
Chapter 65 Holy Humanity

Such as not to mention how shocked Zhou Cheng was, the old man seemed to forget Zhou Cheng after seeing the eagle fall into the pond, and then went straight to a small building not far away. It turned out that the old man's whole body was wet with water, so he went back to the small building to change his clothes.

After Zhou Cheng saw the old man disappear, he finally gradually returned to normal. It was not until then that he suddenly felt extremely surprised. He thought that he could not escape anyway, but he didn't expect to get rid of danger so strangely.

Especially when he saw the body of the eagle sinking beside him, Zhou Cheng was even more happy. You should know that this eagle has been practicing for many years. Although its body is not too big, its vitality is extremely sufficient. Its flesh, bones and feathers are all great tonics. With this eagle's body, it can completely repair the damage suffered by the split and replenish a lot of qi and blood.

At this time, the split has been mostly stiff, and it is extremely difficult to move. I don't know how long it will take to recover from normal if it is repaired by its own recovery ability. Who knew that the world was impermanent and was just on the verge of life and death. After a moment, it was not only dangerous, but also got this great benefit out of thin air.

So Zhou Cheng did not delay at all. He directly released the light fog in his body to cover the eagle. The body of the eagle disappeared from the naked eye, and its flesh, bones and feathers were completely decomposed by the light fog, refined into a magical substance and then brought back to the body.

After the light fog was brought back to Zhou Cheng's body and gradually integrated into his body, he began to repair those terrible wounds. The many transparent holes in the split gradually began to shrink, and finally closed and merged completely disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

When Zhou Cheng's body was repaired, more than half of the eagle's body had disappeared. But the light fog continued to go in and out of Zhou Cheng's body. After completely digesting the eagle and bringing back the refined things, they finally returned to Zhou Cheng's body and entered a dormant state.

Quietly lying at the bottom of the water and trying to convert what he got from the eagle's body into his own qi and blood vitality. Zhou Cheng was full of joy. When he stopped, there were more than 200 drops of demon blood in his body. This demon blood is extremely precious. Even one less drop will make Zhou Cheng's heartache. Now it has soared more than 200 drops, so Zhou Cheng feels that this adventure is definitely worth it.

Zhou Cheng estimated that there are almost thousands of drops of demon blood in his split now. In order to reach a truly sufficient level of qi and blood in the body, at least 100,000 drops of demon blood are needed. When there are 100,000 drops of demon blood in the body, the split will become a real demon body.

Zhou Cheng did not think about the effect of becoming a real demon body for the time being, because there are so many drops of 100,000 demon blood that Zhou Cheng himself felt that it was a little impossible to achieve. What really makes him happy is that after having more than 200 drops of demon blood, in case he encounters an emergency again, he can unscrupulously use that desperate means without just letting the split almost destroy it at once.

It's a long story, but in fact, only half an hour has passed. Just as Zhou Cheng was still immersed in excitement, two figures came out of the small building not far away, one tall and one short, but it turned out to be the old man. He changed his Tang suit and walked towards the pond with his hands on his back. Next to him was a ten-year-old boy, who carried a long wooden stick on his shoulder and an inverted hook on the top of the stick.

The little boy kept looking at the pond with a curious and anxious face, as if he was looking for something, and looking at his appearance, he knew that he wanted to rush to the pond immediately, but he did not dare to walk in front of the old man, so he had to keep stretching his neck forward. Hope.

"Grandpa, are there really two monsters in the pond?" The little boy couldn't help asking the old man.

"It's not a monster, but a big eagle that fell into the water and drowned. There is another one that looks like an octopus, right? It's strange. Where did the eagle find such a big octopus?" The old man replied, but he himself was a little confused.

The two grandfathers and grandchildren talked while walking, which was only a few meters away, so they had just said a few words and came to the pond. The two looked down into the water. There was no shadow of an eagle in the water, not even a feather.

"Oh! Where is the eagle? Did it fly away by itself again? No, there were not many injuries on the octopus's body just now. Why did it change in a blink of an eye?

The old man looked at Zhou Cheng with surprise. At this time, Zhou Cheng was very panicked, because the old man shocked him too much, and he was afraid that the old man would say that he would die as soon as he said it casually. Therefore, when the old man stared at Zhou Cheng, Zhou Cheng couldn't help beating drums secretly.

"Grandpa, grandpa, it's really an octopus! It's still a live octopus, and it's still watching me! What a big octopus!" What Zhou Cheng was worried about didn't happen, but the little boy was extremely excited. He took the stick on his shoulder in his hand and was about to hook Zhou Cheng.

After Zhou Cheng was hooked by the wooden stick in the little boy's hand, he instinctively raised his tentacles and wrapped the wooden stick gently. How could the little boy resist Zhou Cheng's strength, so the wooden stick suddenly fell out of the little boy's hand and fell into the water, and even his body couldn't help pour into the water.

At this moment, the old man quickly stretched out a hand and pulled the little boy back, and then said, "Don't be afraid! This octopus can't come out of the water!"

After saying this, the old man waved his hand to Zhou Cheng and shouted, "Since you haven't lost your life, it's not good to stay in the water. Don't pretend to be a ghost to scare my grandson in the future!"

When the old man said this, Zhou Cheng was shocked to find that his soul and mana were imprisoned in the split. This confinement does not mean that the soul and mana can no longer work, but that the connection between the soul, mana and the body is abruptly separated by an unknown power. The mana is still there but can no longer exert its magic power. The soul still can't release the mind and mind, as if it has really become an ordinary octopus.

