
Chapter 4 Crisis

As time went by, Zhou Cheng became more and more annoyed to see the increasing alien code every day. He seemed to be seeing death coming towards him step by step, but there was nothing he could do.

The heterogeneous code has changed from occasionally flashing every day when it first appeared to forcibly appear in the system every few hours, and the runes that make up the heterogeneous code have increased from the first few runes to dozens. These runes are different. They combine with each other and influence each other and then form Different information.

In these anxious days, Zhou Cheng found some strange phenomena: the original information composed of 1 and 0 is like a heavenly book. If the computer system does not automatically convert it into a more advanced signal, human beings will not be able to read the content contained in it directly, but with the system changes With the increase of code, Zhou Cheng not only obtained some permission to control satellites, but also found that he could slowly communicate directly with the original and simple code or with the computer system.

It is not true to say that communication is not true. It should be said that Zhou Cheng found that he could gradually read those original codes directly, and he could control and change those codes to a certain extent.

When he just discovered these phenomena, Zhou Cheng did not pay attention to these trivial things in his view, because he had been overwhelmed by the approaching death, and he seemed to have smelled death. Those alien codes have appeared more and more frequently, and the rune individuals have crossed 100. It can be said that time has reached the most critical moment, and people on the ground can even find the abnormality of the satellite system at any time.

After trying various methods, Zhou Cheng already knows that he can't control the increasing speed and frequency of those alien codes, let alone eliminate those alien codes. Even Zhou Cheng doesn't understand the specific meaning of the alien codes at all. He is just instinctively able to read and understand the code. The information contained. And Zhou Cheng found that whenever he became more and more anxious, the speed and frequency of those codes derived would be faster.

After countless attempts, Zhou Cheng no longer hopes to restore the alien code to the possibility of his own consciousness and mind. In the past, when he was a policeman, Zhou Cheng once deeply understood a truth: the more dangerous it is, the more calm he should be, and only then can he find a glimmer of hope and vitality when he seems desperate.

Zhou Cheng, who is unwilling to give up hope, can only force himself to calm down, seriously think and observe everything he can see and feel. If he really has hope, then it must be by his side. Only by seeing everything clearly and thinking about every possibility can he find the faint hope.

Like dancing on the edge of the cliff and walking a tightrope between the cliffs, Zhou Cheng kept thinking and observing day and night. He knew that this was a battle with death and a race against time. If he could find a solution before people found the abnormality of the satellite system, he would have won. The price of losing is that you will disappear forever.

As time went by, when Zhou Cheng tightened his nerves to make a shocking gamble at the cost of his own creatures, a strong and depressing atmosphere was gradually brewing in a satellite base in the United States.

Since the "K-25" communication and reconnaissance satellite was inexplicably invaded a month ago, Michael has been living a gloomy life. Although I easily restored the satellite system and defeated the deceased in the future, I was still not exempted from being taught a lesson by my boss Major John, because it was really bad to be remembered by my boss all the time! What's more, Michael can't forget the strange invasion a month ago.

Michael knew that since he did not intercept the signal source of the invading person a month ago, although the surrounding colleagues did not say anything, they began to laugh at himself secretly: "Look, that poor guy, doesn't he always advocate how powerful his skills are? But the last time he almost didn't even notice it after someone invaded the satellite he was responsible for. What's more ridiculous is that he couldn't even find any signal source of the intruder. K-25 is the most advanced and latest communication and reconnaissance military satellite, and there are the most advanced and powerful computers and various equipment, software and systems in the base. He can't even find any trace of the enemy.

Although he did not hear these ridicules with his own ears, Michael had no doubt that others would definitely laugh at him so much. As a smart computer and information expert, Michael is always proud of himself. But since a month ago, all my pride and face have been destroyed by the damn invader.

In anger, Michael will also feel a little puzzled, because the invasion was really weird. At the beginning, he also thought that he was careless enough to give the invaders a chance, or because the opponent's methods were too smart to make him unaware of it in advance and did not catch any clues afterwards.

But after thinking about it carefully for a long time and repeatedly reviewing all the records at that time, Michael found something different and extraordinary. Because he found that there was nothing abnormal in the reception and propagation of the satellite during the period before and after the invasion. In other words, there were no invaders at all, so there would be no trace left. It is even more impossible if the opponent is too smart, because at that time, he had just opened an account and some basic defense functions of the satellite system had already trapped the intrusion signal in the system, but strangely, when those signals were trapped, some undetectable changes happened and then disappeared out of thin air.

Whenever he thinks of this, Michael always feels an inexplicable fear. Although he doesn't know why, this horror always appears instinctively when he thinks of it. It was not until half a month ago that Michael occasionally realized his horrible content: artificial intelligence, perhaps the satellite had produced intelligence. Because the invasion incident was like a problem with the satellite system itself, not as if it had been invaded by a signal transmitted from the outside.

When this idea came into being, even Michael himself did not believe it, but somehow the idea kept jumping out of his mind like a devil to make him constantly remind himself and seemed that with the passage of time, he found that he had gradually started this absurd idea as if he was really enchanted.

After two days, Michael finally couldn't help writing his ideas into a report and giving them to Officer John, whom he hated. Michael, who thought that the report would be thrown directly into the trash can, did not expect that his report would be carefully read by Major John and communicate with him in person. What he did not expect was that this report would suddenly make the satellite base stormy, and orders were conveyed here. Several experts rushed to the base in person.

Since then, there has been a depressing atmosphere in the base, as if the air is condensing and the sky is about to collapse to break the earth. All the staff in the base are waiting at their posts day and night, waiting and even looking forward to the reappearance of the last intruder.

Michael didn't know that something unknown happened when he handed in the report. Although Major John likes to flirt with his female subordinates and often scold his subordinates, he is extremely sensitive to intelligence, events and even close to instinctive judgment and sense of smell, so among his countless nicknames, only the North American Fox, which seems to be the most resounding nickname is the loudest.

With his excellent judgment close to the sixth sense, John instinctively paid attention to this seemingly absurd report. After some hesitation, he handed the report up.

Perhaps the U.S. government always likes something that seems impossible, so the report quickly received attention, and after sending several excellent experts to analyze it, it seems that it really accedes the possibility of the report. Although it is uncertain, it has attracted attention among the senior government. If it hadn't been for the satellite that had just been sent into space for a year, and as a high-tech integration, it would be extremely expensive. Some senior government officials even thought that the satellite would be directly recycled for research.

Although this proposal did not pass and let Zhou Cheng get through for a while, people in the satellite base have begun to monitor the satellite he possessed day and night.

In fact, the reason why the invasion attracted great attention in a country like the United States is that Zhou Cheng's satellite is not a civilian star, but the most advanced and latest high-tech product. It not only has the most powerful hardware facilities, but also has the most powerful and perfect software system. Tong. And how can such a most advanced military satellite be silently invaded without being taken seriously! Not to mention the United States, the most developed and technologically advanced country in the world.

And this may even involve such a bizarre thing as computer self-generating intelligence. Although it is not certain, as long as there is a glimmer of possibility, the United States will never let go of this opportunity. Because if this is the case, then it will be a great opportunity or a great danger, even a danger for all mankind.