
Chapter 89 The birth of the magic weapon

As soon as the soul bead returned to the state of Yuanshen, Zhou Cheng immediately wrapped it tightly with the bronze fluid, and then roasted it fiercely from the fire.

When the bronze fluid wrapped the jewels, although the silent breath still emanated from the beads, they could not break through the fluid wrapped, and with the continuous burning from the fire, the light of the jewels became stronger, and the silent breath emitted became stronger.

Finally, the bead finally began to slowly disperse into a streamer, which is the product of the combination of mana, vitality and silence.

This streamer is extremely terrible, because it has extremely powerful mana, no gas, and that kind of terrible silence. If a creature gets a little bit, I'm afraid it will immediately cut off its vitality, and even dead things will decay quickly.

However, no matter how powerful this breath is, it cannot make time and space decay, nor can it shake the foundation of the universe and stars, because even if the stars will die and end, the whole universe will never die.

Therefore, this streamer crashed left and right in the fluid but could not escape. Finally, it had to gradually integrate into the bronze fluid under the burning of the fire.

As soon as Zhou Cheng saw that the three things had merged into one, he couldn't help but be happy, because by this time, he had succeeded in half. Next, as long as he adjusted the breath and nature of this fluid to a perfect state, so that several different channels gradually influenced and intertwined to form a real whole and cycle, then this refining The machine will be done.

At this time, Zhou Cheng did not dare to be distracted at all. He immersed all his mind in the three different ways of perception and conditioning. Countless information and countless feelings flowed in his spirit.

Don't think this is a good thing, let alone this is an opportunity for enlightenment. Yes, this is indeed a process of enlightenment, but this is a painful and forced process, just like Zhou Cheng's genshen is a balloon, and the true meaning of those roads is air. Today's situation is that Zhou Cheng's yuanshen is forcibly indoctrinated. Countless air, if you can't stand it, it will only explode with a 'bang' in the end.

Zhou Cheng also knew that the situation was not optimistic at this time, and he was psychologically prepared to face these when he decided to promote the ancient mirror as a magic weapon. Therefore, he did not panic or think about giving up.

In a severe pain of tearing, he tried his best to understand the three different avenues while forcibly suppressing the strange movements of the yuanshen. But gradually, Zhou Cheng still can't resist the pressure caused by the intertwining, squeezing, integrating and repelling the three avenues.

Seeing that Zhou Cheng has gradually been unable to suppress the bronze fluid, his yuan spirit is constantly expanding and shrinking, and the fire is constantly shaking, which looks extremely unstable.

If Zhou Cheng can't calm down the three avenues in the association's fluid at this time, or he will take back his mind in time to ensure his own safety, but this fluid will turn into waste. Either he will hold on, and in the end, even his genfold will be seriously injured or fall directly.

How could Zhou Cheng let go, but he had already expected this situation, so at this critical moment, he only saw him fly out of his body and throw it directly into the fluid for fierce suppression.

It is an extremely dangerous act to directly suppress the fluid with the genshen, because if the mind is released to form a slowdown, even if it fails to break the connection with the released mind, so as to keep the yuan god from real harm.

And directly suppressing with the yuan god is the way out, because when the yuan god suppresses the fluid, it will be closely connected with it, not that it can be retreated. If the situation is really not good, it is too late to think of withdrawing the yuan god.

However, how could Zhou Cheng not know these situations! The reason why he flew the yuan god out to suppress the fluid was that he had Taoist fruit and a purple gas. Although the fruit is only a seedling and the purple gas is also weak, they are all ordinary things, which have a magical effect on combing the conflicts of the three avenues.

Sure enough, after the Yuanshen began to suppress, the bronze flow immediately became gentle, and the three avenues were constantly instilled in Taoist fruit and purple gas.

After Daoguo and Ziqi received the true meaning of those roads, they not only showed no signs of being spoiled, but grew faster. The three young buds on the fruit emitted brilliant brilliance and gradually unfolded into three small young leaves. These three young leaves are different, a green one, which contains the way of time and space. It is gray-white, which contains the way of silence. It is dark, which contains the way of the universe and stars.

When the three young buds turned into young leaves, the roots of the fruit grew rapidly with countless roots, intertwined and extended to different places, as if connecting thousands of avenues in the outside world. After that, the originally extremely weak torso of the fruit slowly rose and became strong, and finally the whole fruit turned into a strange tree.

And at the top of the tree is wrapped in a purple gas like a dragon. The purple gas extends directly beyond the Yuanshen and turns into a purple gas with an adult arm thickness of about three or five meters long. After the purple gas received the true meaning of the three avenues, it also began to slowly become stronger and finally turned into a thick human waist. Thin, about 20 meters long, one end is connected to Zhou Cheng's yuan god, and the other end points straight to the sky.

