
Chapter 13 If you die, you will die

When he didn't know, Master Liu suddenly felt that he was slowly waking up. He hurriedly opened his eyes and found that he was still standing well in an attic somewhere in the temple. Next to Huineng, the dust next to him was looking at him quietly. His hand, which was supposed to be raised to point to Huineng, had just been half lifted, as if everything he had just experienced was just in the blink of an eye.

Cold sweat kept flowing from the back of Mr. Liu's neck. His legs suddenly softened and he knelt down and pleaded loudly: "Master, please be merciful and save the little one's life! Master, I really know my mistake. I'm willing to rely on it, even if it's okay for me to disperse my wealth. Master, you must save the little one!"

Master Liu didn't look like a big brother at this time. He seemed to have lost his muscles and bones, paralyzed into a ball, and kept begging in his mouth. How dare he disrespect Hui Neng at this time? All this is just because the hallucination just now was really terrible. Although he knew that it was an illusion, Master Liu instinctively knew that it was what he had to face. That true and illusory fear is enough to make anyone willing to give up everything with inner peace.

"Lord, since you can recognize yourself, you are lucky. Buddha has a predestined person, so what's wrong with the old man to save him? Dust, go get the pen and ink!"

In a moment, the dust abbot had returned to the attic again and saw him holding a tray with a wolf pen across, a small plate of gold paint with the best cinnabar, and a yellow paper made of something.

Hui Neng saw what he needed from the dust, so he picked up the wolf's pen full of gold paint and threw the yellow paper into the air. The thrown paper was floating flat in the air and slowly falling. At this time, Huineng wrote something on the yellow paper.

Seeing that this wisdom is really different, the paper floating in the air has no power. He can actually write on it and fill the whole face in one go. Until then, the paper had just fallen a few inches. When one side was full, Huineng gently picked up the yellow paper with the tip of the pen and turned his back to the sky, and then filled the other side, so he stopped.

Gently placed the pen in the tray, and Huineng bent slightly to gently pinch the yellow paper more than ten centimeters away from the ground in his hand. He quickly folded the yellow paper a few times and folded it into a triangle.

"Lord, take this charm and leave quickly!" He casually handed the spiritual charm to Master Liu, and Huineng opened his mouth to see the guests off.

"Uncle, disciple, I'm going to retreat!" Seeing that Huineng had let the two of them leave, he quickly pulled Master Liu, who was still at a loss, quickly retreated.

"Master, this?" It was not until then that Master Liu reacted and saw him looking at the dust with the spiritual charm.

How did Chen not know that Master Liu didn't like the spiritual charm at all, so he sighed secretly in his heart, but still said:

"Lord, this is a spiritual charm. It is a rune written by Uncle Huineng using his mind and magic power. This spiritual charm has the divine effect of calming the mind, dispelling diseases, eliminating disasters and solving difficulties. Please also ask the benefactor to collect it and wear it with you, and read the Diamond Sutra three times a day to protect the spiritual charm from disturbing the evil spirits.

Master Liu looked at the spiritual charm in his hand with some hesitation. After being so solemnly said by Chen, he began to look at the spiritual charm carefully. At this glance, Master Liu also saw some ways. He saw that the text written on the spiritual charm was Sanskrit. Although he didn't know it, he could also think that those Sanskrit must be Buddhist scriptures and so on. It is not strange for monks to write Buddhist scriptures, but the strange thing is that these Sanskrits written in gold paint seem to grow on yellow paper. No matter how you look at them, you can't find that they have just written them with a pen, but it seems that there are lines and patterns on the paper.

And when he carefully looked at the spiritual charm, Master Liu found that when he observed it carefully, his heart was peaceful, and even his nose seemed to smell a smell of fragrance. And there is a faint trace of warmth in the right hand holding the spiritual charm.

"It's really a treasure!" Master Liu couldn't help admiring.

"Lord, this spiritual charm is indeed a treasure! It is also the benefactor who can ask for such a treasure from his uncle!" After hearing Master Liu's involuntary admiration, he also smiled.

Once Master Liu was sure that the spiritual charm was a treasure, he immediately put down his hanging heart and walked to the hall in front of the temple while talking and laughing with Chen. After arriving at the hall, Master Liu secretly motioned, and a subordinate immediately handed over a check of up to one million in his hands.

"Master, this is my little care. It is the sesame oil money for Buddha. Please be sure to accept it! From now on, I will definitely come to worship it years ago!" Master Liu took the check and immediately respectfully handed it to the abbot.

