Ghost wife in charge

Chapter 285 Ziyun suffered

Ziyun didn't know that she was cursed by the prophet of the flower world, but she also knew that the words in the teenager were not good words.

"Foolish flower demon, I want to let you know what will end if you offend me." A treasure book appeared in the hands of Ziyun Xianji. This treasure book is called the Record of Seal, which can seal anyone into the treasure book.

She originally planned to seal Zuo Zixin with the seal, but she didn't want to kill a peony halfway. Anyway, one seal is sealed, and two seals are also sealed. Just seal this flower demon.

"Oh, what's in your hand? It looks so interesting." Peony blinked and was curious about the treasure book in Ziyun's hand. She dodged in front of Ziyun, so fast that even Ziyun Xianji did not react.

It's so fast!

As soon as Ziyun Xianji finished sighing, the treasure book in her hand was taken away by the peony, and she watched the peony who knew nothing open the treasure book.

"Ah." Ziyun Xianji screamed, and Peony doubtfully turned the open treasure book towards Ziyun and said puzzled, "Eh, what's wrong?"

Zi Yun covered her mouth with horror and only saw a golden light coming, and then her consciousness was pulled out of her body and sucked into the treasure book. The treasure book of the soul automatically closed and fell into the hands of the peony.

Without her soul, Ziyun Xianji's body maintained the frightened posture just now and stood still.

Huh, what just happened?

Peony was puzzled and shook the treasure book in her hand. Well, the woman just now regarded her as a treasure, and there was nothing special. He looked at it again and threw the treasure book casually.

That thing was impartial and fell into the grass in the corner of Xianjun Mansion.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Peony stepped forward, and his hands kept shaking in front of Ziyun. However, Ziyun Xianji's fairy soul has long been included in the treasure book, and how can the body react?

After shaking for a long time, Peony curled her lips and said, "Hey, do you want to stay here?"

"..." The body is still speechless and still looks frightened.

"Well, then you can continue to stay here." Peony nodded and decided to fulfill her wish. He picked up his legs and was about to leave. Suddenly, he found that she was not well standing at the door, so he returned and moved her to the side of the door.

In order to be more realistic, the peony also drew something on its face.

From afar, it seems that there is a statue standing at the door of the Sunday Xianjun, but the statue is a little strange, with a ferocious face and clothes.

The seal can not only suck out and seal people's souls, but also torture their souls. In short, no soul that enters the treasure book will never come out completely.

Ziyun Xianji harms others and eventually harms herself. After her soul was sucked into the treasure book, she fell into a strange forest. The forest is full of white bones, and the trees also open their teeth and claws, which looks gloomy and horrible.

Where is this?

Ziyun immediately thumped and stood upside down with sweat all over her body. She knows the usefulness of the treasure book, and she has heard of anything in it. Once, in order to torture a fairy, she also deliberately watched what happened to the fairy in the treasure book. In order to punish the fairy, she also manipulated the treasure book and gave her a lot of gifts.

She has forgotten what happened to the fairy in the end. Probably dead. No one can walk out of the seal alive. Even her father, the owner of the seal, can't guarantee that he can walk inside and remain intact.

Once the owner is sucked in, he will lose control of the treasure book, not to mention that Ziyun is only a user and can't control what will happen in it.

There was a rustling sound in my ear, and then a red light flashed around the forest. The strange red light became more and more and closer, and Ziyun finally saw what it was.

Red Queen, a head-sized spider, is named Red Queen just because it has a ruby on its head, like a queen.

Ziyun's hands and feet were cold in an instant. She saw someone's soul being gnawed into a shelf by the swarming Red Queen and heard her soul crying in pain.

At that time, Ziyun Xianji was extremely proud. She never thought that one day she would be tortured.

In the treasure book, no matter what torture you suffer, be eaten, bitten, **... you will recover quickly, but this kind of soul torture will go deep into the soul, making people can't help but want to solve themselves.

So, those immortals who are sucked into the soul are not eaten or hurt by the things inside, but die, but can't stand the torture of the soul and break themselves.

Ziyun gritted her teeth and sweated coldly. She knew that in addition to the Red Queen, she would meet more strange things. Thinking about those things, tears appeared in the corners of her eyes and a sense of hatred.

The Red Queen got closer and closer, and finally surrounded her. At the beginning, Ziyun could still fight back, but after all, she was just the cultivation of the golden fairy. Later, she was surrounded by the red queen tide group, and only heard her cry and tearing.

The host, who was far away in retreat, suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood and sprinkled a beautiful blood flower on the wall in front of him.

Yun'er, something happened.

