
Chapter 144 Underground Civilization

There are also various terrains in the underground world, including mountains, water, lakes, rivers, canyons, and even some strange magma waterfalls, magma fountains and other wonders.

Of course, the main landscape in this underground world is still the endless strange trees, which may not be called trees, because some plants are not trees at all, and even some plants have evolved into strange lives that are different from plants and animals.

And under the cover of this boundless plant, the terrain of the underground world exists in an unpredictable way. The terrain just now is still a vast plain, but not far away has turned into a wide and deep canyon.

And the mana fluctuation came from the depths of the canyon. The horrible beast roar echoed on both sides of the canyon and spread far away after the reflection of the canyon.

Zhou Cheng threw straight into the canyon along the trajectory of mana fluctuation. There are still countless special plants growing in this canyon, but everything here seems to be different from the outside world.

The canyon is three or four hundred meters deep, and the rock walls on both sides are extremely steep, almost vertically down. The cliffs on both sides are nearly ten miles apart, and the canyon is not long. Even if Zhou Cheng tried his best to look far away, he could not see the end.

As soon as he flew to the bottom of the canyon, Zhou Cheng suddenly said 'ah' and hid himself in a very hidden place.

Under the cover of countless plants in the canyon, there are many strange creatures faintly. These creatures are strange, but they do not tear each other up, but stand orderly into mysterious formations.

Zhou Cheng couldn't help looking at these creatures, but found that these creatures could not be connected with all known species, although they were completely detached from the classification of surface organisms.

Although they are strange and obvious that they do not come from a race, they are all creatures.

And these creatures don't look like beasts or insects, but like a combination of the two. Some of them grow insect bodies, but they have animal fur. Some have the limbs and bodies of animals, but they have extremely obvious insect characteristics, such as shells, mouthparts, wings, etc. that obviously belong to insects.

Some of the upper body is beasts and the lower body is insects. Or the appearance is very similar to animals, but there are some special organs belonging to insects, such as a pair of huge claws, some seemingly superfluous, but actually like weapons growing from the body.

The appearance of these creatures is extremely horrible, which is just a living monster, like something made of insects and beasts.

However, all these things exude a very strong breath of life. Obviously, their vitality is extremely strong and powerful. It can be seen that these creatures are by no means as simple as putting insects and beasts together. The reason why they look so strange may be the optimal form that has evolved through countless generations in this closed world for countless years.

"These things should have evolved from insects, right? Won't the bugs in this world evolve into a more advanced form, but evolve into what they are today? No, although their appearance is strange and horrible, they will definitely surpass any creature on the ground in terms of life. Maybe they are more advanced life forms!"

Zhou Cheng can't judge whether what he thinks is right or wrong, but he knows that the movement just now will never be emitted by these strange creatures fighting with each other. Well, there must be another side here besides them. So he turned his head and looked to the other side.

At this look, Zhou Cheng was shocked again, even far more than just now, because the creatures here are more special and unimaginable.

It turned out that Zhou Cheng actually saw something like a tree standing on the other side, but with legs, feet and hands. They were extremely tall, each of which was at least seven or eight meters high.

First of all, you will definitely see them as big stumps, whether from the skin like bark, or from the top of them with some tree strips and leaves of various colors on them, you will never see them as a movable creature.

But when we look closely, we will find that they do have two legs at the bottom, two thick legs formed by something like roots. In addition, there are several extremely thick, trunk-like things in the middle, but in fact they are some arms that can be rotated flexibly.

At the end of this arm, there are some seemingly dead branches, but in fact, they are long and favorable fingers. These fingers grow together and become a huge and terrible palm. The roots of the fingers are powerful and seem to penetrate everything.

On the arms, at the top and bottom, there are some looming and extremely old faces on the trunk-like body, but these faces are not very good-looking, because they are like bark, or they grow from the bark.

"Small branches are like hair, a few thick tree trunks are arms, faces grow on the bark, and roots evolve into feet. Are these guys animals that evolved from trees? Or are they trees that can move freely like animals?

"No matter which one, they are definitely the biggest miracle in this underground world. It turns out that plants and trees can really evolve into an alternative life.

"Although the animal-like creature is incredible, the insect-like creature is not magical. It must be in a different environment, and the creature may evolve in a completely different direction. But it's amazing to let this form of life of plants directly cross several levels of life forms without going through the intermediate link."

Looking at this scene like a dream world and a science fiction novel, Zhou Cheng couldn't even believe that it was true. If plants open their wisdom, begin to practice and have wisdom under extreme coincidence, it is not impossible. However, plants have directly evolved to this extent, which is beyond Zhou Cheng's imagination.

In this small canyon, there are two types of life forms that are completely beyond the scope of life in the surface world. This is an extremely amazing discovery.

However, this is not the most unacceptable to Zhou Cheng. It can be guessed from the fluctuations of mana just now that these two strange and mysterious populations seem to have fought.

Since there is a mana fluctuation, it means that these creatures or some of them have opened their wisdom and learned to practice, so they must have wisdom.

After a careful induction, Zhou Cheng was stunned to find that the creatures below all had mana. Although their strengths and weaknesses were different, they were indeed intelligent, mana and magical. This means that they all have wisdom and are intelligent creatures.

However, it can be seen from their actions that the guys in these two populations seem to be very familiar with each other's cooperation, well-founded, well-organized, and highly disciplined, just like those hard-trained soldiers in the human world.

"Soldier? It is absolutely impossible for practitioners to voluntarily become soldiers and become pawns in the hands of others! But all creatures that can open their intelligence are selfish and self-interested. They are arrogant people. How can they be willing to hand over their fate to others!"

Zhou Cheng instinctively wanted to deny his conjecture, but seeing the performance of those guys, he had to admit that they were indeed like some trained soldiers, some soldiers who were willing to follow orders.

"If you can make practitioners obey orders, it can only show that it is not a great thing to practice here, but a very normal and ordinary thing. Only in this way can practitioners not have arrogant thoughts.

"To make it a normal and ordinary thing to be able to practice, that is to say, all the creatures here can practice, at least a large part of them can practice. Only when practice becomes like human dressing and eating can this situation be caused.

"Anyone can practice??!!"

As soon as this idea came up, Zhou Cheng couldn't help but be shocked and almost fainted, and shouted wildly in the bottom of his heart: "This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible. Everyone can practice. What kind of civilization is that? How can there be such a race and civilization on earth!"