
Chapter 19 Robot Variation

The moment the system program used to replace the robot system was about to be sent, the intelligent program suddenly began to split. Nowadays, there are more than 1,000 different types of runes in the intelligent program consciousness, with a total of about 200,000 rune individuals. These runes are combined into Zhou Cheng's intelligent consciousness in a magical way.

Although these intelligent programs composed of runes are part of Zhou Cheng, Zhou Cheng has no understanding of this part of consciousness, but after a period of exploration, he gradually knows that this rune program is a whole and an inseparable whole. But just now, the rune program suddenly split into more than a thousand runes. There are hundreds of types of more than 1,000 runes. After they were split, they instantly combined into a small light mass.

The light mass was forcibly sent to the earth by satellite along with the system program used to control the robot and entered the robot's light brain.

The program sent to the light brain is rapidly deleting and replacing the original program, while the light mass changed from the rune enters the light brain and quietly lurks down.

After a minute and a second, about three minutes later, the original program of the Tin Man was finally completely replaced. Since then, it has fallen into the control of Zhou Cheng.

Zhou Cheng monitored the robot anxiously. Although he had completely controlled the robot, the change of the rune program made him a little overwhelmed. These runes are all part of his consciousness. Although the inexplicable split just now did not make Zhou Cheng feel any discomfort, a body consciousness far away from the body and penetrated deep into the earth made him very uneasy. Because this split is not his own active behavior, and even this split has exceeded Zhou Cheng's understanding of the rune program. He originally thought that these runes were inseparable, but now it splits independently without his knowledge. This unpredictable and uncontrollable variable made Zhou Cheng deeply uneasy. He didn't know what would happen to those runes in the end.

In addition, as a small part of your own consciousness, if there is an accident, those runes will hurt Zhou Cheng a lot. Although those runes are only a small part of the runes, they will not bring endings such as death, but it is enough to make Zhou Cheng miserable. They must be part of consciousness. The so-called pulling a hair and moving the whole body, even if a part of the body is injured, it will make people painful, not to mention the direct damage to consciousness.

Just when Zhou Cheng was uneasy, the light group suddenly changed. Countless extremely fine rays of light stretched out from this small light mass hidden in the depths of ordinary procedures. These light filaments are first connected to ordinary procedures, and then they extend beyond the light brain and form things like human blood vessels and nerves all over the body of the robot.

"Strange, aren't they just alien codes? How can you have such a strange attribute!"

It is not surprising that Zhou Cheng sighed so much, because these runes have always been like a strange computer code that can only exist in satellite computers, so Zhou Cheng thinks that they are just a kind of photoelectric signal. But their performance at this time is incomprehensible, because they can not only form programs to operate computers like computer code, but also seem to have material characteristics, because those filaments actually appear outside the light brain and become a seemingly solid substance and integrate into the body of the robot. .

Although Zhou Cheng does not have much research on computers, he also knows that computer programs and codes are just virtual things, just some invisible photoelectric information. Therefore, after seeing the performance of the light ball, Zhou Cheng couldn't help but suspect that those runes did not seem to be as simple as he imagined, at least they already had two completely different properties.

For a moment, those filaments finally stopped changing. When they were covered with the body of the machine, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in Zhou Cheng's consciousness. After carefully tasting for a while, Zhou Cheng was surprised to find that this feeling turned out to be the robot in the earth.

Just like the fairy story of folklore, Zhou Cheng found that he really seemed to have an unusual split. This split is not the other split. This robot is different from the rest of the machines forcibly invaded by Zhou Cheng. Those forcibly controlled machines are just some tools, just like people use tools. However, the robot gives Zhou Cheng the feeling that it is a part of his body. He can directly feel its existence without any means, as if the distant distance from space to the earth no longer exists, and as if he is attached to the robot at all.

Zhou Cheng found that he suddenly had another perspective, which was observed by the robot's camera. Not only that, Zhou Cheng can also feel any situation on the robot's body, such as the structure of the body, mechanical operation, energy storage, damage to body components, etc.

Gently tapping on the body of the robot, Zhou Cheng found that through the light silk on the surface of the body, he still has a feeling similar to the sense of touch. Through this feeling, he can judge where the body is suffering from the power of the outside world and the size of the force, and even by touching it. The shape and size of the body and what kind of substance it is. It can be said that except for the lack of pain, this tactile ability is no different from the feeling as a human being.

"How could this happen! Is this really a split, or because of the existence of those runes, the robot has become a part of my body? Doesn't this mean that I only have one consciousness but can have more than one body? It must be like this, because this feeling is really wonderful. I can feel that I really exist in this robot!"

Zhou Cheng was shocked by his crazy idea, but then he was ecstatic. Because if this idea really comes into play, it is completely possible for him to find a way to make more splits, mechanical splits of various types and functions, such as car splits running on the ground, plane splits flying in the sky, ship splits swimming in the sea, etc. As long as this is an automated machine, it has the possibility to become a split. .

Zhou Cheng, who was dreaming of spring and autumn, did not think of some facts, that is, he didn't even know how this robot split appeared. Although the rune is part of him, he has no understanding of the rune. The use of the rune program is only instinctively. For example, if he wants to hack into a computer, as long as he has this idea and determines it, the rune program will automatically complete the rest to help him easily invade. Zhou Cheng didn't know how to get into that computer, but he didn't know how and why he could do it. This situation is like when people want to eat, they can instinctively control their mouths and open their mouths and put them into their stomachs. People can do this, but people don't know why they can do it, and they haven't even thought about it at all.

Zhou Cheng's current situation is also this or even worse, because people always know what he can do and what he can't do, but Zhou Cheng doesn't even know what the specific role of runes, let alone the active use of runes. He just passively and instinctively uses rune programs to do something. For Zhou Cheng, hacking into some computers or machines is an instinctive and subconscious act. It is almost impossible for him to recreate his split at will than to let human beings completely control their instincts and subconscious.

Because he was too excited, Zhou Chengqing couldn't help shouting and then jumped up and cheered. If it were an ordinary human, it would be nothing, but today's robot split is completely different. His legs suddenly bent and bounced up like lightning. With this huge impulse, the robot suddenly rose up and flew straight up to 20 or 30 meters high.

Zhou Cheng just got a robot split, so he didn't expect that the robot had such a perverted ability, because Zhou Cheng couldn't help but be dumbfounded after flying 20 or 30 meters. When the momentum stopped, the robot began to fall to the ground. Zhou Cheng, who did not expect that he would jump so high, could not grasp the balance of the robot for a while. After barely landing, he took the opportunity to roll a few rolls to completely resolve the huge impact, and even the robot's performance was so strong that he did not suffer any damage.

He stood up awkwardly, but Zhou Cheng suddenly realized a problem: after the robot became his split, he found that although the original robot had extremely powerful performance, the real ability to swing was only 1% of the real ability of this machine. I'm afraid that the previous robot will adjust the power to the maximum. Robots that have now become their own splits can exert about one-tenth to two-tenths of their theoretical performance.

The maximum power in this mechanical theory is more than 1,000 tons, that is, it has more than 1 million kilograms of power, but even if the original robot adjusts the power to the maximum, it can only exert about 10 tons, and the original control system can only adapt to the power of the third stage. As for the highest five levels, once it is turned on, it may cause the system to overload and crash. The robot that became Zhou Cheng's split can easily use more than 100 tons of power, barely reaching about 200 tons, and this performance suddenly increased tenfold out of thin air.