The damage suffered by the original split has all disappeared. Although Zhou Cheng's soul is still very weak, it can move freely or fly away. But the old man's words suddenly erased all of Zhou Cheng's magical powers and instantly became ordinary creatures. Even if the magic power is running in the body, it has no effect at all.

When Zhou Cheng found that he had lost all his magical power and turned into an ordinary creature, he suddenly found some abnormalities. After thinking about it carefully for a moment, Zhou Cheng realized that the reason why he felt abnormal was that the old man suddenly gave him a different feeling.

When Zhou Cheng's magic power was still alive, he always sensed that his soul would involuntarily resonate with the words he said, thus making his soul vibrate, and then feel that the whole world was responding to the old man's voice, so the old man's voice made him I feel extremely scared.

But after the magic power was extinguished, Zhou Cheng felt that the old man had nothing abnormal at all, and his voice became ordinary words, and there was no longer that horrible feeling. The old man suddenly became normal but made Zhou Cheng unable to adapt, so he felt abnormal.

After saying that the old man's light floating words exhausted all of Zhou Cheng's magical power, he turned to a stone stool by the pond and sat down and looked at the little boy picking up the wooden stick that fell in the water again and fiddling with Zhou Cheng's body. Although Zhou Cheng was extremely reluctant, he had no magic power now, and he dared not scare the little boy again and had to let the naughty boy come.

It was not until the little boy was tired of playing that Zhou Cheng finally regained his silence. Without the interruption of the little boy, Zhou Cheng immediately began to look for the reason for his magic power.

At this time, the little boy returned to the old man and only heard him ask strangely, "Grandpa, why doesn't this big octopus live in the sea? Why did it come to our house?" Is it a monster? Can it fly here? If only I could fly!"

The old man looked at his grandson's longing words and couldn't help laughing softly, and then said, "Silly boy, what kind of monster is not a monster. Monsters are just things created by the ancients to deceive people. There is nothing to envy about flying. There are countless birds in the world who can fly. Do you feel that you are not as good as a bird? Those are just minor skills, which is not enough. What Grandpa usually said to you? The reason why we are human is that we human beings are the primates of all things. People have been exploring what has been passed on to us from generation to generation for thousands of years is the real good thing!"

"Grandpa, are you talking about those books?" The little boy asked with his head turned his head.

"Stupid boy, Grandpa said those books, not those books. Yes, but it's because those things are in the book, and it's okay to say no, because Grandpa said it's the spirit contained in the book, not the dead thing!"

"Oh! So that's it. Is it that people often say that there is a beauty in the book and a golden house in the book?" The little boy seemed to suddenly understand.

"Hehe, that's right, so to speak. The reason why we human beings can prosper is because of the accumulation of previous generations. As long as you can calm down and read, you will get everything you want from books. This book contains the truth of everything in the world and is a true road. There are ancient books that can know the things of the world after reading books to the very depths, and they are more intelligent and not affected by any evil outsiders. It is really the demeanor of a saint!"

"Saint? Grandpa, are you a saint? What if I study hard and can't be a saint?" The little boy didn't know what a saint was, but felt that the name sounded extremely majestic, so he shouted to be a saint.

And the old man couldn't help laughing after listening to the little boy's words, but did not explain much. He just coaxed the little boy and said, "Good grandson, you are far from being a saint. Since you want to be a saint, I will teach you how many books you read a few days ago! If you understand, you may be a saint when you grow up!"

"Saint? Saint! Aren't saints the names of ancient people for those with great wisdom? Is it possible that saints are also an achievement of practice? If this is also an achievement, is it more powerful for a saint to become a monk who has become a yuan god? Otherwise, why doesn't even my yuan god have the slightest ability to resist in front of this old man? Is it possible that reading is also a kind of practice method? This old man calls the monk's magic power a small skill, so what is the real road?

The little boy didn't know how horrible his grandfather was, so he didn't think what the old man said was great.

Even the old man doesn't know how big the magic power he has, because all the magic power can't be used in front of him. No matter how high you are, once you meet such a person, you have to become an ordinary creature. If you dare to impose spells and magic powers on the old man, I'm afraid it will become yourself. Find the way to die, because of course, this old man is a ghost and god, and he will not hurt. If you don't use magic spells to contact the old man, you will only feel that he is an ordinary old man. Once you use magic spells, the old man seems to have become this world, so powerful that you can't resist.

However, Zhou Cheng was well aware of the old man's ability, so after hearing those words, he couldn't help but have countless questions. He couldn't wait to jump directly to the shore and force the other party to ask what the so-called road in his mouth was.

Why is Zhou Cheng so unbearable? Because there is no one in the world who has never read a book, but no one can easily kill an eagle that has been practicing for many years like this old man, and a light word will eliminate the monk's magic power without hurt his body. How could Zhou Cheng not be moved after suddenly seeing this horrible magic power?

But how dare Zhou Cheng really climb ashore to find his own death. However, he kept an eye. Anyway, it was impossible to leave the small pond without using his magical power at this time, so Zhou Cheng quietly surfaced and began to listen to every word of the old man. Maybe he would find something.

Poor Zhou Cheng, as a monk with a yuan god, not only lost his magical power, but also had to endure the weak feeling that kept coming from the soul to eavesdrop on the words of two ordinary people. He simply fell into a thief who was more unbearable than ordinary people.

But who can make the world clear? For example, Zhou Cheng never thought that he would meet such a horrible old man. Maybe he will really get some opportunities.