
Chapter 92 The Law Shining

It's as if it was still at the same time. When Zhou Cheng was hit by the light, he instantly settled down and did not move. The face that had returned to the human form was still full of panic, anger, despair and madness. In addition, there were some people who couldn't believe it. It seemed that they didn't believe it was such a fall. They didn't believe it. The treasure mirror didn't even work.

And the treasure mirror has not changed at all. It seems to be fixed in a static time and space, but it instinctively emits a dark fluctuation that spreads far away.

From those monks attacking to Zhou Cheng being hit, the process is long, but in fact it is only a few seconds.

However, it is said that after the monks used spells to pour out the mixed breath, they immediately fled and turned into all kinds of streamers and fled desperately. Because they know that the power of so many spells is mixed together must not be underestimated. Although it is not as good as the explosion of all monks, it is enough to destroy everything in this world, so it is not affordable for living beings at all, and even the monks of the Yuanshen period can't bear that kind. Attack.

Even the aftershocks of this attack are enough to seriously injure the master of the soul training period, so tens of thousands of monks can't wait to cross the space directly and escape 108,000 miles away in an instant, for fear of getting a little aftershocks.

I don't know how long it took, the monks who were rapidly moving away in the sky and the ocean suddenly stopped and suddenly turned their heads and looked back. All the monks looked extremely strange, as if they were laughing, crying and surprised.

In fact, it hasn't been long, but it's just more than ten seconds. These monks have just flown a hundred miles, and the farthest one is just a few hundred miles.

Time is the most unpredictable thing. Sometimes a second feels long, sometimes a year feels very short, and sometimes the same moment is long and short. Those monks are exactly like this. He felt that these ten seconds were long and short.

It's short because they find that they are not far away from here for fear of being attacked by the aftershocks of the spell. Long because they have been waiting for the kind of attack they imagine.

However, after waiting for more than ten seconds, these monks did not notice any earth-shaking changes behind them. Instead, a strange fluctuation came from that aspect. A wave that has a deadly absorption power for monks.

This fluctuation is exactly emitted by the treasure mirror. As soon as it appeared, it emitted infinitely far away. Tens of thousands of monks sensed this fluctuation at the same time and immediately recognized the smell of this illegal treasure.

Until this time, all the monks suddenly remembered that their intention was to come here because they realized that some treasures had been born in this place, so they came to compete?

Today, the world is impermanent. Counts of monks came to grab the treasure, but they didn't expect that they would almost die here without even seeing the baby's face. Just as if they were about to escape from this place, as if everything had disappeared, and the magic weapon exuded breath again ** all the monks.

It was also because the monks noticed that there was no unexpected change behind them, and the unknown magic weapon appeared again, so the monks involuntarily stopped and looked behind them.

All the monks' eyes were shining, and thousands of thoughts turned around in an instant. For a while, the sea suddenly calmed down.

However, this calm was only temporary. After a moment, countless streamers and giant beasts turned their direction and flew back desperately again.

At this time, all the monks seemed to have forgotten everything just now. They had only one idea, that is, to arrive at the place where the fluctuation came first and receive the magic weapon in their hands. I'm afraid that others will take the lead.

At this time, Zhou Cheng, who was originally in a static state, suddenly moved gently and laughed crazily:

"Haha——————, I'm not dead, but I'm not dead! Ah ha ha, I actually survived. Thief, God, you didn't kill me, and I came back to life!"

Seeing that there is no sign of injury in Zhou Cheng's current appearance, he is still lively, but his face turns red because he is too excited.

It turned out that when the light hit Zhou Cheng, he was immediately frustrated and only felt that everything was far away from him. You should know that the glory is an attack condensed by hundreds of thousands of spells exerted by tens of thousands of monks. According to common sense, how could Zhou Cheng live, because at that moment, he was ready to face death.

However, after being hit by the brilliance, Zhou Cheng waited for a moment and found that he had nothing to do. His body, yuanshen and treasure mirror had not changed at all, that is, there was no damage or change. It seemed that the light was just like an ordinary beam of light.

But Zhou Cheng had fallen into despair at that time. He thought it was just an illusion. But after a few seconds, he found that he was still fine. It was not until then that Zhou Cheng realized that he had survived.

After laughing crazily, Zhou Cheng immediately began to check the internal situation of his body. He penetrated every inch and every inch of his body with his mind. Exploring his body with his mind was just a momentary effort. After some inspection, Zhou Cheng learned that his body was indeed not hurt by the glory, but because he had lost too much vitality and demon blood, the body became inoperable and gradually stiffened.

Except for the body, there is indeed no change in the genhen. However, the magic power in the yuan god has been exhausted, so it seems a little dark.

But when Zhou Cheng began to check the treasure mirror, he finally found a trace of abnormality: there was an extra light in the treasure mirror.

