It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 10 Doubt

"King!" Linghu walked into a tent in the valley with a sad face and saw Xuan Sa standing with his hands on his side and whispered.

"Have they all been put in place?" Xuan Sa slowly turned around and asked with a frown when he saw that it was Linghu.

"Temporary tents have been built, and everyone has temporarily settled down. Everything is still in order, but there are a few old and sick people. Coupled with this hard work, the condition has worsened, and the wives of two brothers are about to give birth. This toss also show signs of premature birth." Linghu also looked tired and reported the situation truthfully.

After hearing this, Xuan Sa frowned more tightly: "Is it life-threatening?"

"Those two pregnant women are being taken care of. I don't think it will be a big deal. It's just that those seriously ill people are in trouble now, and it's not easy to invite doctors. If they drag on, I'm afraid they will die soon!"

"I still have a few ginsengs here. You send them first, relieve your life, and then send a few people out to find a doctor. Be sure to keep them well-round!"

"Yes!" Linghu replied, but did not leave. Xuan Sa quickly asked, "Is there anything else?"

"...The business girl is gone!" Linghu hesitated for a moment before saying sadly.

"..." Xuan Sa was slightly shocked and sighed, "Find a place to bury it!" The girl Gong's injuries are not light. She looks after her brothers' daughters-in-law and takes good care of them. Don't let anything happen again!"

"I know!" Linghu turned around and out of the tent. As soon as he got out of the tent, Linghu turned around and took a look. Through the cracks in the curtain, he saw Xuan Sa's tired face and lonely. Linghu sighed silently before leaving to arrange many things.

As soon as I arranged someone to deal with things, I heard the noise of two people in the tent next to me. I frowned and walked over.

"Old Ge, it took us more than ten years to build Zhuangzi, just like our home. What if the people of the imperial court successfully entered the valley but could not find our people and burned Zhuangzi in anger? I only took a few brothers there and watched from afar. If they want to do it, they can also secretly stop it. Although there is no guarantee that the villa will be preserved, they have finally done our part!" It was the elder Xu who spoke.

"Old Xu, don't think you don't know the purpose of this move, but you just want to take your brothers to avenge your dead brother." Ge Lao insisted: "You don't even think about it. If we still have the ability to avenge our brothers, why do we have to move here? Everyone can't even eat, and even sleep on the cold ground. It's okay for us men. Several of those wives and children are already sick. We finally destroyed the traces of migration. You are in a hurry to take people out of the valley. Isn't it a clue for the court? Not to mention whether the people of the imperial court will find your whereabouts? If they find clues, follow the vines, and then find here, do we still want the lives of hundreds of people up and down? At that time, there will be three short games. Can you bear this responsibility?

"I just took a few brothers to act secretly. Is it as serious as you said? I said, what kind of heart do you have? Why do you fight against me everywhere and increase the ambition of the imperial court? Can't we Yunyin have been authentic for decades and Emperor Yan? Can't we beat Zhou Xiong's little traitor? Xu Lao was so angry that he quarreled with Ge Lao.

"Xu Lao, Yunyin is no longer full of brothers in the past. Now we are like a water dog beaten by Zhou Xiong. It's hard to say whether we can guarantee the lives of the rest of us! At this time, I will definitely not let my brothers die with you again!" Mr. Ge sighed disdainfully and said.

"What nonsense are you talking about? We are just a failure. With the presence of a king, as long as we will raise him for two years, and then we will contact all forces. God will definitely be able to kill Zhou Xiong and restore our Great Yan Dynasty!" Xu's angry face turned white, and he pointed to Mr. Ge's nose and scolded.

Linghu heard this and it was clear why the two quarreled. Seeing that their voices had attracted the attention of others, he hurried forward and lifted the curtain to stop them: "Two elders, please stop for a while!"

