Ghost wife in charge

Chapter 116 Spider Queen

After the spiders gave way, they saw the winner standing in place spitting out the white spider silk. The spider silk flew into the air and landed on the stone wall on the top, and then it swung from left to right like a swing, swinging out the spider silk.

It didn't take long for a good-looking spider web. Its whole body hung on the spider web. Then it shouted a few times, and four ordinary table-sized spiders appeared in the group. The two of them walked in a row with a big cocoon in the middle.

The four spiders pulled the cocoon in front of the winner, and then the spider came down from the center of the net, climbed in front of the cocoon, spit out silk, and dragged the cocoon to the net he knitted. The cocoon hung in the middle, and it moved, thinking that the things in it were still alive.

The spider stood on the Internet, waiting for the black spider to act. After a long time, the black spider slowly moved its body, and its legs and feet vigorously landed on the net and moved to the middle.

It had a mouth, revealing its sharp teeth, then lowered its head, biting the food, and injecting it with venom. The cocoon finally did not move. It lay on the food and ate it quickly, while the spider carefully approached the black spider who was eating, slowly approached, then touched its leg, and jumped on it when it saw that there was no resistance.

Zuo Zixin sweated in her palm and withdrew her eyes. I'm afraid the next action is not suitable for children. She was so lucky that she fell from the sea into this inexplicable cave, and now she saw the spider propose to her bridal chamber.

What should I do?

Zuo Zixin looked at the big net below her. The spider laid eggs very quickly. After giving birth, she began to lay eggs. At that time, Hua Linglong would be in danger. However, Zuo Zixin shook her tail and hesitated. There were so many spiders below that she was not sure that her legs would not be weak.

Finally, the black spider ate up the food, and the winner had reached the last moment. Finally, it jumped off the black spider's back. However, at this time, the black spider's claws moved and pressed the spider on the net, and then bit its teeth and injected it with venom.

The winner's struggle gradually decreased and finally stiffened, while the black spider bit its stomach and ate its meat. Finally, the black spider ate everything and lay motionless on the net.

At this time, the spiders behind moved. They surged up, cleaned up the wreckage underneath, and then retreated to the same place.

Is this the spider queen? Only the female spider would eat her spouse, and Zuo Zixin's face sank. This time, she really made money. She actually wanted to rob people from the spider queen's mouth. She really thought her life was too long.

Wow. Zuo Zixin really wanted to cry. She looked bitterly, tried not to think about these spiders, and then slowly walked along the stone wall to the big net where Hua Linglong was located.

She was not even so nervous after knowing that she didn't have much time and was going to die at any time. She held her breath and then slowly walked around. Probably Zuo Zixin is a fox, so small that it is not enough to stuff their teeth, so it did not attract the attention of spiders.

Finally, before the spider queen woke up, she had arrived in front of Hua Linglong's place.

"Sister Gu Yu..." Hua Linglong looked at the fox above her head in surprise. Tears flowed out involuntarily and wanted to cry, but she was also restrained by her forbidden action and immediately closed her mouth.

Zuo Zixin looked at the spider queen in the distance and took a deep breath. Her stomach seemed to be getting bigger and bulging. It seemed that she had to hurry up. She stretched out her tail, then moved down, carefully rolled the beautiful cocoon, and then slowly pulled it up.

However, the spider silk was so tightly that Zuo Zixin mentioned half of it and could no longer move. Damn, something went wrong at this time.

She looked at the distance behind her and thought about the chances of throwing Hua Linglong away if she was found. This looks like a risk!

Zuo Zixin gritted her teeth, looked at the spider queen who had moved her hands and feet, and pulled her up with her tail. The hard pull obviously also shocked the spiders. They raised their heads, and then their gloomy eyes fell on Zuo Zixin.

"Sister Gu Yu, what should I do now?" Hua Linglong gritted her teeth and was very frightened. She placed her only hope on Zuo Zixin.

Zuo Zixin ignored Hua Linglong's words. She went down and threw down the spider silk wrapped around Hua Linglong's body. Then she shook her tail and threw her over. "Go another way and I'll come to you when I solve this."

Hua Linglong was thrown out and landed in the cave just now. She gritted her teeth and said, "Sister Gu Yu, I won't leave. I'm going to stay."

Zuo Zixin was stunned and didn't expect that this little girl was very righteous. However, now is not the time for righteousness. At this time, she should escape far away, so that she can get out more easily. Although this girl's words moved Zuo Zixin a little, it was only a little moved.

