Ghost wife in charge

Chapter 161 He Tangju (second update)

The phoenix slowly goes up. The strange thing is that the higher it goes up, the larger the space. This collapsed peak really wants to be a bowl. The flame on the phoenix's wings actually burned the mountain.

The pink walls are swallowed up by flames, emitting a sweet fragrance.

The secret place is really strange. After a pink peak is burned, it can still emit a sweet fragrance. Sure enough, it is the Xiuzhen continent, and the light and shadow can be seen everywhere, and there is no curiosity.

Zuo Zixin is curious about the peak, but also knows that the most important thing now is to find a way out and leave this damn place. As soon as she flew up the pink peak in the flames, a fishy smell hit.

"Be careful." Zuo Zixin shouted, and the flame figure flashed and dodged the blow. But that thing keeps attacking as if it doesn't give up.

The flame took Zuo Zixin to hide from the west and grabbed the hide and seek with it.

Zuo Zixin took advantage of this time to see what was attacking them. Specifically, it was not a good thing, but a red pillar twice as thick as her. The pillar smells bad and can turn and rotate like satin. She explored with her mind and found that the pillar originated from a cave in the abyss.

A cave that can spit out such pillars, a cave that can attack people?

Zuo Zixin felt more and more mysterious. She was curious about the red pillars that attacked them with a stench, driving the flames slowly down. The further down, the thicker the water vapor underneath. Gradually, the scene under the abyss is also exposed to Zuo Zixin.

The endless sea is calm without any waves. I'm afraid the original green pillar will come out from the bottom of the sea. The land in the air is really strange.

The cave below saw Zuo Zixin coming down and spit out a red pillar with a "kiw" sound, rolling up the fiery body and dragging it into the hole. As a phoenix, how could the flame be easily caught by it? The flame around it was so strong that it burned white bubbles on the red pillar in an instant.

"Kong!" A tragic cry shook Zuo Zixin's ears, and the red pillar was taken back, while Zuo Zixin and the flame fell down.

At the last moment when she was about to fall into the sea, Zuo Zixin withdrew the flame, and then with a "bang" sound, she fell into the water without even splashing a wave.

Da Damn it! Zuo Zixin wiped the drops of water from her face and surfaced. After looking at the green driftwood in front of her, she turned over and climbed up.

Zuo Zixin first fell into a huge small pond, which was full of commonly visible aquatic creatures, but in Zuo Zixin's eyes, she was bigger than a monster, and even couldn't see its head and tail.

Zuo Zixin climbed up the green driftwood and just gasped a few times when the driftwood actually moved and jumped three feet. After a feeling of flying, the driftwood fell on the green land.

She was dumbfounded. It turned out that this was not driftwood, but a monster? She stepped on the monster's body and climbed from its back to its eyes. "My God, what the hell is this place? The monster here has grown like this. I'm afraid it's not enough to stuff its teeth?"

Zuo Zixin sat on the eyes of a frog with a thoughtful face. After staring at the beautiful blue sky for a moment, the frog finally found that its eyes were covered by something. It turned several times without getting rid of the mud on its eyes, and finally had to move its legs.

With a foot kick, the mud popped out smoothly, and the vision was spacious.

"Ouch." Zuo Zixin rested on a transparent stone, a green shadow flashed, and the defenseless Zuo Zixin bounced on the green.

Zuo Zixin rubbed her waist and cried. Before she got up, a dark shadow flashed, and then she was thrown into the green space and fell into the abyss.

As a time traveler, Zuo Zixin was probably the first to be kicked out by something like a frog. Although this kind of thing in the secret world is not called a frog, but a blue-eyed frog, it is essentially the same as a frog.

In a blink of an eye, it was evening, and the fish in the lotus pond slowly surfaced and breathed fresh air. A golden fish looked up, and the dust falling from the sky entered its stomach. The golden fish breathed enough and dived into the water again. Several of them shook their tails and disappeared.

After Zuo Zixin was kicked down by the frog, she fell into something without even screaming. It was dark in front of her, and with her consciousness, she could barely see where she was. The black cave has folds on the walls of the cave. Strangely, the temperature in the cave is very warm.

Zuo Zixin's back road was blocked, and she could only go forward. The further she walked, the more strange the cave was. The feet are soft, the wall of the hole shakes, and there is corroding acid sprayed from time to time.

Zuo Zixin took out a whip and poked a big hole in the stone wall. She also wondered that the stone wall was too unreliable, and red water burst out of the big hole. The red water smelled and submerged.

Zuo Zixin quickly oiled the soles of his feet and ran forward. In front of him was a small cliff. Zuo Zixin had an idea, jumped up the stone wall, pressed it tightly, and waited for all the red water to fall into the cliff before coming down from the stone wall.

As soon as the red water passed, the cave shook violently again. Zuo Zixin also swayed back and forth with the shaking of the cave, which made her almost vomit.