"Since the donor is sincere to the Buddha, I will keep it for him!" The abbot Chen was not polite and accepted the check directly. Chen knew that Master Liu could actually ask for a real spiritual charm from Master Huineng today, so he should receive millions of money. If he is a person who has no chance, let alone millions, even tens of millions of dollars can't ask for anything from Master Huineng.

Master Liu said something to the abbot and left. A monk had been sending a group of people outside the temple gate before he stopped.

"Lord Liu, the little monk stopped here and walked slowly!" The monk and Master Liu saluted each other.

"Master, goodbye!" After saying a word, Master Liu stepped into the car driven by his men. The car started slowly and headed for the city.

After the car drove to the city, there were more and more cars on the road.

Master Liu gently stroked the spiritual charm with his hand. After leaving the temple, Master Liu's mind, which had been relaxed, became secretly nervous again after entering the city. Constantly looking at the ubiquitous monitoring devices in the city, Master Liu felt that the strange feeling appeared again.

"Amitabha!" Under nervousness, Master Liu couldn't help taking out the spiritual charm and whispering the Buddha's name. The heat from the spiritual charm gave him a boost, and then magically calmed down slowly.


The mobile phone number in his pocket suddenly vibrated and was shocked. Master Liu gently mixed his hand and was stunned for a moment before he took the mobile phone out of his pocket. Look at the caller ID, but the mobile phone screen is empty.


Master Liu couldn't help exclaiming, and even his mobile phone fell to the ground. Because he was really scared these days, as soon as he saw the call that did not show the number, Master Liu's heart suddenly twitched slightly.

"You, answer the phone!" Master Liu pointed to a hand and ordered him to pick up the phone left in the car and connect it.

"Master Liu, I'm looking for you! The other party didn't say who he was." The man pressed the mobile phone microphone and said.

"I'm not here. Leave me a message if you need anything!"

"Master Liu, the other party said that there was something urgent and must tell you in person now!" After a moment, the man whispered again.

"Damn, which bastard is it!" Master Liu took over the phone after scolding, "If it wasn't really something urgent, I would have skinned him!"

"Hey, I'm Liu Haitao."

There was silence on the phone. Just as Master Liu was a little impatient, suddenly a man's voice suddenly sounded. This was a young man's voice.

"Liu, it's time to pay off the debt!"

"Who the fuck are you! How dare you talk to me like this!" Master Liu suddenly thought that it was a bold person who was collecting debts from him. Although Master Liu is a well-known boss, there are also many accounting disputes in the company. However, who is Master Liu? He is the eldest brother in this city, so no one dares to be so rude at ordinary times.

"You are still so arrogant when you die. Pay back the debt and kill for my life. If you let me die in a disaster, then you can pay it back with your life!"

Master Liu suddenly realized that something was wrong when he heard this, and couldn't help but feel tight, but in an instant, he remembered the spiritual charm he had just got, so he couldn't help but say, "Damn it, I don't care who you are, even if you are really a dead ghost, what can you do? If you die, you will die. When I am alive, I It can kill you. What else can you do with me now?"

The reason why Master Liu suddenly developed courage is that he not only asked for a spiritual charm from Master Huineng to protect himself from ghosts and gods, but also gradually began to relieve and adapt to some after these days of torture. No matter what the other party is, if it has really been invisible and untouchable, it is really scary, but now the feeling on the phone is no different from a normal person, so Master Liu can't help but feel bold again.

"Haha,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Liu, do you think that you can keep you sound by going to the temple to worship Buddha once? The cycle of heaven is not pleasant at all. If you do endless evil, you are doomed to hell, and the Buddha can't bless you! You'd better go to hell with me!"

"Go down on your head!" Master Liu roared viciously, "Even if my surname is Liu, even if I really go to hell, I can become a fierce ghost and kill you again!" Besides, now I have a spiritual charm, and I am not afraid of ghosts and gods. How can I be afraid of you!"

"Hey, if I tell you to die, you have to die!" Go to hell!"

Master Liu still wanted to scold the other party, but his mobile phone was suddenly hung up. At this moment, a harsh sound of tires rubbing against the ground suddenly sounded. Master Liu hurriedly turned his head to watch and saw a precious car crashing straight this way as if it seemed uncontrollably.

Because the distance was too close and the car came too fast and too suddenly, Master Liu and others felt turned upside down without reacting at all. Then a huge explosion suddenly sounded. It turned out that it was because the two cars collided together at high speed and caused a huge explosion.

The blazing fire burned fiercely, and countless pedestrians stopped to exclaim. At this moment, a figure slowly walked out of the flame, and this figure was Master Liu.