
Chapter 11 Paranormal Events?

Master Liu felt a little familiar when he looked at these pictures. It seems that he has seen these somewhere, but Master Liu has been restless these days, so he can't think about it carefully, so he wants to press the remote controller.

At this time, there was a sudden change in the picture. I saw more and more bright red blood in the picture. In a while, it covered the whole lens. It seemed that the blood gradually came to the camera, so that there was only one blood red left on the screen of the TV.

These bright red colors do not seem to be played through the TV picture, but as if someone poured the whole bucket of blood directly on the TV screen, and the blood was slowly squirming, and a face that was obviously deformed and deep inside gradually appeared from the blood.

This face is the face of the young policeman who was killed by the black car on the spot just now. I saw this horrible face staring at Master Liu with two blood-red eyes through the TV screen.


Terribted by the horrible scene that suddenly appeared, Master Liu shouted and fell to the ground, knocked over a coffee table and a sofa, and even the remote controller fell to the ground.

After falling to the ground, Master Liu immediately grabbed the remote control and jumped from the ground and instantly pressed his finger on the button to turn off the TV.

"Kka, Ka, Ka, Ka!"

I pressed it many times, but the TV seemed to have no response, and the face on the screen was still staring at Master Liu. Perhaps he sensed Master Liu's panic, and there was a smile on the deformed person's face, but this smile was so ferocious and horrible on the human face on this ghostly face.

"Master Liu? How are you? What happened?" A group of people who heard Master Liu's scream and rushed in from the outside asked one after another.

TV! There is a human face on TV!"

TV? Mr. Liu, haven't you turned off the TV? What's the face?" This group of people turned their heads and saw that the TV was quiet, and there was nothing unusual.

Hearing his subordinates say this, Master Liu's TV was turned off again, and there was nothing abnormal on it.

"Master Liu, are you all right? Are you too tired during this period? Why don't you go back to the house to rest? There are brothers here watching that there will never be anything."

Perhaps when he saw a large group of masculine men standing beside him, Master Liu couldn't help but fade a little, but how could Master Liu, who had just been greatly frightened, go to the bedroom alone?

After being frightened, it may suddenly boost your consciousness. Master Liu suddenly remembered why he felt a little familiar when he saw the TV picture, because wasn't that the scene where he killed a policeman after driving drunk more than a year ago?

Shocked by this sudden idea, Master Liu was shocked and thought how could it be possible? Is it possible that the traffic accident a year ago was recorded and broadcast on TV?

"Absolutely impossible. Even if it is really recorded, it can't be played, and even if it was recorded at that time, it can't explain why the face appeared. Was it really just a TV show?

His heart moved, and Master Liu immediately ordered his men to take a picture of the little policeman who was killed by himself.

"Ah!", Master Liu seemed to be burned by this photo, but he didn't hold it firmly, so the photo fell to the ground. For a moment, he only felt that his legs were almost paralyzed, and Master Liu sat on the sofa. Because isn't the person in this photo the young policeman on TV just now?

"Have you hit a ghost?" Thinking of this, Master Liu felt cold all over his body, and a chill rushed straight to his head from the soles of his feet. Shengsheng shivered, and Master Liu began to speak a little unfavorably.

"Help... Help me to the bottom of the sun!"

A group of younger brothers looked at Master Liu inexplicably, but they didn't dare to say anything more and helped him into the garden of the villa in a hurry.

Although the winter sun is not strong, under the sun, the whole body is bright, and Master Liu barely feels a trace of warmth in his body, and his heart is slightly relaxed.

"Master Liu, are you not feeling well? Do you want to call an ambulance?

Master Liu waved his hand weakly to indicate that he didn't need it, and then quickly turned his brain to think about everything just now countless times.

"There can't really be ghosts in this world. My surname is Liu has lived for decades, and I don't know how many bad things I have done, but I have never seen ghosts. Besides, I dare to kill people. Is it possible that I can make the dead find any flowers! Whether he is a ghost or a ghost, as long as he dares to hit my name Liu, then I will never let him go!"

"Maybe this is not a ghost at all, it's just a means to deal with me. Someone must have moved the TV to disguise himself as a ghost. Humph, I'd like to see who is making trouble behind my back!"

For sure, Master Liu immediately asked the most loyal little brother to order, and then the little brother left in a hurry. In less than an hour, the little brother returned to the villa with two middle-aged men in workers' clothes.

These two are the two most skilled home appliance repairers in the city. They are both workers with decades of experience and are extremely proficient in all kinds of household appliances, especially all kinds of TV sets.

The two repairmans were busy for two or three hours, repeatedly, and each of them carefully checked the TV several times before stopping.

"Master Liu, this TV is very good. There is no problem, and there is no trace of passive hands and feet." Although they don't know why Master Liu hurriedly found them, they did not dare to ask or not come. So after taking out their own skills, they got the same result, and then said to Master Liu in unison.

Master Liu's eyes flashed and he said in a low voice, "Masters, is there really no problem with this TV? Is it possible that there is no problem with the TV, but what means does someone use to affect the TV signal?

The two repairman looked at each other gently and pondered for a moment before saying, "Master Liu, in theory, it can be done. The TV must receive the signal to see the program."

Hearing this, Master Liu said nothing more. After waving his hand, one of his men took two repairman out of the villa. Master Liu bowed his head and thought deeply.

"It seems that there are some people behind the scenes! Humph, how could you use such a bad method to deal with me, Liu.

Master Liu has basically affirmed that this is a way for the opponent to meet himself. But somehow, Master Liu couldn't help thinking of those weird cameras. If this TV incident is caused by some means to deal with itself, is the phenomenon of those cameras also controlled by a certain person or an organization?

Thinking of this, Master Liu couldn't help doubting his judgment. And when I think of the picture on TV just now, I don't know why Master Liu always feels cool on his back.