
Chapter 2 Strange Encounter

When Zhou Cheng found that he had finally assimilated the last part of the satellite: the computer chip in the satellite, he couldn't help but have the impulse to cry, of course, if he could still cry.

"Finally done!" Zhou Cheng meditated in his heart, and then couldn't wait to invade his consciousness into the computer inside the satellite.

When consciousness entered the computer, Zhou Cheng immediately felt that countless fluctuations were spreading back and forth.

"This is the signal received and sent by the satellite!"

Zhou Cheng was stunned to sense these countless signals, because he found that although he had assimilated the whole satellite and could sense these signals, he did not understand what information contained in these signals.

Zhou Cheng didn't expect that he had worked hard for a year to be such a result. Damn, he really wanted to cry without tears! However, Zhou Cheng remembered that he could not accept such a thing in his experience this year, so he directly invaded the mind into these countless signals.

With a snap, Zhou Cheng only felt that his consciousness seemed to fall into an ocean composed of light and electricity in an instant. What constitutes the ocean is not water but the light and electricity that make up the signal, because the whole ocean presents countless colors and unpredictable changes.

Due to the influence of mind, this ocean of light and electricity suddenly changed dramatically at the moment when Zhou Cheng's mind invaded, as if there was a sudden earthquake at the bottom of the sea, and the sky blew a strong wind. In an instant, there was great chaos in the ocean. In an instant, the whole sea became windy and huge waves In the end, countless huge whirlpools appeared in the sea, and countless huge tornadoes appeared in the sky.

A satellite receiving base in the United States, there are countless huge signal receiving towers standing in the base. There were many staff in the base, but some people passed by in a hurry. There is a hall in the base, which is very large. There is a desk inside, and all kinds of computers and instruments are working day and night.

There are hundreds of staff in the hall who are skillfully operating computers and instruments, and occasionally you can see several people talking and laughing softly.

In the corner of the hall, John was sitting in his comfortable swivel chair. He raised his feet and looked at it with an unknown magazine in his hand, as if he was fascinated. A moment later, John reached out and picked up the coffee cup on the table and took a gentle breath, but he didn't expect that the cup was empty.

"Jack! Where have you died? My coffee is gone!"

"I'm here! SIR, I'm going!" A young and tall young man rushed to John's shouts.

Seeing Jack's flattering smile, John nodded with satisfaction. Just as he wanted to say something, a harsh alarm suddenly came out. Shocked by the sudden sound of the alarm, John, who was stunned for a moment, rushed like an arrow in the direction of the alarm.

"Shir, the K-25 communication and reconnaissance satellite issued an alarm!"

Seeing John coming like the wind, a staff member suddenly got up and reported loudly.

"Quickly find out why the satellite sent an alarm, quickly!"

"Yes, sir!"

After a while, the technician's face suddenly changed, as if he was shocked and suddenly bounced from his seat.

"This is impossible!" The technician muttered to himself with a pale face. The next moment, he seemed to come to his senses and exclaimed, "Son, our satellite is actually being invaded by unknown enemies! Now there is something wrong with that satellite signal!"

"What? Bastard, what are you still standing for? Restore the satellite signal immediately, and then find the hateful intruder!" John's face also changed, and then roared angrily.

"Yes, sir!" The technician was shocked by John's roar and sat down immediately, seeing his hands beating quickly with instructions one by one.

At this time, Zhou Cheng is falling into the sea that has become violent. He is like a leaf boat drifting with the storm, and seems to be swallowed up by the storm at any time. However, after the technicians of the satellite base sent out some instructions, Zhou Cheng suddenly saw countless light and electrical signals in the ocean. These newly added signals seemed to suppress this violent ocean with irresistible and irresistible power, but In a moment, the ocean has returned to a calm state, as if everything just now is just an illusion.

Just as Zhou Cheng was still staring at these powerful signals, he suddenly found that these signals suddenly spread away and seemed to be searching for something.

Zhou Cheng was shocked. He had already understood in an instant that these signals must be searching for himself, so he didn't dare to stay here, and he didn't want to withdraw his consciousness and mind from the computer.

However, there was no time. Just as Zhou Cheng had this idea, those signals suddenly entangled Zhou Cheng's consciousness like lightning, and in an instant trapped Zhou Cheng into endless signals.

With a click, Zhou Cheng seemed to hear a soft sound, which seemed to be the sound of something breaking. At the same time, he felt a sharp pain coming from his consciousness. Those signals seemed to be an extremely huge python, and he was a poor prey, being wrapped to death, as if he was going to be Entangled to pieces.

Under the oppression of death, an extremely dangerous feeling suddenly rose from the bottom of Zhou Cheng's heart, so he did not care about the severe pain from his consciousness, but madly released his mind to hit those signals.

Like a meteor crashing into the atmosphere, Zhou Cheng first felt his consciousness shake, and then disappeared into the signal and rushed out of the signal. At this time, Zhou Cheng could feel that his mind was constantly rubbing against those signals, so that a long flame tail was dragged behind him, and because of this friction, Zhou Cheng's mind was rapidly depleting.

Before the thought power was exhausted, Zhou Cheng finally rushed out of those signals. As soon as he was surrounded by these signals, Zhou Cheng did not dare to neglect and immediately withdrew his consciousness from the computer system. Feeling that he had got rid of the danger, Zhou Cheng immediately blurred his mind and gradually fell into a deep sleep.

Zhou Chengzheng, who fell into a deep sleep, instinctively entered the state and began to slowly absorb those energy through the satellite to repair the scars in his consciousness.

After Zhou Cheng was lucky enough to escape from the computer system, there was a roar from the satellite receiving base on the ground: "Bastard! I'm going to fire you. You didn't notice that our satellite was invaded by others, and you just failed to lock the signal of the damn intruder! Why did the intruder's signal disappear out of thin air!"

In John's roar, all the staff in the hall were frightened and frightened, and the technician's eyes were straight, not only because of John's scolding, but also because the signal that had just invaded the satellite was so strange and ghostly that it was completely impossible to lock. Not to mention finding out the source of the signal, even the transmission and invasion methods of the signal are completely confusing.

Although this poor technician is an extremely smart information and computer master, how can he get the truth! Perhaps in the computer system, he can easily find Zhou Cheng and even remove Zhou Cheng, just like killing a computer virus, but it is impossible for him to find out the sustenance of Zhou Cheng's consciousness. Because this is beyond the scope of the computer system.

On weekdays, Zhou Cheng's consciousness is hidden in the whole satellite. As long as he does not enter the computer system, there is no intersection as if there are two parallel lines, so there is no possibility of detection at all. However, the situation has changed dramatically after Zhou Cheng invaded his consciousness into the computer system.

When Zhou Cheng's consciousness invaded the system, Zhou Cheng became something similar to computer software or computer viruses. Although it is different from ordinary software, it always intersects with the computer system, so it may be harmed, like a removed virus or deleted software.