
Chapter 100 Peeping the Sky

At the beginning, Zhou Cheng also tried his best to feel the spirit of the dragon, which came from the spirit of countless ordinary people. Later, his mind gradually connected with this spirit, and then he slowly forgot everything.

Zhou Cheng gradually forgot that he was actually turning into a dragon and that he was feeling the spirit of the dragon.

In a trance, Zhou Cheng seemed to become an ordinary person again, experiencing a lifetime in the blink of an eye. Then he suddenly became another person and experienced a lifetime again in an instant.

Just like reincarnation, I don't know how many reincarnations Zhou Cheng has experienced. Every time he reincarnation, he is a real ordinary person. He doesn't know how to practice, nor that he is Zhou Cheng, let alone that he has experienced countless personal lives.

But every time Zhou Cheng's heart passed through a cycle, his heart became complete. Gradually, his heart began to become round, like a round bead, dripping, smooth and extremely magical.

I don't know how long it has passed, and I don't know how many reincarnations I have experienced. Zhou Cheng, who has become an ordinary person, faintly sensed that everything he sees has become strange, as if everything he sees is an illusion. His eyes are covered by an invisible and untouchable thing, so he can't see the truth of the world.

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger. Even after experiencing reincarnation and turning into a completely different ordinary person, this feeling still does not fade at all, but becomes stronger.

Zhou Cheng, who was in reincarnation, seemed to be crazy. He was crazy, crazy, like a madman, like a beggar, and was rejected by countless people and insulted by countless times.

But Zhou Cheng didn't care, because he has clearly realized that the world he lives in is an illusory existence. Those who scold themselves, love themselves, hate themselves, and hurt themselves are all illusory beings.

And those illusory characters are actually none other than himself. Everyone in this world is himself. He is every one, and even he is the world. At the same time, he is everyone, every person, every animal and every plant in the world.

In this world, Zhou Cheng actually eats himself, beats himself, scolds himself, hates himself and loves himself.

He even gave birth to himself. His father, his son, his mother was him, and everything was him.

But in fact, these are not him, but his little spirituality is in different environments. Because of different experiences, different lives have created different memories and created different existences.

What is me? Who am I? Who is me? What am I?

These countless gradually appeared in his heart. Who is Zhou Cheng? Is it the person named Zhou Cheng? No, Zhou Cheng is just a code name, just a name.

Who is he? Is it this specific person? No, he is just a memory caused by various situations and experiences, but also countless reactions due to external stimuli.

What the hell is he? What is Zhou Cheng?

Thinking of this, Zhou Cheng's mind suddenly exploded, and the world began to be destroyed. Everything was disappearing out of thin air. The sun and moon, mountains and rivers, oceans, mountains, trees, humans, animals, plants, and even this constantly thinking Zhou Cheng disappeared out of thin air.

When everything disappeared, a consciousness was suddenly born in the nothingness, which gradually emerged from the nothingness. It was as if the world was opening, and the first ray of light suddenly appeared.

This is a spiritual light, a ray of light born from the origin of life, a spiritual light, an immortal spiritual light, which can even transcend matter. Therefore, there is no time or space for this spiritual light, and it does not exist in the universe.

The reason why this immortal spirit is immortal is that it does not exist in the universe at all. Even if the world is destroyed, it will still be affected at all.

But when the creature dies, the light will disappear out of thin air. It is disappearance, not destruction. It does not exist in this universe. I don't know where it comes from, but because of the existence of creatures, it can affect the world with creatures as the carrier.

But when the creature dies, the carrier is no longer, and the light disappears to nowhere.

However, ordinary creatures can't directly feel this immortal spiritual light. Even if they are monks in the soul training period, the monks in the Yuanshen period cannot feel the spiritual light in their hearts without great opportunities.

I can't even sense it, let alone use this inspiration. If a monk can condense the spiritual light in his body and then integrate his soul and gen deity into this spiritual light, then this monk may really be able to achieve real immortality, as immortality as the universe.

At this time, Zhou Cheng suddenly realized that he was actually this spiritual light, and his real source was this spiritual light. In addition, any name, race, memory, etc. were just floating clouds, fleeting.

Until this time, Zhou Cheng finally knew what those saints were like. He finally knew why those saints could be reincarnated, but he had no memory of his previous life at all.

Because saints have realized the immortal spirit in their bodies, but cannot integrate their souls into the spiritual light, their origin is immortal, but after reincarnation, they will forget all things in their previous lives, and will turn into a new person, a person who has nothing to do with the previous life.