With the continuous growth of Daoguo and purple gas, Zhou Chengyuan also got great benefits. Originally, the reason why his yuan god is incomplete is that there is a lack of Taoism in it, so he can't entrust the yuan god to the universe of heaven and earth, so he can't freely change his weight. Now that the fruit and purple gas have absorbed the true meaning of the three paths, which means that there are already three Taos in the yuan god. This yuan god is complete. Although the mana in it is not complete, it is already the real yuan god and the complete yuan god.

At the same time, the fluid gradually stabilized completely, and it squirmed and changed autonomously, and seemed to condense into the most reasonable form by itself.

Zhou Cheng did not force the fluid to condense the shape according to his own will, because good magic weapons and all spiritual weapons will condense the most reasonable form by themselves in the dark, not to mention the magic weapon.

As time passed, Zhou Cheng's yuan god still suppressed the flow quality that was the birth of the magic weapon and kept releasing mana, and his mind turned into a fierce Nanming. And this mass of fluid is also slowly changing, solidifying little by little, forming a fixed shape little by little.

This final incubation is extremely important and consumes mana and mind. Time is passing rapidly. More than ten days in a row, Zhou Cheng's mana and mind have been consumed more than 90%, and it is almost exhausted, but the flow mass is still not completely solidified into the final form.

Zhou Cheng couldn't help but be secretly anxious. He cried bitterly and thought:

"I took such a big risk, and I also put in a best spiritual weapon, a flag, and a soul bead, which cost me so much energy. Is it possible to fail in this last step?"

"No! Never fail! Even if I hold out to the last moment, I will sacrifice it into a magic weapon! If I fail, how can I get through the disasters I feel!"

Zhou Cheng saw that he was about to fail. How could he agree, so he couldn't help but be a little crazy. He saw his eyes red and roaring in a low voice.

"Buren! At the cost of the demon blood and vitality in my body, they all burned me and turned them into mana! Dharma, show up quickly!"

Zhou Cheng burned the demon blood and vitality of his great companion in his body, and suddenly enhanced the fire ten times or a hundred times when his half-demon body was greatly damaged.

The mass of fluid has solidified by 99 percent, but it is only the last little bit. Now, when the fire suddenly becomes 100 times stronger, its freezing speed is much faster in an instant.

The upcoming artifact gradually began to emit a trace of light, and at the same time began to emit a powerful and incredible breath. This glory is getting stronger and stronger, and the breath is getting stronger and stronger.

Zhou Cheng was overjoyed and knew that this was a sign that the artifact was about to take shape. As long as it takes a moment, what form will this artifact fall to the bottom? Is it still a spiritual weapon? Or has it been promoted to a magic weapon? It will be revealed.

The powerful pole of the object has finally completely turned into a dazzling brilliance. This brilliance continued to spread directly through the cave into the abyss of the sea, and then dispersed around. Finally, he rose to the sky for a huge beam of light, piercing the clouds, connecting the sky and the sea below.

This beam of light is extremely dazzling, and it can be reached even with the naked eye. Even if this pillar of light is in the center of the ocean, even some areas of China and the United States can be clearly seen with the naked eye, which has shocked countless ordinary people, high-level officials of various countries, human monks, alien monks, and countless sea monks hidden in the ocean world.

But this beam of light has disappeared in a blink of an eye, and everything just now is like a dream. But all the monks who can control the air have turned into streamers and rushed to the center of the ocean, because even if these monks do not know what caused the light column just now, the breath from that direction is extremely abnormal, some of which is like fluctuations caused by magic weapons, but this breath is incredibly powerful, although the distance is extremely It was far away, but the monk who felt the breath still trembled involuntarily.

Therefore, many streams around the world flashed straight to the center of the Pacific Ocean. In the ocean, there are countless horrible beasts swimming at an incredible speed, and their target is also the place where the beam of light appears.

Zhou Cheng couldn't help but be a little surprised and happy when he looked at the light and then revealed. The good thing is that this artifact has indeed been promoted to a magic weapon. I saw that it is still in the shape of a treasure mirror, which is six or seven points similar to the original ancient mirror shape, but its color has become bronze, which looks extremely simple and vicissitudes, as if it is an object handed down through endless years, and there is nothing unusual.

This mirror is still the size of a palm, surrounded by a dark frame, and the mirror in the middle is bronze. There is no pattern on the back of the mirror, just a flat and smooth piece. Therefore, this fixed mirror looks unusually ordinary at a glance, and there is no magic weapon at all. However, Zhou Cheng clearly sensed its magic and wonderful use, because this treasure mirror was originally sacrificed by him. It can be said that it is part of Zhou Cheng, and he doesn't even need to feel anything special to know all the changes in the treasure mirror.

It was shocking that the movement caused by the birth of the treasure mirror was really too big, so although Zhou Cheng was extremely happy, he didn't have time to take a closer look. When the glory of the treasure mirror was completely formed, he immediately took the treasure mirror into the yuan god, and then his body turned into a dragon shape and directly crashed through the cave, hiding his body, fast. Swim far away.