
Chapter 154 Strange Star Map

Zhou Cheng took out a total of ten items from the bodies of those tree people, including seven divine wood hearts, and one of the remaining three pieces was ** that looked like clear but extremely dense as glue.

Even if this strange ** is placed directly on the ground, it will not spread and spill into the land. Instead, it will shrink tightly together like a jumping ball.

There is another thing that is a transparent ball like a crystal ball. This round ball is only the size of a fist, which looks extremely delicate and ordinary.

The third item is an unknown thing. After just looking at it, Zhou Cheng felt that the thing seemed to be a fragment on an item, so the thing showed an irregular shape with obvious traces of fracture.

Zhou Cheng guessed that this thing may have been corroded for a very long time, because traces of vicissitudes can be felt from this thing.

The source stone of life! None of these three things can have a clear connection with the stone. Is it possible that the stone is the source of life and hidden in some secret place on these tree people?

Zhou Cheng gently scratched on the ground with his claws and fell into a state of thought. The hard ground became softer than tofu under his claws, but after a moment, a deep hole had been dug by him on the ground.

The last three things were dug out by Zhou Cheng from the living tree people. The tree people's sense of touch seems to be very poor, and there is no pain, so even if Zhou Cheng dug a big hole in their bodies, the tree people still did not wake up.

However, most of the big wound recovered quickly in a moment. Although it did not disappear completely, it was no longer so horrible.

However, Zhou Cheng didn't care much about this. He was thinking about how to get the whereabouts of the source stone. If the source stone of life is really hidden by the tree man, then you don't know the exact whereabouts. How can you find something that you don't know what it is in the vast underground world?

"To untie the bell must also be tied to the bell. Since the things were hidden by tree people, we can only find a way to get the news from them. However, these tree people will no longer believe me at all. How can I get the end of that baby?"

After thinking hard for a while, he still had no clue. Zhou Cheng couldn't help but feel a little distressed, so he simply put down the problem for the time being and began to observe the three items carefully.

Zhou Cheng's first research was the mass of things with color and texture like gel. Looking at it, Zhou Cheng couldn't help but feel that this thing was like jelly.

"Is this the gum produced in the tree's body? I don't know what kind of gum will be useful? It seems that it can be eaten, but I don't know what will happen if I really eat it!"

In fact, this thing is gum, which is produced by a special mutation of tree people's body fluids. This thing is not bad for tree people, nor is it any good.

But this gum is extremely precious for creatures other than tree people. This kind of gum has an extremely special purpose, that is, it can promote the growth of the biological body, and even cut a creature into two pieces. As long as the body of the organism is glued together before it is completely dead, it will immediately recover as before. At most, it just becomes very weak.

Whether there is any other use or not, this use alone is enough to list it as one of the rare, which can be regarded as extremely rare and precious.

However, Zhou Cheng didn't know this for the time being, so he just casually put it into the Haotian Mirror and began to observe the crystal ball-like thing.

With his thoughts into the crystal ball, Zhou Cheng began to preliminarily understand the nature of this thing.

"This thing is really a crystal! Hey, a piece of crystal will be put into his body as a treasure by these tree people. It can be seen that this crystal is absolutely strange.

Discovering that the texture of this thing was really crystal, Zhou Cheng immediately realized that there would be some mysteries in it, so he immersed all his mind in the crystal ball.

After the mind became stronger and all the minds were concentrated, Zhou Cheng found that everything in front of him suddenly changed. In an instant, Zhou Cheng found himself standing in the depths of the endless starry sky and floating in the sea of stars.

What's more strange is that Zhou Cheng found that he seemed to be moving along a special route at an incredible speed, and saw countless stars disappearing in front of his eyes, and countless stars gradually flashing.

There is a faint line in this starry sky, like a special road paved in the cosmic star sea. Zhou Cheng is moving along this line. He doesn't know where he is going or what all this means.

A route in the stars? It's strange how the tree man in this underground world has a road map in the stars. This must be my mistake. Maybe this is not an interstellar road map!"

Zhou Cheng knew that he could not really run into the starry sky at this time. All of this was just some special and real illusions. Perhaps the crystal ball turned out to be a special container, which contains not a real substance, but a brainless and unknown information.

The reason why it is brainless and ignorant is that the information in it is incomplete. This is the conclusion that Zhou Cheng came out after several attempts, because every time he enters this illusion, he will appear in the original place and has gone deep into the depths of the sea of stars.

In the interstellar space, the biggest difficulty is to identify the direction. Although Zhou Cheng is strong, he can't tell the direction just by his naked eyes and memory. At the beginning of this illusion, Zhou Cheng had vaguely felt that even if this illusion was really a real interstellar road map, it was also a useless road map. Because he doesn't know where he is at all, he can't be sure what is shown in the illusion in reality.

"A race in the underground world, this race may not even know where it lives, or even has no concept of the universe or starry sky. How can such a race have an extremely accurate, vivid and true record of the interstellar universe?

"In the underground world, two cannot appear, but what does it have to do with the real intelligent races and the road map in the stars?"

All the experiences that came to the underground world appeared one by one in Zhou Cheng's mind and flashed quickly. Zhou Cheng tried to find the secret hidden in something. He used his powerful spiritual power to forcibly play the possible secrets in it.

In the underground world, countless novel species, two intelligent creatures were born in a small space at the same time, a incomplete interstellar road map. Zhou Cheng evolved these things into countless variables, and then connected these possible variables one by one to try to restore the truth.

Such deduction is extremely spiritual. After only a moment, Zhou Cheng's spirit has become unsupported. Unsipated, his mind immediately dispersed, and the variables that had begun to gradually connect with each other immediately became chaotic.

It's like playing an extremely complex puzzle game. What Zhou Cheng has just done is to restore what was originally scattered and has completely lost its due order. But unfortunately, there has just been a little collection, but the whole puzzle has been completely disrupted again, and everything just now has lost its meaning.

The spirit is unsupported and distracted. In addition, seeing his efforts turn into water in an instant, Zhou Cheng's depression can be imagined. He almost didn't recover and was suffothed to vomit blood.

And at this moment, an idea automatically popped out of Zhou Cheng's mind.

"Is it possible that the interstellar road map does not spread from the tree man, but from the outside world to the underground world? If this is the case, it will definitely not come from the surface world. Although the technology of the surface world is far stronger than that of the underground world, it is not developed enough to truly conduct interstellar navigation.

"It is not something of the underground world itself, nor from the surface world, then it must be something that spreads from outside the earth to the underground world."