Ghost wife in charge

Chapter 260 Flying

Zuo Zixin pinched a grape and put it into her mouth. After chewing and swallowing it, she slowly asked, "Xiaojiao, how long has it been?"

Don't think about it, you also know what the young master said? Xiaojiao pondered slightly and said, "Young master, it's been five days. The kite in the sky has attracted a lot of attention in the city.

"Is it?" Zuo Zixin smiled faintly, "Five days, it's time for me to go to the fairyland."

When Zuo Zixin arrived at Taoyuan, the evil wind had arrived first. He waved his hand and quickly broke the rope of the fairy, and the fairy who had lost the support of the rope fell to the ground with a crack, stirring up gray dust.

"Pluant, you..." The fairy spit out the mud in his mouth and got up awkwardly.

The evil wind waved his hand and said indifferently, "Well, my hand slipped just now."

"..." The earth fairy is silent, and Pluto can't be offended by him. Since he said his hand slipped, it's slippery. After the fairy performed a descaling technique for himself and removed the stains on his body, "Fairy, please go back to the fairyland with me."

Now the fairy is not as condescending as before, but now it is more like a defeated rooster.

Zuo Zixin turned her head and said to the evil wind, "Master, then I'll leave."

After saying that, a red lotus rose slowly under her feet and arrived in the mid-air of the underworld for a moment. Seeing this, the earth fairy also said goodbye to Pluto. With a sleeve, a rainbow bridge emerged out of thin air, and he stepped on the rainbow bridge.

How do you know that as he was halfway, he only felt a suction under his feet and fell directly from the air and fell on all fours. Before the fairy could get angry, he heard a majestic sound from the distance.

"You are not allowed to fly in the underworld, and violators are allowed to enter the 18th floor of hell."

The fairy's body trembled, shrank his back, and walked out of the underworld. After he walked out, he wanted to fly, but he was afraid of flying into the air and throwing a dog to eat shit, so he walked 100 meters and distanced himself from the underworld before flying into the sky.

"I received the messenger, and I thought you were left by the master." Zuo Zixin looked at the embarrassed fairy in front of her, with a sarcastic smile at the corners of her mouth.

"..." The fairy pouted and finally said nothing.

This is Pluto's territory. He doesn't want to hang in the sky for a few more days. He'd better take people back to the fairyland early.

A glow appeared in the hands of the fairy, and then a mouth was torn open over the underworld, and the sky on the other side could be faintly seen shining blue with rainbow light.

"Fairy, please." The earth fairy made way and said respectfully.

"It's polite to receive the messenger." Zuo Zixin nodded slightly, shook her cuffs, and entered the torn door.

After both of them entered, the glow returned to the hands of the fairy, and the two of them were already in the fairyland. It is worthy of the fairyland. White clouds can be seen everywhere, and cranes flying in the distance. In the distance, you can also see the shining treasure. I'm afraid it is the location of the fairy palace.

Except for the fairy palace in front of them, there is still shining in the distance around them. Those are the residences of the immortals or the location of the fairy mountains.

Before Zuo Zixin took two steps, she saw the call of cranes in front of her, and then a crane carriage appeared in front of them. Five cranes pulled a golden convertible carriage and quietly parked beside them.

"Fairy, please." The fairy made a gesture of invitation. After Zuo Zixin got into the carriage, she also jumped up and gave the glow in her hand to the crane in front of her.

After Xiaguang flew into the crane's neck, the crane roared and flapped its wings, and then all the cranes behind it flapped their wings, and the carriage slowly moved.

The crane drove for more than ten minutes and arrived at a cloud. The two got out of the carriage, and the crane roared again and disappeared into the sky.

There are two huge pillars standing in the clouds, carved with golden dragons and flying phoenixes, and the dragons and phoenixes on the plaque are written with the two big characters Fairyland. The pillar and the plaque form a transparent boundary, making it impossible to peep at the contents.

After the two entered the boundary, what they saw was another scene, surrounded by fairy fog, carved beams and painted buildings, and fairy music.

"Fairy, this way, please."

Zuo Zixin nodded and followed him around a corner. At this time, the scene changed again and the building became solemn. They passed through the tall building and finally entered a place called Commander.

There are all kinds of immortals in Commander Shu, but they are just the lowest immortals. When they saw the addition of people in the fairyland, they looked at Zuo Zixin a few more. However, I just looked at it a few more times.

How can Zuo Zixin's appearance be as good as one-tenth of her previous life? She is not the best in the fairy world, so she is also unnoticed.

"Fairy, I'll take you here, and you can go in by yourself." The fairy stopped outside a room and pointed to the open doorway.

Zuo Zixin nodded and walked in. The room is very large and decorated. There is a person sitting behind the table facing Zuo Zixin.

When Zuo Zixin approached the man, he did not raise his head and asked, "Life?"

"Zuo Zixin"

A account book in the man's hand automatically opened and stopped on a page. "Zuo Zixin, the road has been completed, and he became an immortal when he was Ding Mao..." After reading it, he took out a jade card and a map in his hand.