At this time, Zuo Zixin patted ** without image, rolling herself. There was nothing she could do. If a domineering man wouldn't let her leave, she had to have fun by herself. She rolled from one side of the bed to the other, but there was no deformation of the ** blanket, not even any wrinkles.

Suddenly, Zuo Zixin's face changed and patted himself on the forehead, "It's broken. We actually left the peony in the yard. He won't do anything strange."

With her understanding of peonies, he had to turn the yard upside down.

Sunday Xianjun held a book in his hand and frowned and thought about it. After listening to Zuo Zixin's words, he didn't even raise his head and said coldly, "Has left?"

"Leave?" Zuo Zixin didn't roll anymore, and an arrow stepped in front of the Sunday Fairy, which was a little incredible.

"Hmm." Sunday Xianjun nodded lightly, and there was still a medicine left, so that he could wake up.

"Oh." Zuo Zixin continued to lie on **, as if there was no interest in rolling on his face. She'd better go and have a look. After all, peonies are not familiar with heaven, and it's not good to cause trouble.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zixin still decided to go out to find a peony. After being so entangled and coquettish and cute, Zuo Zixin finally got out of the sight of Sunday Xianjun and out of the room. Unfortunately, the peony was not found, but a stone statue was seen at the door.

No soul?

Zuo Zixin's heart sank down. It can be imagined that Peony must have met Ziyun Xianji, and then the two fought. However, peony is not a soul attack. Where did Ziyun's soul go?

At present, only peonies can be found.

This matter was about grand, so Zuo Zixin returned to Xianjun's mansion to inform Xianjun on Sunday. His eyebrows immediately frowned, and finally he put down the things in his hand helplessly and followed Zuo Zixin to the crime scene.

He narrowed his handsome eyes, and his broad sleeves brushed the purple body. Under Zuo Zixin's anxiety, he slowly said, "The soul was directly pulled away, which is a bit like the pen of sealing."

The seal is the host's magic weapon. It can't be used on his daughter, and the coincidence of the body appears in front of his house.

Zuo Zixin was also slightly stunned. She also heard about this magic weapon, but the domineeringness of the host's thing is self-evident.

What's going on, or do we need to find the peony?

The two couples looked at each other tacitly and chased them to the depths of the fairyland with the breath of peony. By the way, after the peony inadvertently sealed the soul of Ziyun to the treasure book, she wandered in the fairyland and accidentally bumped into the daffodil.

One is Narcissus and the other is Peony. When the two flowers meet, they will inevitably compete for beauty.

Narcissus finally got out of his parents' control and sneaked out to find Zuo Zixin. How could he know that he encountered a wandering peony not long after he went out.

Peony has the smell of Zuo Zixin, and her face is also charming. Immediately, Narcissus thought that Peony was Zuo Zixin's female friend and came forward to greet her kindly, "Fairy, where is Xinxin now?"

Although the peony is feminine, it is easy to misunderstand, but it is still a man in its bones. In addition, he didn't know Narcissus at all and didn't know that he was asking him, so he raised his arrogant head and passed the Narcissus.

Narcissus was furious and thought that he was such an arrogant person. He asked the other party in a low voice, but he was treated coldly, which was simply bullying. There will be no men and women in the eyes of Narcissus, only likes and dislikes.

It's a pity that the peony left a bad impression on Narcissus at first sight.

The Narcissus was angry and the consequences were very serious. He immediately launched an offensive against the peony. Although Peony did not understand how this person attacked him for no reason, with the lesson of Ziyun Fairy, Peony immediately took out his magic weapon, withered branches, and beat him fiercely.

The Narcissus was so angry that his nose was almost crooked. Who is this person? It is simply a contempt for him to dare to compete with him with branches. In addition to her behavioral contempt, she actually said provocative words, which made Narcissus's character even more explosive.

As a result, Narcissus fought harder with peonies.

When Zuo Zixin and Sunday Xianjun came, what they saw was that the two madmen fought hard to separate. Well, it's true that there are two crazy people. Their hair is messy, their clothes are about to become cloth, and their foreheads are colorful. Isn't they crazy or who?

Tut, it turns out that Narcissus's small body is still so good.

As for the peony, well, I have been used to it for a long time in those dark three thousand years.

Zuo Zixin watched it with relish and came out two sentences from time to time. Sunday Xianjun immediately changed his face, grabbed Zuo Zixin's waist, and pressed her head into his chest. "Good boy, I'll show you when I go back."

Zuo Zixin blushed, half because of the words of Sunday Xianjun, and the other half because she was about to be unable to breathe.

Nima, he actually said such hooligan words, woo, so emotional, really shy.