
Chapter 35 Revealed

He looked at the ancient mirror several times, and Zhou Cheng could also look at the doorway, so he simply put the ancient mirror aside. Seeing that Zhou Cheng did not make any judgment on the ancient mirror, he couldn't help but be very frustrated, as if he had lost his most precious thing, and seemed to feel aggrieved that Zhou Cheng did not pay attention to the ancient mirror.

Just when Zhou Cheng's fish essence was lost, Zhou Cheng gently touched the body of the fish essence with his tentacles and planted a trace of mark in its consciousness. Yujing's eyes changed slightly, but she did not attack, and finally let the silk mark fall into her consciousness. This mark is a mark, and it is also a connection between the consciousness of the two. If the two have the same strength, then the mark is not harmful, but when the strength of the two is too different, the mark becomes something that only benefits the strong.

Because the powerful can control the whereabouts of the other party at any time through this mark, and even no matter how far apart the two sides are, the strong can directly attack the consciousness of the weak, while the weak cannot resist the direct attack from the consciousness of the other party, so that the consciousness will dissipate and die. . Because when the fish spirit was planted with this mark by Zhou Cheng, it was equivalent to completely handing over his life to Zhou Cheng.

Zhou Cheng did not notice the change of fish essence, and even if he noticed it, he would not care. After doing this, Zhou Cheng suddenly had a whim and had the idea of going to Shuibo Cave to have a look. So the fish spirit led the way, and Zhou Cheng and the black fish spirit followed and went straight to Chenghu Lake.

A one-meter-long golden monster fish, a 1.5-meter-long giant black fish, and a ten-meter-long octopus, three large aquatic creatures walked quickly along the waterway for only half an hour, and the three monsters have arrived in Chenghu Lake.

Cheng Lake is located in the southeast of Suzhou City, which is one of the many lakes in Suzhou. Zhou Cheng and Black Fish came straight to the water wave cave under the leadership of the Diamond Essence. As the fish spirit said, this cave is about a hundred feet in radius, and there is a stone tablet at the mouth of the cave, which is engraved with three words 'Water Wave Cave'.

Although there is no light in the night, the monster is the same as human beings. Even in the dark night, the monster can see some blurred images, and Zhou Cheng's split is different from the general monster. His split is a strange thing that is both a creature and a mechanical, because the light is not much for this split. Impact.

I swam around the cave. As the fish spirit said, there is nothing unusual in the cave, but the cave is very large and wide. Perhaps because there is no sunlight in the depths of the cave all year round, the water in the cave is slightly cold and the water quality is very good, which seems to be as dirty as the lake.

It is really not easy to suddenly find such a pure water source in the inland, so as soon as he entered the cave, Zhou Cheng was a little moved to occupy the cave. The cave in Dushu Lake is too small, and it is very crowded to live in it, but this water wave is completely suitable.

And although Zhou Cheng did not know exactly what the ancient mirror-like thing was, he was sure that the ancient mirror was by no means ordinary, and even this ancient mirror made Zhou Cheng suspect that it was an object such as the legendary practitioner's magic weapon. If so, there must be something unusual about this cave where magic weapons have been placed.

"Is it possible that there is a legendary array in this cave that hides the abnormality? Normally, ordinary monsters do not know the magic power of the magic array. Perhaps only human practitioners can have magic power and means such as the magic circle. Is this cave a cave left by human practitioners?

Zhou Cheng looked at the cave for a moment, because there were no traces left by human beings in the cave, which seemed to be formed naturally. If this is really the place where human practitioners have stayed, then there will definitely be some artificial traces in the cave. Moreover, in addition to aquarium practitioners, it is impossible for human beings to choose to place caves underwater. After all, people are different from fish, and even practitioners cannot live underwater for a long time.

Since no abnormality could be found for a while, Zhou Cheng also relieved his mind. Because Zhou Cheng was very satisfied with this small wave cave, he did not return to Dushu Lake, but rested directly in this cave. That night, an octopus, a huge black fish, and three golden strange fish began their own practice in this water wave cave.