"Take it, your mansion is circled on the map, and the jade card is a symbol of your identity. All right, now you can leave." After the man ordered everything, he stretched out his hand to drive people away.

After taking over the things, Zuo Zixin did not stay and directly came out to the commander. She opened the map, which really marked a red circle, Xiao Zhoushan.

Xiaozhou Mountain is a relatively remote place in the fairyland. There is no fairy island within thousands of miles, and it is surrounded by clouds and fog every day. Zuo Zixin looked at other signs on the map by the way. Fairy islands in many places are much better than Xiaozhou Mountain, which is obviously bullying.

If he didn't take the gift, it doesn't make sense, but the man didn't come back, but these are all early.

Zuo Zixin just smiled about this and went to Xiaozhou Mountain. After a cup of tea, a pitiful fairy island finally appeared in front of her.

This kind of fairy island is also called a mountain, which really stains the font size of the mountain. It should be called a mountain pass. It is only about 100 meters long and wide. After building a cave, I'm afraid there will be no extra vacant land.

After flying to Xiaozhou Mountain, I got a look at its whole picture. The land is barren, the rocks are hard, and the mountain roads are uneven. It is really unscientific for this kind of island to appear in the fairyland.

After Zuo Zixin looked up and down for a while, he secretly thought that if he wanted to build a cave here, he would cost a lot of fairy stones. The fairyland is also a secular place, and the project consumed by practicing the cave can be paid by herself.

There is a commander in the fairyland who specializes in the construction of the cave. Anything related to the fortifications can be reported to the commander. Of course, some immortals prefer to refine their own weapons, but not every immortal is a refiner.

Immortals who can't refine the weapon prefer to use Xumi mustard seeds, which are a kind of space mustard seeds. There are houses and fertile fields... It is equivalent to a moving cave.

Xumi mustard in the cultivation world is a strange treasure, and it will be coveted by many people as soon as it appears. However, this thing is not surprising in the fairyland. Almost every fairy will bring one or two mustard seeds.

The time of 5,000 years is neither short nor long. Although Zuo Zixin doesn't know the specifics of the fairyland, he probably guesses that one is inseparable. She immediately left Xiao Zhoushan and went to the exchange on the map, where other scattered immortals and other people exchanged items.

After Zuo Zixin arrived at the exchange, she saw all kinds of people shuttling around. There is no fixed palace on the exchange, but on a fairy island, you can put a cloth anywhere and put things on it.

Zuo Zixin walked all the way and had a general idea in her heart. Xumi mustard seeds are very popular, but a kind of space stone that made Xumi mustard seeds 3,000 years ago has disappeared, so the number of Xumi mustard seeds now is limited, and I'm afraid it is something that rich people in the fairyland have.

She secretly calculated the spirit stone on her body and calculated it. I'm afraid it's not enough to buy a mustard seed. She always thought that she was a little rich man, and as soon as she arrived in the fairyland, she found that she was far from the rich.

Immediately, Zuo Zixin only picked some fairy fruits and some meat to pay the bill and left the exchange.

She is not going to buy Xumi mustard, but as for the so-called cave, she is too lazy to build it. There is also a glazed spaceship in her magic garden. Put it on Xiaozhou Mountain as her cave. As for the rest of Xiaozhou Mountain, it will be handed over to Fengze. As for the magic garden, she is not going to take it out.

After Zuo Zixin returned to Xiaozhou Mountain, she waved her hand, and the golden glazed spacecraft rested on the top of the mountain. Then, a green light flew out of her sleeve, fell on the soil, grew rapidly, and occupied the whole Xiaozhou Mountain at a rapid speed.

"Master, it's all right now." Fengze clapped his hands and looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

"Well, that's good." Zuo Zixin nodded and said that a few charms flew out of his hand. The charm flew into the sky and hung on the sky, and the whole Zhoushan was wrapped in a semicircle. After the whole semicircle was formed, the spell was hidden in the air.

Although Xiao Zhoushan can't enter her jade card, she'd better add a layer of ban on her own for the sake of safety. In this fairyland, where there are many people, there are many right and wrong.

Now that she has arrived in the fairyland, I'm afraid those who plotted her will not give up. When she waits for a first time, those fox tails will eventually be revealed.

After everything was ready, Zuo Zixin flew into the glazed spaceship, and then passed through the spaceship into the magic park. Although her strength is the best in the world of cultivation, it is not in the fairy world. She is only the lowest person in the pyramid, and it is imperative to improve her strength first.

In addition to Zuo Zixin's own strength, Fengze and Yuantuan around her should also improve their strength, so as not to go out and be favored by other immortals.

Therefore, as soon as Zuo Zixin flew into the fairyland, she hid in her own small Zhoushan and began to practice. She had not taken a step out of Xiao Zhoushan for several months, which caused inconvenience to some people.

Of course, there are joys and worries.