She was stunned, stretched her tail, rolled up Hua Linglong, and then threw her into the hole, and then her tail hit the stone wall hard. With a loud bang, the stone wall collapsed and blocked the cave.

Now I have to prepare to fight alone.

Zuo Zixin looked down at the dense spider crawling towards him, with goose bumps all over his body. With so many giant spiders, he has to calm down. She doesn't want to be the reserve food for the spider queen's child.

Those spiders climbed up along the stone wall, crawling and spitting silk. The silk was cold and poisonous at a glance. Zuo Zixin's legs were soft and her teeth trembled. She would rather go to the giant bird than the giant spider. She has a stomachache and fatigue when she looks at this disgusting thing, let alone fly around them.

Zuo Zixin looked around and wanted to find a way out, but to her disappointment, she didn't see anything obvious.

Those spiders finally climbed up and surrounded Zuo Zixin. Their sharp teeth made a "crip, click" sound, and the spider hair on their bodies, black and pressed, made people sweat coldly.

Zuo Zixin shook his tail and hit the stone wall. The stone on the stone wall rolled down and hit the spider. She kept smashing, the stone kept falling, and many spiders were hit by the stone and fell down. However, more spitting out silk like swinging, swaying left and right.

Daw, these things are endless, and her method can only delay time, not achieve fundamental killing. If only there was a fire, she could burn their nests with fire. Unfortunately, Zuo Zixin can make some small fire at most. I'm afraid there is nothing she can do to make a big fire.

Fortunately, Zuo Zixin's body is small, and those spiders can't catch her. So she kept jumping from this side to the other side, jumping around and avoiding the spiders.

Suddenly, there was a strange noise in the spider group, and then all the spiders that were still attacking Zuo Zixin retreated like a tide, leaving only a black spider with a big belly standing on the huge net and confronting Zuo Zixin.

What does this spider want to do?

Zuo Zixin held her breath and defended carefully. Don't think that these spiders are gone, she can take it lightly. Maybe they will suddenly come out of a place around her.

"You and I are of the same kind, why did you let go of that food?" The black spider raised its feet, slowly moved forward, and then said to Zuo Zixin quite humanely.

The same kind?

Zuo Zixin frowned and didn't wonder why this spider speaks human language. She pointed to her nose and said strangely, "You're a spider, I," Zuo Zixin paused and glanced at herself, "I'm a fox. I don't think we are of the same kind at all, right?"

"Well, you and I are all demons. Don't think you are a member of the upper fox family, just think of yourself as a human being. We are aliens in front of those practitioners. Didn't you expect you to save them? If the demon king knows, you think you will still have good fruit to eat. The black spider looked at the fiery fox, and its invisible eyes were deeply disdainful and greedy.

The fox family?

Zuo Zixin felt very confused. Could it be that her body really had something to do? However, Zuo Zixin doesn't have time to think about this now, so she still has to find a way to escape from here. To be honest, she felt that the spider's words were not credible, and her trembling legs could be seen.

Her senses are sensitive, so she can clearly hear the sound of digging from the stone wall. Presumably, the black spider came up with this trick when it was not easy to catch her. I have to say that this spider is really smart. No wonder it can become the queen of this group of spiders.

"Well, if it hadn't been for the sake of the same demon clan, I would have let them tear you apart." The black spider said coldly, and then returned to the net and coiled in the center.

"Well, you've thought about it for a long time." As soon as she finished speaking, Zuo Zixin jumped up and quickly landed in another place, but a big hole had been broken on the ground where she was standing just now, and a spider's head was poked out of the hole.

"Since you don't know what to do, don't blame me for turning against you." The black spider quickly crawled on the Internet, climbed up along the spider silk, climbed up the stone wall above its head, and then went in the direction of Zuo Zixin.

It is extremely fast, crawling and spitting silk. Spider heads kept emerging from around the stone wall and spitting spider silk. Zuo Zixin was forced down from the stone wall and stepped on the ground. At this time, the spiders surrounded Zuo Zixin.

Damn it, Zuo Zixin had just avoided the spider's silk, but she didn't expect that the spider queen spit out silk and swept her tail. Suddenly, Zuo Zixin felt dizzy, and the spiders were getting closer and closer to her. Finally, when Zuo Zixin's eyes were blurred, she was surrounded by spiders and entangled by those silks.