After shaking, a sharp weapon punctured the sound, and the cave behind her suddenly broke into two sections, and red water emerged from the disconnection. Before Zuo Zixin was surprised, a big wave poured in from the fracture of the cave and knocked it out.

What the hell happened?

Just now, the fish accidentally hit the scissors at the bottom of the water because of abdominal colic, and coincidentally closed itself. Zuo Zixin, as a thing in the fish belly, survived from the fish belly and was beaten into the mud by the waves.

After that, Zuo Zixin was chased by unknown creatures (fish). After swimming at the bottom of the water, she finally encountered a black hole. She wanted to take a nap, but she didn't know that a breath in the black hole pulled her in.

After Zuo Zixin was pulled to his destination, he couldn't help but looked at the place. It looks like a cave, a natural cave, which is staggered. Zuo Zixin walked along the path and found a door with a plaque hanging on the door, "Hetangju."

The lotus pond, the lotus pond, isn't it the lotus pond where she was just now?

Zuo Zixin was curious and pushed the door in. The room is very simple and there is nothing strange, but there is a box on the desk in the middle of the room.

Good thing! Zuo Zixin narrowed her eyes and quickly stretched out her hand. There are many foreign treasures in the secret world. It seems that there are also good things in this lotus pond. Unfortunately, Zuo Zixin's consciousness scanned the inside and outside of the house several times, and there was nothing valuable except this box.

Forget it, it's good to have something. As soon as Zuo Zixin's hand touched the box, suddenly the box emitted a golden light and bounced Zuo Zixin out.

Although Zuo Zixin is a golden elixir, his body is still a valley. He was hit by an unknown mask, and Dantian rolled for a while. A light can spit blood on Zuo Zixin. I have to say that it is a little powerful. When she suppressed Dantian's roll and got up from the ground, a pleasant female voice came to her ears.

"Congratulations on entering Hetangju. You must have gone through a lot of hardships to find here. Do you want to know what just happened?" There was a sound from the room.

Zuo Zixin frowned and didn't expect that there would be such a powerful photo in this small room. The secret land has existed for thousands of years, and the lotus pond residence has also existed for thousands of years. I'm afraid that this female cultivation is very strong.

However, she said what just happened, but unfortunately she was not interested at all and just wanted to go out early.

Zuo Zixin bowed and said, "This senior, the younger generation really wants to leave. I hope you can show a clear way.

After listening to Zuo Zixin's words, the female voice continued, "I think you must come out. Of course, if you want to go out, you have to see what happened to you just now. I believe you will like it very much.

The corners of Zuo Zixin's mouth twitched and liked a wool. She didn't want to know what had just happened. But if she doesn't do the same, she won't be able to go out of this strange place.

After Zuo Zixin thought about it, he followed the instructions of the sound and pressed a button on the wall. With a bang, there was an extra light curtain in the room.

A lotus pond was shown on the light curtain, which was full of lotus flowers and was very beautiful. Suddenly, the golden light flashed above the lotus pond, and a green spot fell on a lotus leaf. The fish wandered on the surface of the water, and a fish shook its tail and splashed drops of water on the lotus leaves.

What is this doing? Do you want to play a movie for yourself? And it's also a popular science film.

Just when Zuo Zixin was impatient, the picture turned and pulled the lens to the lotus leaf. The lotus leaf glowed green, and Zuo Zixin could even see the lines on the lotus leaf. Suddenly, a figure fell into her sight.

Zuo Zixin was shocked when she ran to the lotus leaf, and there was her flaming phoenix flying beside her.

Zuo Zixin continued to look down and saw the little man on the lotus leaf riding a phoenix in a circle in the lotus pond, like a dragonfly, and finally stopped on a lotus bone.

Coincidentally, the dragonfly only rested for a moment, and the lotus bloomed...

Zuo Zixin watched the whole picture in astonishment, with goose bumps all over his body. What green land, that's simply lotus leaves: what red pillar, that's the frog's tongue; and the cave, that's the fish's belly...

A small lotus pond, such as a small lotus pond, is simply a big lotus pond.

"Do you think it's interesting?" The voice sounded again, as if he was still smiling.

Interesting? Zuo Zixin's black line, if she is not the person who is interesting, she may really find it interesting.

"Little doll, do you want to go out? Do you want to go out? If you want to go out, go out. I won't stop you. Of course, you can't take my baby away.

"..." Zuo Zixin suddenly felt speechless. There is no treasure in this broken place. It's just a box. In view of the treacheryness of this lotus pond, Zuo Zixin is not going to get that box. Who knows what moths will come out in it?

Without saying a word, Zuo Zixin said goodbye and walked back.

"Little doll, do you really don't want a baby? If you don't want it, I will also give it to you..."

Zuo Zixin wiped the cold sweat on her forehead and muttered: A strange flower in the secret world!