This mirror looks only the size of a palm, but when you look into it, you will find that you seem to have fallen into the depths of the universe. At a glance, it is full of black, endless and eternal black, and there are endless stars in black.

These stars are constantly birth and dying, and countless stars are decaying into dust at every moment, emitting a great silence, but every moment there will be countless stars forming, exuding the meaning of great evolution. The whole universe is a continuous and circular whole. The stars will decay and the galaxy will die, but the universe will last forever.

But at this time, there is an extra light in this universe. There is a little spiritual light in this light, and all the light is centered on this spiritual light and quickly integrated into the spiritual light.

"Well, isn't that the spiritual light the magic weapon transformed into the second yuan god in the original ancient mirror? Why is this spirit concentrated together, and why do I think this brilliance is so familiar?

The spiritual light is exactly the spirituality in the original ancient mirror, referred to as the spirit. When the ancient mirror, flag and soul bead were refined into one, the spirit also became the artifact of the magic weapon, but there were some more things in this spirit, which were strengthened countless times, but it also lost the possibility of becoming the second god, because in a short time, the spirit was strengthened too much, and it suddenly dispersed. Those simple wisdoms that are being nurtured.

It is said that this spirit cannot be condensed together, but scattered in any place and space of the whole magic weapon. But now they have been forcibly condensed by an unknown force.

In his curiosity, Zhou Cheng immediately observed carefully, but this observation almost shocked him, because it was not until then that he saw that the glory was the one that had just shot at himself!

"No wonder it looks so familiar. It turned out to be the glory just now. Just why did you run into the mirror? And I clearly saw it hit my body? Strange, it's really strange!"

After being shocked, Zhou Cheng became even more interested, so he carefully watched the changes of brilliance and inspiration. The brilliance quickly integrated into the spiritual light. After receiving the light, the spiritual light quickly expanded from a point to a light band. As the light became less and less, the light belt became more and more solid.

When the brilliance completely disappeared, the light belt was as real as it was, emitting an inexplicable luster, and exuding a mysterious artistic conception, and finally gradually disappeared into every part of the ancient mirror. This artistic conception actually exists together, but it is clearer at this time. In fact, it is the continuous fluctuations emitted by the treasure mirror.

After slightly realizing this artistic conception, Zhou Cheng couldn't help but suddenly realize that although the blow jointly sent by tens of thousands of monks in the soul training period seemed to be extremely powerful, it was impossible to predict what effect hundreds of thousands of different spells would have. Therefore, hundreds of thousands of different spells have produced countless changes in a short period of time and formed a strange thing.

This thing can also be said to be a spell or not. It has no destructive power at all, because the effects of the original spell applications have been either changed or directly eliminated in the collision, and finally there are only spells left. Therefore, this thing is no longer a spell. It has no effect, among which only countless laws of the universe are interconnected with each other. Combination and combination finally form the brilliance of a law, a rare thing.

You should know that the law is not a specific substance, but the truth contained in everything. It is a law between heaven and earth. It is invisible and cannot be described in words, let alone form an intuitive image. However, the brilliance is exactly a real existence, specific image and directly observable thing condensed by countless laws.

But this brilliance is useless for the monk, because it has eliminated the existence of 'shu' and can't show any real and specific effects. Therefore, it is impossible for it to hurt anything, and it is impossible for the monk to realize anything from it, even if there is a legal principle that can't go in this brilliance, because the monk perceives the road or heaven. When it comes to the law of the earth, it is through the specific effects and effects of the law to understand the law, and then through the law to understand the law.

However, although this thing is useless to the monk himself, it has great benefits for the magic weapon, which is different from the monk. The magic weapon is just a spiritual object that can produce magical effects. It has no thinking and does not need to feel anything. It can be said that although the instrument is sacrificed by monks, it is also a natural thing, because the materials of refining magic weapons are treasures in nature, but they are used by monks to exert the properties of these materials to the extreme or combine with each other to produce new wonderful uses.

Therefore, if a magic weapon gets such a brilliance, it will get a great opportunity. Even an ordinary magic weapon or even an ordinary substance will directly turn into an innate thing, and the magic weapon will become a congenital magic weapon.

The so-called innate is not to say that it is earlier than the universe, but that there are laws directly reflected in it, so they are immortal and not destroyed. Innate things can directly communicate with the universe, which is part of the law of the universe and the road.

And the treasure mirror has become an innate magic weapon after getting the glory of a law. From then on, it is truly indestructible. Unless the universe is destroyed, it will never be damaged at all.

At this time, Zhou Cheng suddenly remembered the flag face, which was very similar to the congenital one, but it seemed to be different.

But Zhou Cheng had no time to feel the treasure mirror carefully, because he found that the monks who had escaped had returned.

"Worse, how good is this! Why are those damn guys back? Now my whole body is exhausted, and I can't use any magic power, and even my body is beginning to stiffen, and it is very difficult to move. Those monks are back again. How can I escape?"