
Chapter 129 Evil Blood Crazy Dragon

There is no time interval at all. When the sword was just waved, it had already been cut from the real spirit. That's not to mention that the wisdom sword still did not stop after a blow. It waved again and cut it to the Haotian Mirror. It flashed by and had already cut the Haotian Mirror.

Nothing seems to have happened. The true spirit and the sky mirror have not changed at all. But then, Zhou Cheng only felt that he had two sounds that seemed to be as huge as the beginning of the world, but it seemed to be an extremely slight sound.

Zhou Cheng doesn't know if this sound is just an illusion. However, with these two sounds, Zhou Cheng found that his heart suddenly shook, and his whole heart was fragmented in an instant. His whole consciousness and thinking became one by one, thoughts, memories, pictures, and then instantly entered the real spirit.

At this time, Zhou Cheng's state is extremely abnormal. He is just a little true spirit. He seems to have lost consciousness, lost his mind, unable to think, muddle-headed and empty. But he seemed to be able to distinguish, because this real spirit drifted directly into the vast mirror.

After Haotian was beheaded by Huijian, he also lost all contact with Zhou Cheng's original body, and there was no trace of feeling between him and his body. In addition, Zhou Cheng's consciousness has been broken, so it can be said that it has become a masterless thing.

Zhou Cheng waved his sword and turned himself into a little true spirit and broke away from the body. His original body has lost its true spirit. If nothing unusual happens, his body will gradually die. Even his yuan god will collapse and dissipate after losing the core of the true spirit.

The heart demon and Zhou Chengben are one. When the true spirit is separated from the body, it will affect not only Zhou Cheng, but also the heart demon.

At the same time, the blood demon has occupied most of the body, and it has also been greatly affected.

The spiritual defense of the two monsters has been broken by the fear automatically emitted by the flesh, and their magic has become chaotic. Now, after Zhou Cheng's true spirit left the body, his body immediately froze, just like being fixed.

Standing stiffly is precisely because of the loss of the true spirit. If all creatures really have a soul, then it is a true spirit. However, this soul is different from the legendary soul, which is called a ghost.

In fact, the soul circulating in the general population refers to the soul of monks. And the real soul, that is, the true spirit, is absolutely different from the soul. However, one thing is the same as the legend, that is, the true spirit is the core of living things, even more important than the body.

The consequences of losing the most core are of course extremely serious. No matter how powerful the creature is, as long as it loses its true spirit, the body will definitely die immediately.

However, Zhou Cheng's situation is a little special, which does not only mean that he is a dragon body, but also that the situation he encounters is extremely strange.

Under normal circumstances, even if Zhou Cheng is the body of the dragon, but there is no true spirit, his body will definitely only end up dead. But don't forget that there are still two monsters in his original body.

These two monsters are the heart demon and blood demon. The heart demon and Zhou Cheng are one and the evil personality separated from his heart. The two are related to each other, but they are hostile to each other. However, Zhou Cheng and the heart demon only have only one true spirit, or the heart demon has no true spirit, because he is not an independent creature, but a projection of Zhou Cheng's soul.

Therefore, when Zhou Cheng cut out his true spirit, the heart demon immediately lost its core, which instantly collapsed and turned into a magic and spread into the body.

At this time, the blood demon also began to collapse. The reason why it collapses is not because it loses the true spirit, but because the body loses the true spirit and causes great damage. And the blood demon occupies the vast majority of the body, so this damage is naturally passed on, and the heart demon will be destroyed because they can't withstand this damage.

The heart demon has turned into magic and spread into the body, and the blood demon is also rapidly dissipating. It has returned to its original appearance, but at this time, its blood-red, insect-like body continues to disperse into a blood-colored magic, as if it had been evaporated.

At this time, the blood demon was not completely dead. It struggled desperately to reassemble the exuded magic and restore its own body. However, no matter how hard it is, it can't stop itself from dissipating.

At this juncture of life and death, the only thing the blood demon thinks about is to save its own life. It knows that the reason why it faces such extreme danger is because of this physical body. Therefore, when the blood demon finds that he can't stop himself from dissipating at all, he immediately breaks off the relationship with the body. Even if it loses most of the magic, as long as he saves his life, it's worth it!

However, after the blink of an eye, the blood demon's face turned wildly. He found that he could not break the connection with the body, so he could not escape from the body at all.

"No! How could this happen! Why am I trapped in the flesh!"

The blood demon only had time to make the last roar, and then the body has completely dissipated into a bloody magic, spreading all over the body like a heart demon.

Unlike the heart demon, the blood demon is a complete, independent and real creature, a monster, so it has its own true spirit. When its body disappeared, the soul of the blood demon was not destroyed immediately, but was extremely damaged and became dilapidated.

With the last subconscious, this broken soul instinctively adheres to the body, just like when there is danger, people will immediately hide in the house to find a safe place. But the body that has lost the true spirit is like a house that has been lifted off the roof. It can't shelter from the wind and rain, and it has no effect at all.

Zhou Cheng's original body has no longer function, and it is impossible to accept any soul or genh. Moreover, even if the body is not bad, it is impossible for the blood demon to change weight, because it does not condense the genital spirit.

Yes, although the blood demon is powerful and horrible, it does not condense the gend. Perhaps the original insect-like body is an alternative yuan god. The body is not a real body, but a condensed body of flesh and blood, which is like a mass of blood and a mutant vitality.

The blood demon can erode the body of the rest of the creatures through this dirty blood, so as to control the other party and parasitize the body of the creature. This ability is very similar to the yuan god's weight exchange, or even more frightening, because it can even control more than one body at the same time.

Moreover, as long as there is another drop of that blood that has not been completely destroyed, the blood demon will not die. It can be said that he has an immortal body.

But this blood demon is extremely unlucky. As soon as it was born, it was pushed to the abyss of death by itself. When its body completely dissipates, leaving only the broken soul, it means that the blood demon has lost the possibility of survival. When it wanted to attach the soul directly to the body, it found that the body was incompatible with the soul.

Before making any other decisions, the broken soul of the blood demon quickly dissipated. Looking at this situation, as long as it takes a moment, after the soul completely dissipates, its true spirit will disappear, and then its most original thing - its immortal spirit will be extinguished. At that time, the blood demon will really die and there will be no hope.

However, at this time, things suddenly changed. The magic of the two monsters scattered all over the body actually reacted to each other.

Whether it is a heart demon, a blood demon, or a physical body, they all have the instinct to survive. The three are facing an almost mortal situation at the same time. The body has been frozen, and the heart demons and blood demons have also dissipated into demons. These demons are scattered all over the body and are completely mixed together.

Perhaps influenced by the survival instincts of the body, heart demon and blood demon, the two demons actually merged into each other in an instant.

It is incredible that two completely different magics can merge with each other, and they have been perfectly integrated in an instant.

What's more unthinkable is that after the fusion of the two demons, a dark red magic is formed and distributed throughout the body. After a while, it began to gather again. Under the influence of this magic, the two monsters that had dissipated gradually appeared again.

After the two monsters fully recovered, they did not move at all. Instead, they kept approaching and finally came into contact with each other. I saw that this place that came into contact with each other completely grew into one in an instant and never separated from each other.

In the blink of an eye, a new monster was born out of thin air. It suddenly opened a pair of blood-red, evil and crazy eyes, and then jumped into the body's brain.

It turned out that Zhou Cheng's heart demon and blood demon instantly merged into a brand-new monster in danger. This monster is very strange. It is like an alien yuan god like the original blood demon, an immortal body, and can also exist in this body like a heart demon.