malignancy

It was the room at night that Chen Wang took Qingyin.

The room is not big, divided into a main hall in the middle, a study on the left, and an ear room on the right. As soon as I entered the main hall, there was a bronze tripod in the middle, with a square of yellow pear wood above, and two imperial chairs of yellow pear wood on the left and right.

Chen Wang directly took Qingyin to the study on the left. Chen Wu stood by the door and hesitated for a moment. After all, he did not follow up. He just stayed at the door, but there was still excitement on his face that had not faded. The two eyes are also shining, like dewdrops on lotus leaves in the morning mist.

Qingyin followed King Chen into the study and only swept around the study.

The decoration of Chen Wang's study is extremely simple, but there are two large bookcases on the wall facing the door, which are full of all kinds of books, but you can faintly see more military books and so on.

A Taishi chair in front of the bookcase and a large desk made of yellow pear wood. There are four treasures of the study on the desk, and there is another open book, which is often read by King Chen, because there are traces of wear and tear in the corners of the book. Qingyin only glanced at it, but found that it was not a military book, but a book written in strange words, and the content was a little like a miscellaneous book. I just said that the text was strange, but the clear sound looked familiar, and she seemed to know all the words on it.

When Chen Wang saw that Qingyin's attention had been on the book on the desk, he came forward and carefully picked it up, handed it to Qingyin and asked, "Do you like it?"

"This doesn't look like the text here?" Say it in a clear voice.

"This was written by my wife. I didn't know him at the beginning, but later he spent a lot of time teaching me." Speaking of his deceased wife, King Chen's eyes rose with thick sadness and unopenable affection. There was also a layer of water mist in his eyes. When he turned his face and saw the clear sound, he wiped his tears with a smile, put the book back on the table, and said to Qingyin, "Look at me, didn't I take you to see the portrait?"

After saying that, the clear sound led to the south wall.

I saw a blue lake silk hanging on the wall. King Chen approached. First, he condensed his mind before reaching out to uncover it. At the moment when the lake silk slipped, Qingyin saw a picture of a lady hanging on the wall. The lady smiled, with affectionate eyebrows, slightly raised the corners of her lips, with a little playfulness and cunning, wearing a lotus root on her body. The lotus-colored satin shirt, but her hair is like today, she only used a green ribbon to tie a ponytail tightly behind her head. If Qingyin hadn't known in advance that the person in the painting was the late princess of King Chen, he would have thought who drew it when he didn't pay attention.

It is not to mention that she is very similar to the former princess, but seven points are true, but as King Chen said, the two of them are slightly different between their eyebrows. The woman in the painting, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, is a little vigorous and heroic, but she is more delicate compared with her. It's just that the charm revealed by a smile is like a person.

He opened his mouth in shock and couldn't speak for a long time. Seeing the piece of jade pendant faintly revealed on the woman's neck in the painting, although it is only half, it is enough to make the clear sound look real, which is no different from the jade pendant hanging on his neck. Qingyin subconsciously touched his neck, and his fingers touched the jade pendant with his body temperature. He couldn't figure out the secret of it.

Just as she thought about it, her head began to hurt. At first, it was just a sudden beating pain on her temple, and then it spread to her forehead. Finally, her whole head seemed to be bumping into something inside, trying to rush out of the shackles of the skull. She put her head in her hands and Li wanted to squeeze out the pain in his head, but the pain did not decrease at all. Instead, it became more and more intense, causing a burst of tight convulsions in the body.

King Chen found Qing's abnormality and shouted anxiously: "Qingyin girl, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah--" Qingyin finally couldn't help it. He opened his mouth and shouted. As soon as his body was soft, he collapsed. Chen Wang grabbed Qingyin's body with sharp eyes and hurriedly shouted outside the door: "Wu!"

Chen Wu rushed into the study a few steps and saw Qingyin fainting in Chen Wang's arms, and his face turned white anxiously: "Your Majesty, this is..."

"Please call the doctor!" As Chen Wang told him, he picked up the clear sound horizontally and went through the main hall to the west ear room. There is a low couch on the other side of the ear room. Usually, King Chen sometimes reads books or is tired of handling official business, and he will rest there. Everything is complete. Although Chen Wu was old, he was anxious and did not stop under his feet. He walked out of the study in a few steps, out of the yard, and ordered the guards at the door to invite the doctor. He went to bring a pot of hot tea before he turned back.

