It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 62 Grandfather-grandson Meeting

Musha then lifted the curtain into the tent and looked at Lin Yi, as if he had no curiosity or doubt about Lin Yi's sleeping tent at this time. He looked at Lin Yi and thought about it for a while. He still put his right hand on his left chest and bowed slightly to Lin Yi. Lin Yi did not react, but the cold maidservant stared at Musha, and there was no trace of emotion on his face.

The wooden sand surface was also calm and waveless, but Lin Yi saw a trace of coldness in his eyes. Musha turned his face and looked at King Hu: "I have something important to discuss with Wang!"

After saying that, the afterglow of the corner of his eyes glanced in the direction of Lin Yi. King Hu took a look and looked at Lin Yi. His face was a little embarrassed. There was no definite answer about the military alliance. Lin Yi was very reluctant, but Musha seemed that he obviously didn't want to let himself know about the matter of discussing with Hu Wang, so he stood up and bent his knees to King Hu: "Since Wang has business to deal with, I will retreat first. Get off!"

"The saint hasn't talked to Croon well this time, has she?" Lin Yi heard a trace of joy and gratitude in his eyes when he heard King Hu talking about Crown. King Hu nodded and smiled: "I must care about that matter. The saint can rest assured!" After saying that, King Hu shouted outside the tent: "The spirit!"

The spirit bent down and walked in gently: "What's the king's order?"

"Send the saint back to the account and pass on to the saint!" Hu Wang said, looking at Lin Yi's eyes with sighs and pity and distress, all kinds of intertwined, which actually gave Lin Yi an indescribable sense of warmth.

"I obey!" He replied respectfully.

smiled indifferently at King Hu, left her seat and passed by Musha. When passing by Musha, Lin Yi felt a proud look and shrewd calculation in Musha's eyes, which made Lin feel very uncomfortable. He quickly left King Hu's sleeping tent and went out of the tent. Looking at the sky and recalling Hu Wang's attitude towards the light curtain, Lin Yi's hanging heart was finally settled. At the thought of being able to talk to Kron immediately, I couldn't say that I was happy, and my attitude towards the weapon spirit was slightly better. I heard the footsteps of the instrument spirit stop behind me and said faintly, "Let's go!"

The instrument spirit gently said 'En', followed Lin Yi to send Lin back to his sleep, and then went to send a message to Kroon.

Krone was finally able to meet Lin Yi alone. He was very excited. He trembled and saluted Lin Yi. Lin wanted to help him, but he saw the frightened look on his face, so he held back. When Krone finished the ceremony, he respectfully asked Kroon to sit under his head.

"How has your grandfather been these years?" Although Krone sat in his seat with Lin Yi's wishes, his expression was still nervous and unnatural. Lin Yihao broke the tranquility first and asked first.

"Okay, okay, all good!" When Cron heard the words, his eyes turned red, and there was water mist in his eyes.

"When my mother said goodbye to my grandfather, I didn't expect that it would be separated forever. Now my mother can't bear the happiness, and I will do filial piety instead of my mother in the future!"

"I dare not!" When Kroon heard this, he got up in horror and said to Lin Yi, "I dare not!"

"Grandfather!" Lin Yi saw that crown was respectful to himself everywhere. He called softly and continued, "Grandfather, I grew up in the Central Plains and learned the etiquette of the Central Plains. I don't know what kind of status this Hu saint is in the clan, but I only know that we should do everything. Filial piety is the first priority! There is no one else here. Please don't be formal. Just like ordinary people's families, let your granddaughter kowtow to your grandfather's belated head!" After saying that, despite Krone's shock, he got up and walked to Krone, kneeled solemnly on his knees and kowtowed three times to Krone, "That's what the young curtain saint said to her subordinates. The light curtain saint brought great blessings to the clan as soon as she was born. The clan respected her. Later, she found that she was talented and talented. She was able to speak at the age of one year. When she was less than five years old, she helped the clan resolve the crisis many times. The whole Hu clan respected the light curtain saint as my Hu nationality, second only to the king. However, Wang also has special respect for the Qinglian saint. She always has to salute her when they meet, but every time the Qinglian saint is worshipped by me and her mother, she always feels uncomfortable. When there is no one beside her secretly, she also salutes us like you!" At this time, Crone was already full of tears, recalling the past, with relief and sadness in his eyes.

Lin Yi got up in a hurry and stroked Kron's back and comforted him, "Grandpa, don't be too sad. It's sad for my mother to see his grandfather like this in the spirit of heaven!"

"In those years, as soon as she left, many people were speculative. Some people said that she was a fairy sent by God, and she would return to heaven when the time came. Some people said that she had found glory and abandoned the clan. Everyone in the clan talked about it, but only my mother and I were convinced that she was not that kind of person, even if she was not a clan, for She will definitely not abandon us easily, but for so many years, there has been no news from her. Your grandmother was too sad and finally fell ill. Before leaving, she still remembered her. If I had known you in this world, she would not have been..."

"Grandpa, don't worry, my mother is by no means the kind of person they said!" Lin Yi has never seen the light curtain, and also knows what happened between the young curtain and Chen Jialuo. However, Lin Yi could never believe that the light curtain would be a person who abandoned his close relatives for love. Now listening to Krone's words, he has strengthened his judgment on the light curtain, but it is really an indisputable fact that when the young curtain abandoned his family. Is there still a secret in those years? A person's face suddenly flashed in his mind. Lin Yi unconsciously frowned, bit his lips or asked, "Grandfather, when my mother left the clan, she said it was to find a way to interpret the sacred objects for the clan. Is there really only such a reason?"

Kron looked up at Lin Yi, with a sad and indignant look on his face for a long time. He said hatefully, "Everyone only knows one of them, and they don't know the reason. When the young curtain has to leave home!"

"What's the reason? Please tell me!"

"It's a long story. At that time, your mother's light curtain saint was only 16 years old. Because she was a Hu saint, she was also famous all over the surrounding areas, and even the big Yan. Many foreigners coveted your mother's talent and found the king one after another and asked the saint to marry. The king would be willing? After procrastinating, the surrounding ethnic groups were unwilling, so they had the intention to fight against us. Wang was angry and didn't know what to do. At this time, Musha suddenly jumped out and suggested that the saint find a marriage among the people of the clan, which also broke the idea of the people..."