"General Linghu, come to reason. We are just temporarily retired, but Mr. Ge is good. He actually has the intention to retreat and said that we are not the opponents of the traitor Zhou Xiong! Tell me, what kind of heart does he have? Is it possible that he has been bewitching his brothers with this all day? As soon as Xu Lao saw Linghu, he pulled Linghu to judge right and wrong.

"Brother Linghu, tell me about it. We have been repeatedly suppressed by Zhou Xiong. We were originally short of manpower. Xu Lao still wants to let his brothers go out for risks at this time. Is it just for the sake of his brothers?"

Linghu frowned and was about to open his mouth, but he saw a cyan figure outside the curtain flying. He was shocked and hurriedly whispered, "Two cautious words, if Wang listens to it, won't it add trouble?"

Ge Lao and Xu Lao looked at each other. Xu Lao quickly walked to the curtain and looked out of the account without seeing a figure. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and walked to Linghu and Ge Lao: "Anyway, I'm going to take people out, and you can't stop Ge Lao!"

"Now I'm in charge of personnel transfer, so don't be delusional!" Although the voices of both of them were lowered a little, Mr. Ge still didn't mean to relax at all.

Linghu had no choice but to persuade him, "Mr. Xu, Mr. Ge is reasonable. At this time, we can't avoid it. How can we let our brothers go out and take risks again? The business girl just fell ill, and several powerful maids around Wang were also injured. Wang, the old and weak women and children below need protection at this time. If you draw people again at this time, in case the people of the court find here, who will guarantee Wang's safety? I also know that there was no chance in the past. Now the people of the court are in front of us, but they can't take revenge. You are anxious, but there are priorities, and we should do it one by one. When this crisis is over, we will try to contact other forces of the previous dynasty. At that time, Zhou Xiong will be caught off guard, which is the real revenge for the brothers!"

"What Linghu Xiandi said is very true!" Mr. Ge hurriedly echoed.

" it just watching them ruin our home?" Mr. Xu is still a little unwilling.

"Wang said that things are dead and people are alive. As long as there are people, there is no need to worry about building a new home! Although the valley here is not as good as before, the place is more spacious than before, and the trees are ready-made. As long as we all work together, we can rebuild another villa in less than a year!"

"Yes, isn't it just a village? Destroy one and build another better one!"

Xu Lao was still a little reluctant, but it was not easy to refute, so he had to mutter. Linghu finally calmed down a storm, so he got out of the tent to do what Xuan Sa ordered. As soon as he turned the tent, he saw Xuan Sa's gloomy face. Linghu turned around and looked at Mr. Ge and Mr. Xu's tent and carefully called out, "Wang?"

"Ringhu, do you think I'm wrong?" Xuan Sa asked with a sad face.

"Why did Wang say this?" Linghu took a deep breath and asked puzzledly.

"I think that Zhou Xiong's rebellion and usurpation of his father's throne are traitors and thieves, but now that Zhou Xiong has been in power for more than ten years, the people have gradually recovered from the past changes. Although it is not a rich life, it is also a peaceful and happy life. No matter whether we can regain power from Zhou Xiong or not, it will be another change for the people. As long as it is a war, it will always be the people who will suffer. Wouldn't it be good for Zhou Xiong to cultivate his nature from now on and no longer attempt to expand his territory so that the people can continue to live such a life? Although we are under the banner of anti-Zhou Fuyan, why don't we have my own selfishness? Now I can't even guard my brothers who follow me. How can I govern the country in the future?

"Wang, you must not have this mistake!" After listening to this, Linghu thought that Xuan Sa was heartfelt for Ge Xu's words and quickly advised him: "Although the people have lived in peace for a few days in the past two years, there are still many people in the country who are still living in the heat of water and fire. Zhou Xiong is also ambitious, and he will be satisfied with only being the emperor of the Central Plains, only The king will inherit the throne of Emperor Yan in the future, and he will sincerely think about the people. At that time, it will be the blessing of the people!"

"Will you?" Xuan Sa asked hesitantly.

Linghu also fell into meditation.