
Chapter 39 Second God

Sensing the ancient mirror, Zhou Cheng found that the ancient mirror was indeed as said in the information left by the octopus monster, and the ancient mirror that almost turned into a magic weapon was extremely powerful. This treasure mirror seems to be able to mobilize the power of the whole world to wipe out everything in the world at any time.

However, because this ancient mirror can communicate with the world at any time, it takes great thinking power to promote the operation of the ancient mirror to use the wonderful use of the ancient mirror. Zhou Cheng's little thought at this time is not even enough to truly exert the power of the ancient mirror.

After sensing for a long time, Zhou Cheng found that the ancient mirror was somewhat different from the information left by the octopus monster. In the memory of the octopus monster, although the spiritual weapon can be integrated with the gend to entrust the gend, the spiritual weapon and the genshin are not really combined. However, Zhou Cheng felt that the ancient mirror and his own yuan god were not separated from each other, as if the two were originally of the same origin.

Suddenly, Zhou Cheng thought of some information in the memory of the octopus monster and some stories about the legend of the magic weapon.

It is said that there are some extremely special magic weapons in the magic weapons, which have produced their own wisdom, and they have begun to practice independently and become the most mysterious and special practitioners in the practice world.

The magic weapon was originally just some ordinary things that have been sacrificed by practitioners to become a spiritual and very supernatural object. These magic weapons have been sacrificed by practitioners for a long time, and they have absorbed the spirit, mind, spirit, will and so on for countless years.

And as the magic weapons are sacrificed, the longer they exist, the stronger their spirituality will be. Therefore, it is said that some extremely old magic weapons will produce some wonderful changes after their spirituality grows to a certain extreme, and the spirituality of magic weapons will gradually form spiritual intelligence, thus turning this magic weapon into a strange object that can think, be self-conscious and can practice autonomously. This kind of artifact can be regarded as an alternative. Of biology.

And this magic weapon that produces intelligence often has extremely powerful and magical uses, or has infinite power, or magical and magical uses. However, these spiritual weapons often cannot last for a long time, because practitioners cannot allow their own magic weapons to have independent and independent consciousness. This kind of magic weapons are not good for practitioners, so once the magic weapons produce wisdom, their end is often extremely tragic or they are rid of consciousness. After removing the consciousness of this magic weapon, the spirituality of the magic weapon will be greatly damaged, so that the power of the magic weapon will be greatly reduced or even directly reduced to ordinary things. Therefore, when practitioners find that the magic weapon produces intelligence, more practice is to directly destroy the magic weapon.

However, there are exceptions to everything. If the spiritual weapon or the best magic weapon that may be turned into a spiritual weapon produces intelligence and has self-awareness, then the situation is different. This kind of spiritual weapon with wisdom is the most rare treasure in the practice world, even comparable to the preciousness of magic weapons.

Because this spiritual weapon has a very special use, that is, it is used to form a second god. The so-called second yuan god refers to the second yuan god in addition to the original yuan god of the practitioner. This second zom is related to the ontology gend but completely independent.

The second geny is different from the split. The split refers to the second body made by the practitioner with a special method, but there is only one consciousness. If the body survives, the split will survive, and if the body dies, the split will also die.

However, the second ion is completely different, and the second ion is an independent individual. That is to say, the practitioner who has become the second yuan god has two completely independent individuals and yuan gods. Even if one of them dies, it has no impact on the other. This is equivalent to saying that the practitioner has two lives. Therefore, the benefits of the second god are unimaginably huge.

And the benefits of the second yuan god are not only. If you become the second yuan god, then there are not only two lives, but also take advantage of them even when fighting with people, because there are two practitioners of the second yuan god who can fight one. Or when practicing, two completely different gens practice at the same time. Of course, the two gen gods can feel more than one, and what the two gen gods feel can be fully shared, because the help to practice is unimaginable.

You should know that there is no end to practice, even if you become a yuan god and it means that the practice will stop here. And even if you become a yuan god and achieve immortality, it does not mean that there is no possibility of falling. Therefore, one more life, double the speed of practice, and double the magic power, which are fatal for any practitioner**.

