
Chapter 141 Inheritance and Destiny

When the eggshell disperses, you can clearly see a small dragon coiled on the ground of the cave. This dragon with only fine adult arms is red gold, which looks extremely cute, just like a realistic toy.

This dragon is the reborn Zhou Cheng. As the eggshell broke, his body trembled slightly, as if he was waking up from a deep sleep.

Zhou Cheng was indeed waking up and suddenly opened his eyes slowly. His eyes are big, and his eyes are quiet and soft, with a little confusion, a little vicissitudes and mystery.

The moment he opened his eyes, a purple light flashed in the dark underground space. The light came out of his eyes, and his eyes exuded a faint purple in the dark, like two small purple lanterns.

Zhou Cheng woke up and immediately stretched his body, slowly suspended, and shuttled back and forth in this relatively narrow underground cave. Perhaps he felt extremely comfortable, and he also made a slightly childish sound from time to time.

When the dragon sounded, a faint dragon power naturally emitted from his body. Although this dragon power is extremely light, it still gives people a sense of inviolability, and there is no way because he lost the unique dignity of the dragon just because he was born.

Zhou Cheng, who just broke out of the shell, was only six or seven meters long, but he had to bend his body slightly in this underground cave.

After a brief look at himself, Zhou Cheng found that although he had just been born, he had already had the cultivation in the early stage of soul practice. His soul combined with his body in his sleep, which had produced a strong mana. Therefore, not only has his soul absorbed enough mana and strengthened a lot, but even his body has magnificent mana.

In fact, this is not surprising, because he was originally a practitioner in the yuanshen period. Although he lost all his magical powers and mana after rebirth, once he has a physical body, the speed of his practice cannot be calculated in normal situations.

What's more, he is still a dragon. Although his body has just been born, the vitality contained in it can only be described as massive. After the body combines with the soul, it will automatically evolve into a mana.

Of course, the normal dragon did not have the cultivation of the soul refining period like him when he was born, but only the divine period. Zhou Cheng's situation is a little special, that's why.

Zhou Cheng looked at his bare forehead and couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable. There are no double horns on the top of the divine dragon head, which looks a little strange and does not show prestige.

However, Zhou Cheng is not in a hurry. He knew that he was just a young dragon, and he was also a young dragon that had just climbed out of the eggshell, so he had no double horns at all.

Only when he grows to the growth period, two small dragon horns will grow in the two meat buns above his head, and as the body continues to grow, the two dragon horns will become bigger and more powerful.

After traveling through the cave for a while, Zhou Cheng suddenly stretched out a dragon claw and grabbed it into the void. When the dragon claw was taken back, there was one more thing in it, which was the giant mirror.

This Hao Tianjing became a state of ownerless when Zhou Cheng cut out his true spirit, but when his soul recondensed, it automatically became connected with this soul, and even did not need sacrifice. The reason for this is that the connection between Haotianjing and the original body has been cut off, and Zhou Cheng's soul has dissipated, but it has almost turned into the second yuan god and Zhou Cheng's true spirit will have an unbroken connection.

He grabbed the Haotian Mirror, and Zhou Cheng's magic power stimulated the operation of the magic weapon to emit light. He suddenly pointed his magic weapon at the broken eggshells in the cave. The light of the Haotian Mirror shone on these eggshell fragments, and all the eggshells illuminated by the light flew up one after another, threw themselves into the mirror and disappeared.

Zhou Cheng already knows that these eggshells are extremely important to him. Because in the past six months, although he has fallen into a deep sleep, he has not completely lost his meaning. On the contrary, he has entered an extremely mysterious state.

In this state, Zhou Cheng felt that his mind was connected with heaven and earth, in line with nature, the mystery of the operation of heaven and earth, everything in the world and the starry sky of the universe appeared in his heart one by one.

This feeling is extremely wonderful, as if it is the mystery of the whole world, and countless avenues are completely displayed in front of you for you to observe. It's like natural heaven and earth that have developed consciousness, and they are deliberately passing everything on to Zhou Cheng.

