
Chapter 60 Danger! Next

But man is not as good as God. The wizard did not resurrect, but created a monster. Part of the birth of the corpse will be the credit of the soul bead. Although the effect of this soul bead on the corpse is becoming less and less, the bead has been placed in the coffin for more than 2,000 years, as if the bead has been part of the body of the old demon.

Therefore, as soon as he found that the bead was lost, the old demon immediately let out a strange cry. He opened his mouth and sprayed, and a thick black gas instantly emerged from its white-boned mouth. As soon as the black gas appeared and dispersed, it filled the whole hall in a moment.

The old devil's move was originally unintentional, but he couldn't help releasing his magic spirit because of his extreme anger. This magic is its magic power, but this magic power is condensed from countless ghosts and human essences, which are extremely dirty. Among them, there are boundless evil thoughts and magic. When ordinary people touch a little, they immediately die and turn into a mute, and all the essence in their bodies are absorbed by the old demons. Even if the monk touches a little, it is extremely harmful. It will not only stain his own mana, but also take out the monk's heart demon. In light, he will die, and in heavy case, he will be deceived by the heart demon and become a subordinate to this old demon, and will never fall into the devil's way.

Although Zhou Cheng's invisibility is extraordinary, even if the monk explores with divine thoughts, he can't find that he can't see any flaws by spell search. However, when the magic gas was touched, Zhou Cheng's split suddenly showed its figure. Although the split was not absorbed by the essence because it was not damaged by ordinary spells and mana, the soul in the body did not have this magic power.

Therefore, when the magic spirit was touched, the split showed its body shape without damage, but Zhou Cheng's soul has begun to be full of illusions, and all kinds of heart demons are ready to move.

He tried his best to run Tianlei Zheng/Fa to suppress the heart demons. Zhou Cheng saw that he had been exposed. How could he not dare to stay at all? He directly crashed through the door of the hall and fled.

"Where do little monsters dare to go wild in the land of my ancestors! Since you stole my jewels, why don't you bring your life!"

The old devil suddenly saw Zhou Cheng. He was slightly stunned and then shouted to set up a black cloud and chased Zhou Cheng. From the underground palace to the ground is only a few hundred meters, and Zhou Cheng and the old devil have come to the ground in an instant.

As soon as he got to the ground, Zhou Cheng immediately operated all his mana to raise the speed to the maximum. If a breeze blew, it would have been several miles away in an instant. However, the old devil's speed is faster. It is like a black lightning shining directly at Zhou Cheng. In an instant, it has chased more than ten meters behind Zhou Cheng.

"Damn thief, let's die!" The old demon shouted strangely and shot a black light at Zhou Cheng as soon as he raised his paw. This black light is an extremely vicious magic power. Ordinary people or monks will not die immediately after being hit by the black light, but will suffer the suffering of demons. Even the body will slowly decay like a real corpse until the flesh and blood of the whole body turns into thick water until the person completely becomes a skeleton. It will die in pain. And the better the body, the greater the pain, and the more painful the monks are.

Zhou Chengming saw the black light emitted by the old demon. He knew that the black light was definitely not a fun, but he was hit by the black light before he could dodge at all. Zhou Cheng was not in a hurry to feel what harm the black light would do to him. He quickly took a look behind him.

This look suddenly cooled Zhou Cheng's heart. In addition to the corpse demon, there were seven different figures chasing from the air. You don't have to think that these seven figures are definitely the monsters who have just appeared in the hall.

"I'm going to die!!!!" Zhou Cheng, the split, has lost his mind of escaping, and for the eight unfathomable masters, he knows that he absolutely no chance to survive. I'm afraid that not only the body will be destroyed, but also the soul in the split will be detained and unresolved by a group of monsters. Although this split soul is detained and can't hurt the root of the yuan god, it is enough to hurt some vitality and damage a lot.

Together with this idea, the heart demon in the split soul can no longer be suppressed. Zhou Cheng's eyes only felt that countless evil spirits and fierce demons rushed straight to devour their own flesh and blood one after another. A sharp pain came from his spirit. The pain was like countless steel knives piercing his soul to cut his soul into tens of millions.

At this moment, the place where the split was hit by the black light became dark and gradually spread towards the whole body. The black light is a magic to eat the soul and rotten bones. If it is an ordinary creature, the whole body will not turn black, but there will be no abnormality at the beginning, and the whole body will rot after a moment. And because this split is a half-demon body, ordinary spells are ineffective. Even the light of the soul erosion can only slowly invade the flesh and blood of the split.

