It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 76 Arrangements

It's night.

Lin Yi's soldiers were divided into two ways and simply went to Murong Wangfu. Lin Yi took Jiao and Linghu to their small shop.

As soon as he approached the courtyard door, a black figure flew down in the night, blocking the three people, and the long sword in his hand had been pulled out. The corner was shocked, his body shook, and he quickly stood in front of Lin. The short dagger at his waist had been pulled out, and Linghu was also in a posture of fighting. Seeing that the two sides were about to start to have a hand, Lin Yi shouted softly, "State stop, it's me!"

The figure in the dark was slightly stunned and flashed in front of him. When he saw clearly that it was Lin Yi, he called excitedly, "Miss?"

Linghu and Jiao saw that Lin Yi was familiar with the people, so they took the dagger and retreated aside.

"Miss, wait a moment, and I'm going to call the door!" Statement held his fist and bowed, and walked quickly to the door of the courtyard. First, he tapped the door three times, paused for a moment, and then knocked on the door twice. Obviously, it was a negotiated code.

For a moment, there was a 'squeak' sound, and the door of the courtyard opened a gap, and only the voice of Hongxia was heard: "Brother Chen, please come in!"

Lin Yi took the lead and whispered, "Sister Hongxia, it's me!"

There was a sound behind the courtyard door, and then the courtyard door opened. Hongxia leaned out half of her head. As soon as she saw Lin Yi, she shouted happily, "Sister is back! Come on in!"

Lin's horns behind him and Linghu waved, and the three people fished into the courtyard door. The statement followed him, closed the door, and stayed behind the door.

Hongxia took Lin Yi's hand tightly and said happily as she walked to the yard, "If the young lady knows that you are back, she will definitely be very happy!"

As soon as the words fell, I heard Green Spirit's question in the main hall: "Hongxia, everything is ready, and Brother Chen can be delivered here..." Before he finished speaking, he saw Lin Yi. He was stunned. Green Spirit came to his senses and ran out of the door: "My sister is finally back! It's been a few days, and there's no news coming back. We're all worried about it!" With that, he turned his face and said to Hongxia, "Please go and invite the young lady out!"

Hongxia turned around and went to Murong Wan's room.

"Sister, please come into the room and talk. It's freezing outside!" As Lu Ling was talking, he saw Linghu and Jiao who followed Lin and asked suspiciously, "Who are these two?"

"This is General Linghu, this is my good sister when I was at the villa, call the corner!" Lin Yi's brief introduction.

Jiao was flattered and quickly came forward to explain: "I am the maidservant of the lady's close maid!"

At this time, Hongxia and Xianglin's sister-in-law ran over with Murong Wan. As soon as they saw Lin Yi, Murong Wan quickly stepped forward, holding Lin Yi's hands, their eyes were tearful, and they were excited: "I finally saw my sister again! There has been no news from my sister, which makes me so worried!" The horn glanced at the crowd and silently retreated aside.

"Wan'er, why did you lose weight again? But are you not well again?" Murong Wan looked tired and thin, and her small face was also pale, and her big eyes were even more adorable. Lin Yi couldn't help frowning and said with pain.

"It's okay, it's okay, I just miss my sister! Now that my sister is safe, I am relieved!" Murong Wan looked up and smiled.

"Miss is worried about you and doesn't think about tea and food all day long, so she has lost a little. Now that you have come back and accompanied the young lady, the young lady will be happy and will be raised in a few days!" Xianglin's sister-in-law was also very happy to see Lin Yi.

At this time, Hongxia suddenly patted her head: "It's cold this night. You must be thirsty all the way here, right? I'm going to boil water to make a pot of hot tea for you to warm up!"

"Yes, you must have a lot to say to the young lady. I'll make a pot of tea with Hongxia. Let's have a good chat!" Green Spirit hurriedly echoed and was about to go out of the room with Hongxia. Lin Yi hurriedly stopped: "You two sisters don't have to be busy. Time is running out. Come and sit down. I have something important to discuss with you."

Seeing Lin Yi's serious face, Lv Ling and Hongxia knew that what Lin Yi was going to say must be very important. Then they stopped and turned to answer the room, but they did not sit down, but just stood beside Murong Wan and Lin Yi.

"Sister, has the situation changed in the imperial capital? Or is there any movement of the emperor? Murong Wan looked at Lin Yi's solemn face and became nervous.

"No, Wan'er, don't worry!" Lin Yi hurriedly held Murong Wan's softness, shook his head and smiled to comfort him. When Murong Wan's expression eased a little, Lin Yicai solemnly introduced to Murong Wan, "Wan'er, this is General Linghu!"

Only then did Murong Wan notice that there was a man in the room. Because of the urgency he had just got up, she didn't have time to dress up, but her clothes were still neat. She blushed unconsciously. She shyly got up and bowed to Linghu and gave a blessing: "Wan'er has seen General Linghu!"

"I'm a first-class rude person, and I really dare not accept such a big gift!" As soon as we met, Linghu already had a good impression on the thin little girl in front of him. Now she was so frightened by Murong Wan's gift and hurriedly bowed back.

"Wan'er, General Linghu is not an outsider, so there is no need to see outside!" Since Linghu would have to take care of Murong Wan for a long time in the future, Lin Yi didn't want to be too suspicious of the two, so he pulled and sat down again: "Wan'er, General Linghu is going to leave the city immediately. This time, my sister wants you to follow General Linghu out of the city first..."

"Exit? Safe?" Before Lin finished his words, Murong Wan interrupted nervously: "Does my sister mean that Heyi City is going to be unsafe? But Green Spirit said that half of the guards in the city had been withdrawn, and didn't my sister just say that the imperial capital had not changed? Is the emperor finally going to take action against our Murong family?

Murong Wan has experienced so many changes at a young age and has become so fragile that Lin Yi can see that she is really pitiful from the bottom of her heart. Unable to bear Murong Wan's fear, Lin Yi quickly comforted Murong Wan's mood: "Don't panic. The emperor hasn't taken any action for the time being. It's just not afraid of 10,000, but in case, you will always be in danger if you stay in the city, just meet General Linghu, so I'd like to think about sending you out of the city first to avoid future trouble!"

"What about my sister? Are you also out of town with us? Murong Wan looked better, but she was still very scared.

"I can't leave yet!"

"My sister won't leave, and I won't leave either!" Murong Wan shook her head stubbornly: "Didn't my sister say that the most dangerous place is the safest place? I have always been safe here, and I can always know the situation of my father and the house. If I leave, what will Dad do?"

"Yes, sister, we have Brother Chen's protection all the time. Why do we have to leave now? We are all gone. What about the supply in the house? If it hadn't been for them sending something in from time to time, I'm afraid that the palace would not have been able to support it.

"Sister Green Spirit, don't worry, after you leave, I will let the statement continue to stay here to do something about the royal palace, and I will definitely not let the people in the house suffer!" After a pause, Lin Yi said again, "And this time, the prince is going to leave with you!"

"Will Dad be willing to leave?" Murong Wan asked in disbelief.

"I have asked Dr. Jane to go to the prince. I believe that now they have set out to make peace with us!" In the past, Lin Yi was not sure enough to persuade Murong Changtian to leave, but this time, she believed that Murong Changtian would agree to their decision.

"But sister, we're all gone. What should you do?" Murong Wan still asked uneasfully.

"Sister Lin, I think I'd better stay here!"