And the reincarnation of a saint is not a complete reincarnation, but a little bit of the saint's spiritual light is thrown into an ordinary person, who is the reincarnation of a saint, not a saint.

And the relationship between the reincarnated person and the origin of the saint: the immortal light is also very strange. The immortal spirit of the saint has wisdom, but there is no thinking, but it can supplement itself through the thinking of the reincarnated person, so that they can understand the changes of the world and continue to feel the road, so as to continue to practice.

Although Zhou Cheng understands the state in which those saints exist, he can't do it, and he doesn't want to. It can't be done because his realm is still far away, and he doesn't have this opportunity. The reason why the saint can't lose his spiritual light after death is because he is worshipped and believed by tens of millions of creatures in the world, so that the immortal spiritual light will not disappear to unknown places.

Without the inheritance of his own spirit from generation to generation, even if Zhou Cheng's realm is countless, it is still impossible for him to continue to show his spiritual light in the world after death.

Zhou Cheng doesn't want to because even if he has this opportunity, he will forget everything after his reincarnation. Zhou Cheng's mind is not as high and perfect as a saint. He can't do that kind of incompetence.

Maybe one day when he can do it, he will become a new saint, an incompetence, ruthless and fearless existence.

Because he couldn't do it, Zhou Cheng didn't think much about it. And when he sensed his immortal light, he immediately recalled everything, and he knew that he was at the moment of turning into a dragon.

Shocked, Zhou Cheng immediately returned to reality. He didn't know whether he had successfully turned into a dragon at this time.

"I don't know why I was almost lost in the infinite causal reincarnation. Although I accidentally learned some secret secrets, if I want to let Hualong fail because of this, my loss will be great!"

Zhou Cheng opened his eyes eagerly and stared at his whole body with a pair of strange eyes. However, even at this time, he couldn't help admiring the saints in his heart.

You should know that saints practice with the help of the world, cultivate the world'sda dao, and get the supreme reason of the world. But they also have to bear the endless cause and effect, and feel the spirit of thousands of creatures, just like Zhou Cheng just did, a reincarnation in the blink of an eye. Therefore, if there is no great wisdom, great determination, great perseverance and great opportunity, let alone practice, I am afraid that I will never be lost in that nihilism world. Because that is the cause and effect that make up the world. Buddhism calls it karma. Although its names are different, it is extremely harmful to monks and creatures.

If it hadn't been for Zhou Cheng's protection of purple gas, I'm afraid he would have lost it and never been able to find himself.

But Zhou Cheng finally woke up and was not harmed by the cause and effect and karma. On the contrary, he took a huge advantage. Zhou Cheng sensed his immortal spirit. Although he did not understand it thoroughly, even his realm and mind were much more complete for the great benefits of his Taoist fruit and purple qi.

But at this time, he could not take care of these. As soon as Zhou Cheng woke up, he opened his eyes and looked at his body. His body once again turned into about ten meters, as thick as an adult man's waist, but slightly larger, and his appearance did not change, and even the color was still dark.

However, the breath has completely changed. This breath is already the breath that a real creature can have, a breath of life. And the body is slightly exuded with a taste of self-respect in heaven and earth, a momentum that looks down on everything, and a pressure that seems to hold the power of heaven and earth.

This is not included. Zhou Cheng's way of thinking is the most changed. At this time, in his feeling, all the creatures in the world are instinctively far lower than himself. This is an instinctive feeling, a kind of idea that comes from the origin of life, just like when human beings see ants, Zhou Cheng can't help but feel this feeling when he sees all living beings.

Shaking his head vigorously, Zhou Cheng threw this feeling away from his heart. Although he wanted to turn into a dragon, he did not want to regard all creatures as ants, especially Zhou Cheng had a deep understanding of his parents and relatives when he was a human. Of course, he doesn't want to regard his former parents as ants.

Maybe one day, when his parents die, his relatives and friends die, and all the people he care about die, then Zhou Cheng may really treat all the creatures in the world as ants.

Zhou Cheng has truly turned into a divine dragon at this time, the first in the world, but it may not be the last dragon. The distance between him and all living beings in the world has become extremely far away, just like human beings and apes. It is impossible for people to recognize apes as their own kind.

And Zhou Cheng has become a real dragon, achieving a new biological species, so he has an ability: the ability to reproduce offspring, and perhaps Zhou Cheng will let the rest of the creatures give birth to his own offspring, which is very likely to inherit his bloodline and become another dragon. Since then, there has been one more race in the world, a strong race, and Zhou Cheng is the ancestor of this race and the ancestor of the dragon clan.