Although the body is temporarily not damaged by the spell, the soul of the split has begun to support it. The soul in the heart and demons can't control the body at all, let alone flying in the air, so Zhou Cheng directly lost the magic power of flying and fell to the ground quickly.

The split flew at a height of 1,000 meters. At this time, it fell straight down. If it really fell directly to the ground, no matter how strong the split was, it could not withstand the huge impact of falling from 1,000 meters to the ground. I'm afraid it would only fall into a piece of meat mud.

Although he is already in an extremely dangerous situation, Zhou Cheng himself can't realize it at all. Because his soul had just been tortured by a burst of sharp pain, and after a moment, he felt wonderful. After a while, he found that he seemed to have come to hell and was chased by infinite evil spirits. After a while, he found that he had achieved great practice. At this time, he was traveling around the world. Countless illusions, all kinds of beauty, ugliness, good, evil, all kinds of joys and sorrows, constantly changing in his heart.

At the beginning, Zhou Cheng still remembered that these were all hallucinations caused by his own magic. But with the change of the fantasy, he gradually lost his mind, suddenly regarded the fantasy as the truth, and fell into the heart demon.

At this time, the soul bead swallowed into Zhou Cheng suddenly changed. After pulling Zhou Cheng's original consciousness into the fantasy, he began to try to control Zhou Cheng's body. The heart demon was born from Zhou Cheng's spirit. In fact, it is his own evil thoughts and evil thoughts, so there is no difficulty for the heart demon to control Zhou Cheng's body. It's just an instant that the heart demon has seized the right to operate the split, but when the heart demon came into contact with the soul beads, a strange thing happened.

The demon was stationary in an instant, as if it was stationary in a certain time and space, in which time and space were completely stationary.

The next moment after the soul bead was fixed, Zhou Cheng's consciousness was detached from the boundless fantasy. After he escaped from the fantasy, he immediately knew that this bead could fix the role of the soul and spirit. Heart demons and souls are all illusory. There is no possibility of being quieted, let alone being fixed by external objects, but this bead is fine, because the spirit will be in a state of time still after touching the beads. For those spirits, the moment when time will always be fixed, for the spirit itself, it does not Fixed, if you separate this bead from the spirit, the spirit has no idea that it has been static.

All this happened in an instant, so Zhou Cheng didn't have time to think about it. As soon as he got out of the fantasy, he found that he was falling to the ground quickly, less than 100 meters from the ground.

Sweating all over, Zhou Cheng didn't dare to delay for half a second and immediately calm down and rise straight to the sky. When flying in the air, Zhou Cheng looked back slightly and saw the eight monsters standing in the sky and watching him fall to the ground.

Maybe the corpse didn't expect that Zhou Cheng could get rid of the effect of his spell in a short moment, so he was stunned and forgot to catch up.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhou Cheng did not escape desperately, but he had already flown out of 3050 miles in a moment. It was not until then that the eight demons reacted and chased after them strangely.

Because they are all in the air, the speed is extremely fast, and a few breaths reach dozens of miles away. The first to catch up was the corpse demon, or the eagle monster. Because it just failed once, the old demon was extremely angry. After chasing Zhou Cheng a few hundred meters behind him, it screamed strangely:

"Hell on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With the strange cry of the corpse, eight black and red magic flags suddenly flew out of his body. Although this magic flag has eight sides, it is actually a set of magic weapons. Although it is divided into eight pieces, it is actually one. As soon as the eight-faced magic flag appeared, they flew out and were set at the four poles of the old devil.

From the magic flag flying out of the body of the corpse, it can be seen that it is a spiritual weapon-level magic weapon. After they fixed the eight poles separately, thick fog began to emerge immediately.

This fog is neither black nor white, but a gray piece, mixed with a trace of black light and a shadow of blood. It's just a breath. The space around the old devil has been completely blocked, and neither the physical object nor the soul can escape from this space.

Zhou Cheng was also blocked in this space. As soon as he fell into this space, Zhou Cheng saw that the world seemed to suddenly disappear, and his whole body was hazy. Through the fog, he seemed to see countless ghosts, ghosts and monsters wandering in it, as if he had suddenly fell into hell.

"Ji-jiu, choo-jiu!"

Suddenly, a strange voice echoed back and forth in the fog. As soon as he heard it, Zhou Cheng instinctively realized that the sound was the cry of ghosts and ghosts.

I don't know why he just heard a few ghost screams, and Zhou Cheng felt a feeling of despair in his heart. Zhou Cheng only felt that the whole world had turned into hell, and there was no point in living and struggling alone. So a numb and disgusted mind azukid, and finally Zhou Cheng just wanted to end himself and turn himself into one of the countless ghosts wandering in hell from then on.