
Chapter 15 Underground Research Institute

When the sun slowly rises over Texas in the United States, people on the North American continent have already started a day.

Zhou Cheng drifted in space, but he stared at western Texas. The scenery is magnificent in this dry area made of rocks, but Zhou Cheng obviously has no intention of watching the scenery. He is searching for the laboratory code-named "Pin Man". According to the military archives, this laboratory should be located somewhere in this area.

The mutated equipment on the satellite has powerful reconnaissance and scanning capabilities, and areas are flashing rapidly. But Texas is very large, because after searching for hours, the laboratory hidden here has not been found.

When Zhou Cheng felt a little impatient, a strange building suddenly caught his attention. These buildings are hidden in an outer canyon. From the ground, the building is not big, only two small buildings. However, through satellite scanning, Zhou Cheng found that there is an oblique tunnel under the small building, and there is a huge underground building hidden in the depths of the tunnel.

In fact, Zhou Cheng did not find these at the beginning. However, he found that there was a force of up to hundreds of people secretly stationed near this area. This strange phenomenon aroused Zhou Cheng's strong suspicion, so after careful scanning, he found that there was a hole under the small building.

With Zhou Cheng's current scanning ability, everything inside the formation that is about 30 meters deep can be clearly displayed in front of him, but the mysterious place under this building is built below 30 meters, so Zhou Cheng can only scan the tunnel deep underground.

At this time, Zhou Cheng has been able to confirm that the research institute code-named "Tin Man" is definitely in this underground space, but this research institute actually goes deeper than he can explore, because although he knows it clearly, he has no choice.

Xinghao Zhou Cheng drifted alone in space and had nothing to do, so although he was anxious, he did not give up. Instead, he began to monitor the seemingly desolate canyon 7*24 hours.

Deep in the canyon strata, in the research institute. Zhou Wen closed his eyes and lay quietly in his dormitory. It seemed that he had entered a deep sleep, but in fact, he was thinking quickly.

Since he joined the institute ten months ago, Zhou Wen has been attracted by everything in the institute. He never thought that there was such a science fiction place in the world. This research institute, which is about 200 meters underground, has five floors, but the first and second floors are living and leisure areas, the third floor is the experimental area, and the fourth and fifth floors are the core of the whole research institute, but when he first entered this research institute, Zhou Wen It is not very clear what the fourth and fifth floors are like, because it is a forbidden place, and no one can take a step without authorization.

Until three months after entering the research institute, Zhou Wen was finally authorized to enter the fourth and fifth floors and began to participate in the research: auxiliary combat mechanical armor and individual combat robots.

Zhou Wen joined the project as an auxiliary combat mechanical armor, which is a special equipment for individual combat. Armor has some armor like the armor of ancient soldiers, but this armor is by no means so simple.

The armor shell made of special alloy materials can defend against the shooting of light firearms and heavy machine guns. Even powerful bombs or rocket launchers will not cause any damage to armor. Only some heavy * weapons will cause insignificant damage to armor.

The whole armor weighs 100 kilograms, and the most advanced mechanical power system is installed in the armor. This power system is not an ordinary modified motor, but an artificial synthetic fiber tissue made of special materials. This fibrous tissue has a strange characteristic. As long as it is connected to a special energy, it only shrinks autonomously, and the power generated by this contraction is incredibly powerful, but the shrinkage force generated by fibers thinner than hair can lift a kilogram of objects out of air. And the frequency of fiber contraction can be adjusted by controlling the size of energy, and the time of each contraction can be adjusted arbitrarily between one minute and twentyth of a second. Through rigorous tests, it is finally proved that such a fiber contracts at the fastest frequency, which can last for about 600 days.

And tens of thousands of these magical fibers have been used in the whole armor, which are made into something similar to the muscle tissue in the biological body. This artificial muscle tissue is installed in the alloy shell of the armor to provide great power.

And the power energy of this armor is a high-efficiency battery. If the armor equipped with a high-efficiency battery is on standby, it will last for nearly a year with just one battery. If it is in a non-combat start-up state, it is enough to last for about 30 days. Even if the maximum power combat state is turned on, it can last for nearly 24 hours. If it is a general combat state, it depends on the time, ranging from two days to about 20 days. Like this, three batteries are installed in the armor, two of which can be started normally, and one is spare.

The real reason for this is not the batteries. Although that high-efficiency battery can store huge electrical energy, it is not enough to drive a machine weighing 100 kilograms for so long. The most important of this is the strange fiber. Although that fiber produces huge contraction, the energy required for each contraction is very little, even negligible. It was precisely because this magical thing was inadvertently created that the armor project was born.

The most difficult part of the whole armor manufacturing process is not the raw materials and production technology, but because the combat mechanical armor function is too powerful, so the whole United States can't find a qualified operator. You should know that after wearing this armor, as long as you speed up a little, the speed can reach hundreds of kilometers per hour, and increase the operator's power by dozens or hundreds of times. Such a fast speed, such a huge power is beyond any human being can control.

In desperation, many researchers had to find ways to improve the operating system, so a new concept was put forward: brain wave sensing technology and intelligent operating system.

is to install a special intelligent operating system in this mecha to assist, and connect the operator's brain waves with the intelligent system to control this powerful mecha directly through human thinking ability.

However, how difficult it is to connect people's brain thinking with computers. Among other things, the most basic problem of how light captures human thinking is an almost impossible problem. Today's technology can basically scan the radio waves of the human brain at most, but brain waves are only a weak biological radio wave emitted by the human brain, which does not fully represent the ability to think.

Even if it can capture human thinking, how to convert thinking into photoelectric signals in real time and connect it to computer systems is an extremely complex problem. Therefore, although the "Tin Man" research institute has achieved many results for several years, it still has not really solved the problem. There are not only computers, but also complex problems in the fields of biology and mechanics.

Perhaps this is why Zhou Wen was invited to join the research institute and really participated in this incredible project after three months of investigation.

Zhou Wenzhen is indeed an almost evil person. After participating in the research and development project of Mecha, he learned about all the research materials in detail and kept in mind in the first month, and then launched a crazy research time.

Perhaps because he has just come into contact with this project, and as a young man, his mind is active and there are not many restrictions, so Zhou Wen has really overcome this problem that makes it difficult for everyone to think beyond anyone after about half a year of research.

In fact, Zhou Wen's solution is not difficult to say, but it is not easy to say. That is, he did not start any research on the mecha first, but began to pay attention to human problems. Because all these problems are caused by the inability of humans to control mecha, the first thing Zhou Wen did was to train some of the best operators and specially produce an instrument to record human brain waves.

After more than three months of training and recording, Zhou Wen wrote a special program, which is a special program that records the change map of human brain waves under all human movements and states.

Take this program as a special plug-in of the mecha operating system, and then humans will wear a special device when driving the mecha, which is used to sense human brain waves. This device is connected to the program. When the program receives the signal sent from the special device, it will take the initiative from itself. The database calls up a data that matches the received brain waves and transfers the data to the main program of the operating system. In this way, the operating system will control the mecha to make a completely consistent response with the operator's heart.

After months of research, the first mecha that can be completely controlled by human beings finally appeared in the world. And this mecha was named Ares.