
Chapter 138 Underground Space

This unintentional discovery made Zhou Cheng excited. This underground lava world suddenly turned into a huge treasure house, and it is also a treasure house that is open to him at any time. There may be countless treasures waiting for him to look for.

Take the thing just found as an example. Although the nature of this thing has not been fully understood, Zhou Cheng knows that it is absolutely useful to him.

Zhou Cheng vaguely guessed that this thing may be a treasure formed by the special mutation of the fiery vitality in the magma over the long years.

This treasure may have absorbed too much fire vitality by the special substance in the magma. Because these original emitted vitality is too concentrated, it becomes condensed and convergent. From the outside, it becomes extremely ordinary, that is, there is no vitality reaction and no high temperature.

But if the vitality in it is stimulated, it can even produce tens of thousands of degrees or even tens of thousands of high temperatures. And the temperature of the magma is only a few thousand degrees, which shows that this thing has the power of fear.

What is the concept of tens of thousands of degrees or even tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature, which means that it can destroy most things in the world, and it is the most extreme force in the world. Nothing can even be found in nature that can not be damaged in its power.

Of course, although this thing is good, it is also very difficult to use. Even if ordinary creatures get it, they can't use it, and even monks can extremely trigger their vitality for their own use. Because the fire nature of this thing is so powerful that it can even melt and burn away the monk's soul in an instant.

Even Zhou Cheng, who has turned his own attributes into the same extreme nature as it, was called by it. That is to say, Zhou Cheng can't use this thing now.

Perhaps when his body grows up and the soul is much stronger, it is possible to withstand the power of this thing, use it to sacrifice it into a magic weapon, or use it to practice some special magical powers.

Although it cannot be used for the time being, Zhou Cheng is still very happy to receive it in Haotian Mirror. After doing this, Zhou Cheng began to refine the fiery vitality in the magma again.

However, he has decided to take some time to find treasures in the future, which can not only relieve the loneliness in his heart, but also not delay the growth of the body, but also get many useful treasures. Since there are so many benefits, why not?

Time passed rapidly, and fifteen or six years passed in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Cheng has long turned into a huge dragon egg. After years of continuous growth and absorption of enough vitality, the body in the dragon egg has basically formed and may break out of the shell at any time.

In fact, if Zhou Cheng was willing, he could even complete these a year or two ago, but because he spent a lot of time to find those natural treasures in these years, it took some time.

However, Zhou Cheng felt that he was not at a loss. Although it took a year or two, he got a lot of good things. For example, Zhou Cheng has found as many as two or three hundred yuan for that kind of black stone, and these things are not the best.

He found hundreds or thousands of treasures, and the black stone was only the most common thing. Some of these fine products are simply wonderful, powerful and precious, which will not be described in detail here.

However, in the past few days, Zhou Cheng has not continued to absorb the fiery vitality, let alone the intention of looking for treasures. He is looking for a way out of the lava world and looking for a crater on the ground.

The reason why he did this is that his body is about to be born, so he must leave the lava world, find a safe and hidden place, and receive the final moment.

When Zhou Cheng's body was born, the dragon egg could no longer stay in the sky mirror. Without the protection of the Haotian Mirror, the dragon egg will face the extremely hot magma directly.

Although Zhou Cheng has transformed his attributes into extreme fire and become a natural fire dragon, he must still be a creature, a creature with flesh and blood. As long as it is made of flesh and blood, it is impossible to live directly and for a long time in the lava world.

Especially when Zhou Cheng broke out of the dragon egg, he was just a newborn baby, a weak moment in his life, just like those infants in human beings who are in their infancy.

At this time, if Zhou Cheng directly faces those extremely hot magma, he is afraid that it will turn into coke and be burned alive by the magma in a while. Perhaps when he is strong to a certain extent, he will at least enter the growth period before he has the ability to survive in magma for a short time.

Zhou Cheng has been looking for several days, but still has not found a way to the ground. He has lived alone in the lava world for nearly 30 years.

In the past 30 years, because he has been looking for treasures and his immunity to fire, he has already left the vicinity of the original Haitian volcano, ran far, and came to the depths of the underground.

In this lava world, there is no direction difference at all. There is hot magma up and right, which makes Zhou Cheng completely lose his sense of direction and doesn't know where he is and how far away from the ground.

If he is still in his heyday, he can leave the ground at any time with the ability of Haotian Mirror, but he can't do this at all. Therefore, when Zhou Cheng wanted to leave here, he had to find the crater leading to the ground and return to the ground through these naturally formed channels.

And he searched for several days without getting any gain, which made Zhou Cheng secretly anxious. Because he knew that he would fall into a special state before he was born, a state similar to a deep sleep. When he woke up from his deep sleep, it was the time for him to break his shell and be born.

This kind of deep sleep is involuntarily. Whether you like it or not, it will come. Zhou Cheng sensed this sign as early as a few days ago and learned that he would fall into the final sleep in ten days, so he began to find a way to return to the ground.

If you can't return to the ground before sleeping, the consequences may be extremely serious. You should know that when he woke up from a deep sleep, he was immediately born, and his small and fragile body was not protected by the eggshell. Even in the vast mirror, it may be hurt by the fire nature of magma.

Besides, he had to leave Haotianjing when he was sleeping. Leaving Haotian Mirror and being directly exposed to magma is tantamount to looking for death. Zhou Cheng didn't want to be born before he was born.

anxious, Zhou Cheng couldn't help speeding up and quickly walked through the magma, relying on induction to find a passage to the ground.

In fact, the magma is not completely stationary, but is flowing slowly at any time. And those places that flow faster often have access to the ground, which leads directly to the volcanic craters on the ground, from which magma will erupt to the ground and form volcanic activity.

In fact, there are many such channels in the formation, but they will be extremely rare after distribution on the whole planet. In addition, it is extremely difficult to search in magma, so Zhou Cheng has not found them for several days.

However, when Zhou Cheng accelerated and about a day passed, he finally sensed a channel. Zhou Cheng, who was already anxious, didn't look carefully at all and got in.

After galloping all the way through this winding channel for a long time, Zhou Cheng finally found that the channel began to shrink, and the temperature of the magma was also slowly decreasing.

"Thank God, I'm not too lucky! I finally found it!"

Zhou can sense that the magma in the channel is accelerating rapidly, and they are squeezed out by the pressure deep in the center of the earth and gushes out with infinite power.

Zhou Cheng, who was already a little dizzy, did not find something wrong. Because the direction of this channel is not right at all, it is not straight to the ground at all, but diagonally up, down for a while, and parallel for a while.

I don't know how long it took, Zhou Cheng felt that his speed was getting faster and faster, and finally gushed out with the magma. The vast sky mirror emits a faint light and suspends in the air.

This is the first time in nearly 30 years that Haotianjing has left magma to come into contact with air. As soon as he left the magma, Zhou Cheng still felt a little uncomfortable, just like the fish suddenly left the water. Of course, he would feel a little uncomfortable when he suddenly separated from the place with endless vitality.

"Huh, what is this place? Doesn't it seem to be the ground here? It can't be so strange on the ground. What are these things? Is it a plant? No, absolutely wrong. This is definitely not the ground!"

After a moment, Zhou Cheng immediately found the abnormality. He did not disable Haotianjing to sense the situation outside, but this look stunned him and almost lost his mind. Until a moment later, he couldn't help roaring in the bottom of his heart: "Is this the legendary underground world?" It's amazing that there is such a huge space inside the earth. This is simply a complete world!"