It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 85 On New Year's Eve, there is a vision

Nine days later is another year's New Year's Eve, which is the night before the marriage of the ninth prince and Lin.

The imperial capital has accumulated people and scholars who came from all directions to watch this wedding of the century.

The large and small inns and restaurants in the city are full of people, but there are also people coming from all over the place. The smallest inns and restaurants in the city have made temporary premises to accommodate these people.

This year's New Year's Eve is also particularly lively and prosperous because of this wedding. It is actually the most grand New Year in the years since the founding of the imperial capital and even the whole Zhou Dynasty.

The imperial capital stayed up all night tonight, and the people spontaneously gathered on the street and carnivaled all night, just to see the grandeur of this century wedding as soon as possible the next day.

Suddenly, a loud noise cut through the hustle and bustle of the imperial capital. The people walking up the street were only stunned. Suddenly, someone in the crowd took the lead in reacting and shouted, "Is this thunder?"

"Thunder? How can there be thunder in this season? Didn't you hear it wrong? The people around him glanced suspiciously at the person who had just spoken, his face was full of disbelief, and there was a faint panic on his face.

Then a flash of lightning passed through the sky, and in an instant, the brightly lit market was also compared. Everyone was panicked: "It's really thundering. Won't it rain?"

"This thunder is strange. How can there be such a thunder in this big year?"

"Yes, isn't it an ominous sign?"

"What are you talking about? This is the wedding of the ninth prince tomorrow. It is the biggest happy event in my Zhou Dynasty in decades. What can be unknown? If you ask others to listen to it, you will be guilty of spreading rumors!" Someone kindly reminded me.

"That's not the case. You heard that there was such a vision in the west a few days ago. As a result, all the people in that village died. It was said that the gods were furious, so we had to guard against it!"

"Is it true? But what's wrong with this good god?

"In a low voice, this god is the largest in the three worlds. You can't talk nonsense. Why don't apologize!"

Although the rain did not fall, because of this sudden change, everyone's mood for playing has decreased a lot. Three or threes have also dispersed, and they went home and returned to the inn.

King Chen's Mansion

"Miss, the matter has been done according to your instructions!" In Rongxuan Pavilion, in Lin Yi's boudoir, Lin Yi was dressed in red makeup and his long hair was scattered. Suddenly, there was a slight sound in the window, and he came to Lin Yi after a few steps in black clothes and replied with his fists.

"Okay, there will be more wonderful drama tomorrow!" Lin raised the corners of his lips and laughed softly. His fingers gently twisted his bright red sleeves and stroked them, with a trace of loneliness on his face.

"Miss..." The corner wanted to stop talking.

"Corner, I know what you want to say, but this time I have no choice!" Lin Yi looked at the reflection in the middle corner of the mirror, sighed anxiously and said firmly.

"Miss, the corner will never leave the lady's side, and it will never cause any damage to the lady!" The horn suddenly knelt on his knees and raised his head.

"No, Jiao, after entering the palace tomorrow, someone will meet you. As long as you get the opportunity, you will rescue him first. As for me, Zhou Xiong will not kill me now!" Although Lin Yi said so, in fact, he was not completely sure.

"Miss..." The corner opened his mouth, but his voice was already choked. At this time, Linger came in with a tray: "Miss, it's time to put on makeup!" As soon as she finished speaking, Linger's eyes were also a little wet. She didn't want Lin Yi to see it and add sadness. At the moment she turned her back, she sucked her nose hard and turned around and smiled: "When the lady finishes her makeup, it's time to salute the prince and the prince!"

"Ye" Lin Yi looked lonely and never thought that the first time she put on a wedding dress would be under such circumstances, and the next days would be even more unpredictable. Although Jiao replied that Linghu and Murong Changtian were ready to take action at any time, she knew that the most important thing in this battle was not them outside, but her who was about to be in the deep palace. Only when she succeeds could they succeed at that time.

After putting on makeup, it was already a moment. According to the wedding arrangement, at the beginning of the ceremony, the welcoming team in the palace was about to arrive at the gate of King Chen's Mansion, and then picked up Lin Yi's sedan chair and traveled around the imperial capital. Chenshi would return to the palace and complete the wedding ceremony in the presence of Zhou Xiong, noble concubines and princes and ministers. Hou Linyi will be sent to the palace where the ninth prince lives. Zhou Xiong and the ninth prince will have a banquet for the invited Fanbang and a group of officials!

At the wedding ceremony, a ceremonial officer told Lin Yi that this was a royal wedding, which could not go wrong.

Jiao also changed the clothes of the dowry maid, and Linger left and left and right out of the yard. As soon as they left the yard, they saw Chen Jialuo, Chen Kang and Chen Wu, who had been waiting at the gate of the courtyard for a long time.

As soon as he saw Lin Yi come out, Chen Jialuo took the lead in moving forward excitedly, holding Lin Yi's hand and holding it tightly in the palm of his hand. His eyes were full of reluctance, guilt and fear.

"Why did Dad come here? According to the etiquette, his daughter should go to say good to his father in person!" Lin Yi was slightly stunned, and then bowed his knees to Chen Jialuofu. As soon as he bent down, Chen Jialuo quickly pulled and said, "Woman, it's time to pay attention to those false gifts between our father and daughter. Dad has been sorry for so many years, and I haven't let you live a good day. Everything is Dad's fault!"

"Dad, don't say that!" Lin Yi interrupted Chen Jialuo's words, looked up and said with a smile, "Dad doesn't know that the happiest thing about my daughter's life or two lives is to have a father like you and such a brother who loves me. My daughter really feels very happy. Because of you two in her life, my daughter really doesn't regret at all!"

"My sister, let's wrong you for the time being. Please believe me, brother, I won't let you suffer this for the rest of your life!" When Chen Kang heard the words, his tone was a little excited and indignant.

"Brother, I believe you!" Lin Yiran smiled and covered his head with pearls. Unexpectedly, he was extremely gorgeous: "Brother, after I leave, my father, Uncle Wu, and the Chen family will rely on you all the top and bottom, and you have to think twice about everything!"

"Sister..." Chen Kang hesitated a little, and then his eyes were gloomy and said deviously, "Don't worry! My brother won't let my sister down!"

Before dawn, Chen's house was illuminated by candlelight, just like day. Lin Yi slowly turned around and looked at the home where he had only stayed for more than a month, but his heart was full of emotions!