
Chapter 31 Treating Diseases and Saving People

After standing up from the ground, Mrs. Wang said in a strange and deep voice, "What's the matter with mortals coming to win over me? Why don't you say it quickly?" This voice was obviously from Mrs. Wang's mouth, but it was a bit like a male voice.

"The immortal is angry. We are from Jinjia Village 30 miles away from here. We came to disturb the immortal because my man has a strange disease, so we want to ask the immortal for help!" As soon as the 40-year-old woman saw Mrs. Wang talking in that strange voice, she immediately resisted her fear and trembled. Let me tell you what happened.

It turns out that these four people are a family, and the couple are both in their 40s and have a pair of children. This woman works in a factory, but the man does his own small business. Therefore, although he is still rich, he has a rich family background and has a pair of children, so he is a happy family.

But since a month ago, the man somehow had a strange disease: whenever a man fell asleep at night, he would start to keep counting nonsense, just like a dream. At first, they didn't care about this little thing, but after about ten days, the man's situation began to deteriorate significantly. When he fell asleep, he would always start sleepwalking from **. Only then did the family realize that something was wrong, so they went to the hospital for examination, but did not find anything wrong.

If you get up in the middle of the night just because of talking in your sleep, although it's a little creepy, it's not a big problem. But a few days later, when the man was sleepwalking, he began to look for water everywhere, and if he didn't find water, he would keep drinking it. Even if his stomach was about to crack, there was no pause. After a few days, the man actually developed to drink water constantly every day and even his skin began to change.

The man's skin is getting rougher and dryer, but in a few days, his whole body was covered with scales. And I don't know why, after the man's skin has these symptoms, he can't leave the water and must soak his body in water every once in a while. If not, he will have severe pain and difficulty breathing. And as time goes by, the man's consciousness gradually begins to blur, just like a sudden mental illness, intermittently, sometimes good and sometimes bad.

After such a hard time for a month, I went to several hospitals, inquired about countless prescriptions, and even found a few gods and witches who could cure the man's general strange diseases. On the contrary, because of a lot of torture, the man has become dying and will not be able to see him.

A good family suddenly suffered such a great change, and the woman was simply anxious, panicked, afraid and shocked. Because whenever someone sees the man, they will feel that he is a big humanoid fish, with fish scales all over his body except his face, and he has to soak himself in water. Even the goddesses and witches unanimously believed that the man must have offended the fairy family in the water and was retaliated by the fairy family, so the goddesses did not even dare to interfere in the matter at all, but told the family to find a man named Mrs. Wang to have a try. If you are lucky, you may still be saved.

Whether the family believes it or not, it's better to have a try than to die in the hospital. So after some inking, after finding out where Mrs. Wang lived, the family actually mobilized to find Mrs. Wang directly despite the advice of the hospital.

At this time, Mrs. Wang's own consciousness has been completely crushed into a ball by the black fish, so she has no reaction to external affairs, and her body has been controlled by the black fish's consciousness. Zhou Cheng watched quietly, and Zhou Cheng also attached to the five women with the black fish through the spiritual seeds planted in the consciousness of the black fish.

Through the observation of this villain, Zhou Cheng found some interesting phenomena: when the consciousness of the black fish came, there was a strange breath in the room, which was deliberately emitted by the black fish to create a horrible atmosphere. When the atmosphere formed, the spirits of the four people suddenly changed dramatically. Perhaps because of fear, their thinking began to increase significantly and be lax. If these things are regarded as human essences, their original essences are very stable and weak, but due to the influence of the atmosphere of terror, these spirits suddenly boil up.

The boiling essence became lax and began to emanate from their bodies. And the consciousness of the black fish is sucking the essence emitted by those human beings, so the essence emitted without any waste is all sucked into its own consciousness by the black fish.

Unlike these people, although Mrs. Wang's consciousness was suppressed, she was constantly exuding a stream of essence that was far stronger than the other four people, and this spirit condensed and did not dissipate straight to the consciousness of the black fish, and finally melted into the consciousness of the black fish.