Of course, the above is for those who have achieved immortal practitioners, which is a legendary thing. In fact, no one in the practice world has ever seen a practitioner who has truly formed a yuan god. However, this does not mean that no one in the practice world can practice until the yuan god means that the spiritual weapon with wisdom is no longer attractive.

In fact, on the contrary, this kind of spiritual weapon is more useful for those practitioners who have not formed a genitin. This is even more effective than those practitioners who have become gen gods.

As long as you think about how attractive this spiritual weapon is for practitioners who have not yet achieved immortality. This is equivalent to an opportunity to ascend to heaven and rely on strange methods to achieve immortality.

In fact, the second god formed by ordinary practitioners after obtaining this spiritual weapon is not a real yuan god. After obtaining this spiritual weapon, the practitioner must first remove the thoughts and thoughts of the spiritual weapon itself without any damage, and retain the spiritual nature of the spiritual weapon and the divine soul generated by its wisdom itself.

After this, practitioners can inject part of their own soul into the spiritual weapon through a special method, supplement the spiritual soul with their own spiritual soul, and finally let the spiritual wisdom once again generate new spiritual wisdom, a spiritual wisdom based on the spiritual soul of the practitioner.

If all this can be completed, then the second yuan god will be regarded as a small success. This practitioner who has become the second god has a second life, but he still can't achieve immortality, because this second god is not a real god. If it is immortal, it will have to go through countless years of polishing.

That is, this second god will begin to practice by himself, so that the spiritual weapon will continue to be promoted, and finally get rid of the material restrictions and become an existence between reality. This process is somewhat like promoting the spiritual weapon to a magic weapon. When this step is achieved, the soul in the spiritual weapon will truly integrate with the material of the spiritual weapon, thus forming something similar to the yuan god. At this time, the dual gods can be regarded as a great success, but they are not complete yet.

If you want to make the second god immortal, then the second god also needs to feel a spirit of heaven and earth, which is what human practitioners say, and integrate it into the spirit of heaven and earth. Only then can the second yuan god be regarded as perfect and become a real yuan god to achieve immortality.

In other words, the method of practicing the second god is actually to practice and sacrifice part of one's soul as a magic weapon, which is equivalent to practicing that part of the soul into a magic weapon to achieve immortality in the form of a magic weapon.

This method is a clever way. Because this is a combination of the strengths of life practice and the promotion of magic weapons. Because the magic weapon originally has an entity, if you want to achieve immortality, you need to change from reality to virtual. Although it is difficult to change the magic weapon from reality to virtual, the difficulty is far less than that of living people turning their own soul from virtual to reality, because the method of the second yuan god is to replace the virtuality of the soul by using the entity of the instrument, and finally when the magic weapon is real. At this time, the magic weapon and the soul are truly combined into one, which is the mystery between the virtual and real changes.

If it is only an ordinary magic weapon, although it is possible to practice the magic weapon to the extreme and transform it into reality, it cannot feel the spirit of heaven and earth to achieve immortality. Therefore, the second yuan god took the coincidence of replacing the rigidness of the artifact with the spiritual wisdom of life.

Although the second yuan god seems to be clever, it is actually a great practice, and the difficulties can be imagined. First of all, spiritual weapons are extremely precious and rare. The spiritual weapons that produce wisdom only exist in legends, and no one has seen their true face. Even if you get such a spiritual weapon, it is even more difficult to remove the spiritual wisdom. Because intelligence is extremely powerful, the spiritual weapon that produces intelligence is the best among them, and its power is even more magnificent. It is very difficult to subdue this wisdom alone, let alone remove its wisdom without damaging its foundation.

Even if this step is achieved and the second yuan god is small, it is even more difficult to make it big and complete. Therefore, although the second god is a little clever, if ordinary practitioners don't have great opportunity and perseverance, they don't want to practice this method at all.

The reason why Zhou Cheng remembered about the second yuan god is that he found that there seems to be a tendency to nurture wisdom in the ancient mirror. This ancient mirror unconsciously has the potential to form a second yuan god. As long as the wisdom in the ancient mirror is completely nurtured, there is no need for Zhou Cheng at all. Sacrifice will automatically become his second god.