It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 73 Being Tracked

Seeing Lin Yi's refusal, Murong Qi quickly stuffed the tiger charm into Lin Yi's hand and frowned and said, "Sister, don't refuse. I can't go back this time. I don't know what's going on my father's side, and I can't help. Now that my father's tiger charm is by my side, if there is a crisis on my father's side, there will be no more help, so I also hope that my sister can bring the tiger charm to my father in person in case of emergency.

"The third young master can rest assured that I will definitely hand over the tiger charm to the prince! It will definitely not hurt the prince and Wan'er!" Hearing Murong Qi's words, Lin Yi also solemnly collected the tiger charm.

"It's not early. It's a long way to go to the imperial capital. Let's go early with my sister and Dr. Jane!" Murong Qi has a lot of reluctance.

"Yes, girl, you still have to pass through several desolate places on the road at this time. It's important for you to go early!" Although Ren Wexing did not know exactly what Murong Qi gave to Lin Yi, he knew that it must be extraordinary when he saw Lin Yi's nervous look. He was very happy to see that Lin Yi could be so trusted by Murong Qi, but he faintly felt a little uneasy.

Murong Qi helped clean up the dry food and water used on the road, and Xiao Si has gone out to trap the horses.

"Old man, let's go!" At this time, he had also cleaned up and walked out of the door. Lin Yi glanced at the room and sighed to himself.

"Won, won't you go in and see him?" Simply call Lin Yi who turned around.

"The prince needs a rest!" Lin Yi just looked at it and said something briefly. He glanced at the room at the corner of his eyes, went straight to the horse, and turned over and jumped on the horse's back.

"Woman, be careful all the way. When Mr. Murong recovers, God will look for you!" I am very reluctant, but I can only warn a few words.

"Brother Ren, Qing'er and Qi'er will get rid of you!" He simply took over the burden of dry food from Murong Qi, bowed his hand and saluted me before stepping on horseback.

"Let's go!" Lin Yi looked up at the sky, frowned, shook the reins, and rode away. Simplicity immediately followed. After leaving the entrance of the village and meeting the two phantoms, the four people kept flying all the way to the imperial capital. Because Lin Yigui's heart is like an arrow, there is almost no rest along the way except for the time to let the horses rest and the time to use dry food. However, it took more than three days to arrive outside Heyi City.

"Phantom!" Lin Yi felt that all his bones were about to disperse, but he still put up with it.

"Miss, what can I do for you!" The phantom both came forward and took the lead.

"I still have some things to do in Heyi. You can go back to the imperial capital first and inquire about my father's news!"

"The prince has ordered that the two subordinates are only responsible for the safety of the young lady and must not leave the young lady's side!" The phantom said aloud.

"Just have Dr. Jane around me. What's more, the matter is in power. Now that we have left the imperial capital for many days, we don't know what the situation is over there. You two go back first and find out the news. If there is nothing on your father's side, you can come out of the city to welcome us again!" Lin Yi waved his hand.

"Miss..." The two phantoms are still hesitating.

"All's it!" Lin Yi raised his hand and motioned the two to silence: "Once the matter on Heyi's side is completed, I will go after you immediately!"

"You two can rest assured that I will protect the girl here, and I will not let your master do any damage!" I simply knew that Lin Yi was worried about the Chen family on the one hand, and Xuan Sa on the other hand, and quickly said something to help.

"Then there will be Dr. La Jane!" The two Phantom saluted the simple respectfully before turning over: "As soon as the two subordinates have the exact news, they will immediately come back to welcome the young lady!" After saying that, Lin nod his head, and the two galloped away without looking back.

Simply disguised as a master, Lin Yi was still dressed as a small man, leading the horse to the gate of Heyi slowly.

I thought it would take some twists and turns to enter the city, but who knows that today's Heyi City is completely different from when they left. The soldiers guarding the door restored the number of Heyi City in the past, even more relaxed than the previous guards. The investigation of the people entering the city was also very sloppy. Lin Yi did not expect that they would mix in the crowd entering the city almost effortlessly and enter the gate smoothly. However, as soon as he entered the city, Lin Yi felt that there was a kind of gistful atmosphere everywhere in today's Heyi City.

Perhaps because of the approach of New Year's Eve, there are dozens of more vendors and tourists in the city than usual. There is a lively and prosperous scenery everywhere. It's just that Lin Yi always feels that in those strange crowds, there are several inexplicable sharp eyes staring at him from time to time. But when she searched carefully, she found nothing, which made her heart inexplicably nervous.

Simple also seemed to notice her abnormality. He walked two steps slightly, walked side by side with her, and whispered, "Don't worry, girl!"

"Old man, don't you think there is anything strange?" Lin Yi looked around suspiciously and asked vigilantly.

"I think we have been followed!" Simple pretending to be nothing.

"What?" Lin Yi looked up in consterren and exclaimed. He simply pressed her arm immediately and booed, "Don't make a sound. Let's find a place to dump people first!"

Lin Yi's heart can't calm down. Let's not talk about whether others know their identity, and who will know that they will appear in Heyi at this time? So who are the people who follow them and for what purpose? In his heart, he buried his head and simply walked into an inn.

At this time, it was not yet before the time for the guests. Although the two did not want to attract attention, they were wearing coarse cloth clothes, but as soon as the shopkeeper saw the two, he ran up attentively and said with a smile, "Are the two guests at the top or staying in the store?"

"stay in the hotel!" He simply stuffed the store's little two ingots of silver, and the store's little two immediately called the servant next to him with a smile and took their horses to the backyard.

"There are four and other rooms in our store. I don't know if the two guests are..." Xiao Er nodded and bowed.

"I like cleanliness. Give me the most remote and quiet one in your store!" Simply striding forward, Lin Yi lowered his eyebrows and followed him, staring at the people in the inn as he walked. At this time, it was not the right time to eat. There were not many guests in the store, but they were sitting at two tables. It seemed that they should be outsiders. When they saw Lin Yi and others coming in, they just glanced up and bowed their heads and chatted with their companions in a low voice. Lin Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, but then, the voice of the shopkeeper behind him sounded: "Are these two guest officials sharp or staying in the hotel?"

"Like them..." Lin Yiyi heard the voice of a young man, and his heart thumped. He only felt that there was a cold chill in the man's voice, and his footsteps stiffened. The man continued, "There are two first-class rooms!"