"Is this the method of black fish practice? Absorb the spirit and vitality of human beings to promote their own cultivation! Aliens are indeed aliens, but this method is actually negative. However, since these people asked to come by themselves, even Mrs. Wang took the initiative to invite the black fish to come up, which means that they are making a deal. It's easy for me to intervene. Although this method is sinister, it is indeed a shortcut from the perspective of aliens, which can greatly speed up the speed of practice, but sucking people's spirits in this way also makes their own consciousness more and more chaotic. Even if it is useless to spend a lot of effort to remove the debris in those essence afterwards. Practicing with this method is afraid that it is easy at the beginning and difficult at the back, and even makes practitioners lose the foundation of immortality forever. This is equivalent to exchanging the foundation for the speed of early practice, which is very uneconomical!"

Zhou Cheng has understood many things in an instant, but it is not certain whether there are practitioners in the world who can achieve immortality. Even if there is, it is not something that ordinary practitioners can achieve. Therefore, there is no loss for them to use this fast practice method, and it can also Make it easier for them to get a higher level of results polished by themselves, so this method is not only harmless but beneficial for ordinary aliens. Thinking of this, Zhou Cheng also understood why all the aliens in the world would use this method to practice.

The black fish quietly listened to the woman's story, and then looked at the very uncomfortable man and immediately understood that the man was indeed killed by the aquarium practitioner to become so strange. It uses its mind to explore the man and goes deep into the man's body and consciousness to find the root of the problem.

The mind is just a few laps around the man's body, but the black fish has found the abnormality in the man's body: there is an invisible mark on the man's chest, which is about the size of an adult's palm, dark in color, and shaped like fish scales.

But it was this mark that shocked the black fish, because through the contact of mind, it knew that the mark was actually a fish seal printed on the man's body, which was a soul-grabbing seal. Although it is not difficult to break the mark, the key problem is that once the mark is removed, it is bound to alarm the fish spirit and feud.

Although the black fish has reached the late stage of psychic, it has not yet reached the bottleneck period of psychic, let alone compared with the trained alien practitioners. Therefore, when it learned that the man was provoked by a fish spirit, it couldn't help but be timid and dared not intervene in the matter again. And it also knows that if this kind of soul-grabbing seal is not a big hatred, no practitioner will be willing to use this domineering, cruel and harmful means.

The so-called soul seal is a strange method of using mindfulness to form an invisible mark, and then dip this mark on a person or creature. The person who won the soul seal will experience unhuman torture for seventy-49 days. First, he will be restless, and then once he falls asleep, he will lose control of himself. Then the body will change differently according to the person who printed it and suffer all kinds of tortures until seventy-49 days later, the man's spirit will be finished. It collapsed, the consciousness dissipated, the soul scattered and died, and the death was extremely tragic and shocking.

Zhou Cheng lurked in Mrs. Wang's body. Of course, he also heard the woman's words, and through the imprint in the black fish's consciousness, he remembered that the black was already scared. However, although Zhou Cheng traveled around the world as a demon at this time, his consciousness was still a human, so after hearing the woman's words, he couldn't bear it and decided to help a group of poor people.

Just in an instant, Zhou Cheng has replaced the black fish to control the consciousness of Mrs. Wang, and has said in the black fish's continuous warnings: "Look at your family, you are also very pitiful. In this case, you have to reach out to save her. I just hope that from now on, your family can have good intentions and not cause trouble.

At this time, the black fish said to Zhou Cheng again, "Daxian, it is not that he is unwilling to save this family, but that the man must have done something bad to seize the soul seal in his body, otherwise it is impossible to be planted with this soul seal. This man's behavior is completely looking for death, so no wonder that he is a little mortal to provoke my aquarium spirit.

"I think I know this, but the Buddha has said that 'the sea of suffering is boundless, and turning back is the shore'. As long as this man can change, he should be given another chance. Well, don't say any more. I'll bear anything!" At this time, Zhou Cheng heard the woman start talking again, because he immediately made the black fish shut up obediently, and as soon as the black fish saw Zhou Cheng's resolute attitude, he didn't dare to say another word.