Carefully put Qingyin flat on the bed. Chen Wang shouted Qingyin for a long time but there was no response at all. He just looked at the coma Qingyin's frown tightly, his teeth were clenched, and his cheeks were stiff and slightly shaking. Chen Wang's heart followed any slight reaction on Qingyin's face, either tightening or relaxation. . The palm of his hand held the soft sound, which was cold and cold, and he quickly rubbed hard with his hands. Occasionally, the clear eyelashes shook gently twice. Chen Wang thought that the clear voice was about to wake up and hurried to call in front of him, but he only shook twice, but the voice still did not wake up.

After waiting for a while, he saw that his clear lips were blue and purple. Chen Wang jumped up urgently, ran to the door, and looked at the door of the courtyard from time to time.

For good, King Chen's Mansion is in the inner city of the imperial capital, and the bodyguard's journey is also fast, but a doctor was invited in a quarter of an hour.

" Doctor, show me what's wrong with this girl?" As soon as the doctor arrived at the door and only stepped into one foot, King Chen pulled his clothes and dragged him into his ear.

The doctor suffered unspeakably, but who called him the first opposite sex prince of Dazhou? It was not easy to attack. He stumbled into the ear room, jumped to the bed of the voice, bent down to look at the voiced face of the voice, hurriedly squatted down, and put on the pulse of the voice of the hand.

Several times, the doctor frowned and said nothing.

"How's it going? What the hell is the disease?" Chen Wang asked quickly when he saw the situation.

"This..." The doctor put the voiceless hand back into the quilt and got up with an embarrassed face.

"What the hell is the disease?" It's not a terminal disease, is it? Just now, she suddenly fell ill, and the condition came so violent that Chen Wang had lived for more than 50 years and had never seen it before.

"Please forgive me for my incompetence and can't diagnose this!" The doctor bowed his hand and said cowardly.

"What does it mean that cannot be diagnosed? Aren't you a famous doctor in the imperial capital? How can such a small disease not be diagnosed? After hearing this, Chen Wang shouted angrily.

"Your Majesty, the little man has been practicing medicine for more than 30 years, but he has never seen such a pulse." The doctor shook his head and said, "Judging from the pulse, this girl is not only not sick, but also physically strong. I'm afraid that ordinary men are not as good as her. But she looked pale and unconscious, which really made me confused!"

"If you are not sick, why did you suddenly faint and still be unconscious?" If he is not a famous doctor in the imperial capital, King Chen or even say that he is a quack doctor, but this person is also famous in the imperial capital, and his medical skills are sometimes inferior to the imperial doctors in the palace. Since he said so, King Chen had to doubt it. But the clear sound is unconscious, but it's a fact! How can this be explained?

"I don't know if anything special happened to this girl before she fainted?" The doctor thought for a moment and asked, "Some people will suddenly faint after being stimulated."

Exciting? They were just looking at the portrait of the curtain. Qingyin had a splitting headache when they looked at it, and then fainted. What special happened there? Chen Wang Baisi was puzzled: "No!"

"Then please forgive my incompetence. The prince might as well ask the imperial doctor in the palace to come for consultation. I think someone should be able to cure it!" The doctor shook his head and bowed his hand to King Chen, waiting for King Chen to leave.

So it seems that it can only be like this! There are so many imperial doctors in the palace, and there is always a way to treat her. However, King Chen asked Chen Kang to ask the emperor for leave in the morning. If the imperial doctor came to come and learned that he was not injured, it would inevitably attract the suspicion of King Wu of Zhou in his ears. It's just that the matter of clear sound can't be delayed. Chen Wang gritted his teeth and called Chen Wu: "Wu, take my token to send someone to invite the royal doctor in the palace!"

waved the doctor out of the hospital.

At this time, Chen Kang happened to come back with a man. Hearing that Chen Wang was going to ask a royal doctor, he thought that his father was not happy, and hurriedly ran into the room: "Father, why do you want to ask a royal doctor?"