After a night without saying anything, a group of monsters spent the night in practice. When the sun was about to rise, the three golden fish and black fish had woken up early. They swam out of the cave and came to the center of the lake to poke their heads slightly out of the water. The front of the four monsters faces east, as if waiting for the sun to rise from the horizon.

"What are they doing? Can you really absorb the essence of the sun and the moon when practicing?" Zhou Cheng felt very curious after seeing the four strange behaviors. When Zhou Cheng was a human, he was a staunch materialist. He didn't believe in any strange spirits in the world, so he didn't know anything about practice. Even if his consciousness was attached to a satellite, Zhou Cheng still maintained the belief of materialism. It was not until the split met the octopus monster that he suddenly realized that there were so many strange things in the world. However, the information obtained from the consciousness of the octopus monster does not behave like these four monsters, and there is no way to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. Because Zhou Cheng is very curious about the actions of the four monsters.

The sun finally rose slowly from the horizon. When the first ray of sunlight fell from the sky, the four spirits suddenly opened their huge mouths and took a deep breath in the direction of the sun, as if they wanted to suck the sun into their bodies. Of course, this is just a scene from the naked eye, but in Zhou Cheng's view, it is very different. When the sun rose, the four monsters spread their consciousness beyond their bodies to form the same huge virtual shadows as their bodies. These four huge shadows also opened their huge mouths and devoured the sky and the sun.

When these virtual shadows devoured the sun, Zhou Cheng didn't think so, because it was ridiculous for a creature to try to devour the sun. But then Zhou Cheng found that with the breathing of the four virtual shadows, there was indeed a round of images of the sun swallowed by the shadow, and then spit it into the air with the next exhalation, and then inhaled again. So repeated until less than a quarter of an hour later, as the sun completely jumped out of the horizon, the four monsters stopped.

"So it is! So this is absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon!"

Zhou Cheng has been surprised from the beginning of puzzlement, but when he figured out everything, he calmed down. It turns out that these monsters are indeed absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, but this essence of the sun and moon is not physical. Simply put, in fact, what they have just done is the same truth as the idea spread among human beings: by observing to swallow the sun and the moon to practice the spirit, the essence of the sun and the moon refers to the perception formed in the hearts of the creatures at the moment when the sun rises.

The truth is actually very simple, which is to feel a great idea between the rising and changing of the sun and the moon. For any creature, the sun and moon are great and eternal. Whenever the sun rises, all the darkness between heaven and earth will disappear. Even if it is covered by dark clouds, the sun still exists in the sky, and no power can stop it from rising below the horizon. There is a shocking power between the sunrise and sunset. The essence of the sun and the moon absorbed by the practitioner is also this grand spirit and idea between the rise and fall of the sun and the moon, and integrates our spirit and thoughts into their own consciousness, so that they can be full of spirit and firm belief, and then use their own spirit and Faith nourishes the soul and consciousness, so as to strengthen itself.

Even the highest level of practitioners: immortality is also related to this. If a practitioner can fully integrate the spirit of the sun and the moon into his consciousness, then he can make his consciousness immortal, just like the sunrise and sunset. A sunrise and sunset is a cycle. When the sun rises, it is destined to set, but after the sun sets, it is destined to rise again. The same is true of the practitioner who has achieved immortality. Whenever life is about to end, he can change his weight. Just like the rise and fall of the sun and the moon, the sun cannot always hang high in the sky, but it will definitely rise again. Although the practitioner who achieves immortality is still immortal, the primordial spirit is immortal and doomed. He will be reborn again after reincarnation.

In just a short moment, Zhou Cheng has thought of a lot, and at the same time, he also understands why although he has become a yuan god, he can't let the yuan god permanently leave the body alone, let alone change his weight. It turns out that if you want to achieve immortality, you must feel an eternal spirit and idea between heaven and earth, and integrate this spirit and idea into yourself. Finally, you even have to completely transform yourself into this spirit and idea, regardless of you and me, and transform your consciousness into a landless will. Only in this way can you be immortal.

"Haha, I finally know the mystery of immortality!" Zhou Cheng couldn't help roaring in his heart.