The marks of countless avenues are deeply engraved on Zhou Cheng's heart and flesh and become a part of him. In this state, Zhou Cheng felt that he was omnipotent and omnipotent, and was incredibly powerful. The cultivation of the Yuanshen period and even the Yangshen realm were not worth mentioning in this state.

In this state, time seems to have disappeared. Because Zhou Cheng no longer has the concept of time and can't tell the length of time, he only feels that he has gone through endless years. The sky and the earth are old, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, and the sea has long turned into mulberry fields, but he sits and watches the endless changes, but he can't notice his own changes.

However, Zhou Cheng felt that he had only spent a second in that realm, so fast that people could not react, and everything had disappeared. Such a realm disappeared out of thin air like when it appeared out of thin air.

After this realm disappeared, the road marks that were deep in his heart and body retreated one after another, and all disappeared in a moment, as if there was no such thing at all.

And with the retreat of these road marks, Zhou Cheng found that what he felt and remembered in that realm was gradually silent. In the last second, he remembered these things clearly, but the next second, he couldn't help forgetting the specific content, and then forgot everything directly.

Therefore, Zhou Cheng at this time did not know that he had clearly understood the true meaning of countless avenues. However, these things did not disappear from Zhou Cheng's heart and body, but became his talent, potential and instinct. As his cultivation gets higher and higher, they will be awakened again one by one.

Zhou Cheng doesn't remember the kind of realm he has entered. He only remembers that after being confused, he couldn't help but pay attention to the eggshell wrapped in his own mind.

Specifically, he is concerned about the patterns on the eggshell. He felt that the key to breaking the shell is that these patterns can't be seen. Only by unlocking all or certain parts of it can he break the shell.

If anyone in the world knows the power of these eggshells best, it is definitely Zhou Cheng. Because Zhou Cheng was the first dragon to appear in this way. However, his original dragon body was born directly from the void, which was simply born out of nothing.

In fact, Zhou Cheng guessed that the original dragon's body was not so much from his hands as that it was arranged and controlled by the invisible power, perhaps intentionally or inadvertently produced some variables.

Therefore, the body of the dragon is extremely special. Not only is it born out of nothing, but it has scales and horns just appeared, and it can't even be divided by the stage of growth.

Zhou Cheng's new body is the first dragon to be conceived, which was bred step by step in the unique way of the dragon. The dragon born in this way will inherit the natural way of heaven and earth, have infinite potential, and instinctively know something at the same time.

It was under this instinct that Zhou Cheng was able to successfully understand the meaning of the patterns on the eggshell. Of course, he understands only a very small part of it, or just the specific one above.

This pattern is like a switch in the whole array, and the knowledge of inheritance instinctively knows how to turn it on. Once it is opened, the magic array on the whole eggshell will collapse.

Without the magic array, the eggshell will have almost absolute defense. Therefore, it will be affected by the collapse of the magic array and then break into countless pieces.

These things are just a precious material for practitioners other than Zhou Cheng. For Zhou Cheng, it also has a more important use, that is, this thing is actually his natural magic weapon and his most important thing.

Of course, this thing is still an illegal weapon now, but some materials will only become a magic weapon after sacrifice. This magic weapon is like a dragon, with infinite possibilities and unlimited potential.

Of course, the reason for this is that the material of the eggshell is extraordinary, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there are still those magic arrays on these things. Although those magic arrays have collapsed and lost their function, they have been divided into many pieces. But after sacrificing them into magic weapons, these magic arrays will gradually recover.

Every time the magic array recovers, the quality and power of the magic weapon will also be enhanced. Even if only a few ten points are restored, this magic weapon may be promoted to a magic weapon. If the dragon can figure out the meaning of all the magic array, only God knows what this magic weapon will look like.

You should know that in the form of dragon eggs, although these magic arrays are the most complete state, because dragon eggs are not magic weapons, they can only play the ability of one thousandth or even one ten thousandth of the magic array.