
Chapter 156 Desire

In fact, organisms have been mutating and evolving, but this is a slow process, and not an extremely obvious effect can be seen in a short time.

Variation is often an individual phenomenon, and it is not too difficult. Every creature has the possibility of being changed. As long as the boundary environment changes, the creature may mutate.

But evolution is often the phenomenon of the whole population. Only when all benign mutations occur and the impact of this mutation still needs to be stabilized can it be called evolution, the evolution of the whole species.

Therefore, Zhou Cheng wants to know whether the radiation emitted by the alloy can cause some benign mutations in organisms, which can't be done in a short time. Only after long observation can the correct conclusion be drawn.

However, Zhou Cheng is not very anxious, because he will have enough time to complete anything. Moreover, even if the thing is really the source stone of life, even if the source stone can help biological evolution, it should not have any effect on Zhou Cheng.

In fact, the lower the form, the easier it is to change, so it is possible to evolve, and it is extremely difficult for those creatures that have evolved to a higher form to evolve again.

And Zhou Cheng is a dragon. Shenlong is definitely an existence that has stood at the top of all creatures, so it is extremely difficult to make any changes, let alone evolution.

Although the life forms of tree people and insects in the underground world are not as perfect as the dragon, they are also species that have evolved to a very high degree. The life form of this species has been completely stabilized. Generally speaking, even if the life source stone can promote biological evolution, it should have no effect on insects, beasts and tree people.

However, if the source stone really has no effect on them, how can tree people and insects compete desperately? As the saying goes, people die for money, birds die for food, and tree people, insects and beasts work so hard, so it will never be for fun. There must be a huge benefit to attract them.

"Is the role of this thing so magical that even insects and tree people can change it? No way! This thing looks like a piece of artificial objects. If a piece of debris alone has such a magical effect, what would the original thing look like? What effect will it have?"

"This thing is very likely to come from heaven and is a product left over from a civilization higher than the earth. If this reasoning holds, the civilization left behind is absolutely not simple. This civilization can affect the evolution of creatures in the whole underground world with an artificial object, so this civilization's cognition of life has reached an incredible state!"

Realizing that a civilization that has developed to a very high level has come to the earth, Zhou Cheng can't help but be moved. As a dragon, he can no longer find a sense of home on the earth.

The power of the dragon is beyond question, so a single planet is too small for them, like a cage. The more powerful the life, the wider the stage.

For creatures born in the divine realm like dragons, their stage is destined to be the whole universe, the whole starry sky is their field, countless stars will be trampled under their feet, and the whole universe will tremble in their roar.

Perhaps in adulthood, before becoming a real yang god creature, the dragon could not live in the starry sky of the universe for a long time, only within the planet. But once they reach the realm of adulthood, their bodies will become an energetic existence form, which can not only move freely in the universe, but also be fearless of most of the matter and energy in the universe.

Moreover, after reaching the Yangshen realm, the yuan god has transformed into a yang god and has truly immortalized. Even if the body is destroyed, the Yangshen will not be damaged at all. The Yangshen is their foundation for the creatures in the Yangshen realm. As long as the Yangshen exists, they may reunite their bodies at any time.

The more powerful the creature is, the stronger the yearning for the starry sky in his heart, and the stronger his curiosity and restlessness. The same is true of Zhou Cheng.

However, Zhou Cheng was originally just an ordinary human being. He happened to become a dragon after a series of changes, so he is still influenced by human psychology.

Therefore, although Zhou Cheng has occasionally wanted to rush out of the earth and go to the wider starry sky, on the one hand, he does not have such ability, and on the other hand, his mind is not very strong, so he will stay honestly inside the planet.

And now it's different. Strong evidence of other more advanced civilizations in the universe was found in the underground world, and this civilization has also visited the earth, which made Zhou Cheng suddenly realize that he may be able to go to a more wonderful world.

"Maybe there is something in this underground world that can leave the earth. I must get this thing. I want to get this thing and go to the vast cosmic starry sky! Yes, that's it!"

The unexpected discovery ignited Zhou Cheng's hope of leaving the earth. Although this hope is small or even not at all, he has to take it seriously.

Because Zhou Cheng doesn't want to live on a small planet for an extremely long time. If he wants to fly to the earth with his own power and soar freely in the universe, he can only do it until he reaches adulthood and becomes a creature in the Yangshen realm.

His body has just been born, and there is still a gap of 18,000 miles away from adulthood. It takes a long time in thousands of years before Zhou Cheng can grow into adulthood and become a creature in the Yangshen realm, and can cross the void of the universe with his body.

Staying in a civilization that can't leave the planet for thousands of years is like putting Zhou Cheng in a prison for thousands. The loneliness and loneliness are absolutely unimaginable.

It is said above that it will take thousands of years for Zhou Cheng to grow into adulthood. Of course, this is only in ordinary cases, which means that the time it takes for the dragon to do nothing and rely on the body to independently evolve and reach the Yang Shen realm.

The growth of dragons is different from that of ordinary creatures. The growth period of ordinary creatures is very short, because ordinary creatures only need to grow and mature.

But the standard for adult dragons is not as simple as growing big enough. In addition to the body size, the most important thing is the degree of dragon nature and soul evolution in the body.

If the dragon and soul do not reach a sufficiently powerful level, no matter how big the body is, it has no effect. It is just like a fat pig. Although it has a huge body, it can only be slaughtered by others.

Of course, if the dragon's body wants to grow up, it needs enough and extremely pure vitality to turn into flesh and blood. The flesh and blood of these dragons contain powerful power. However, if there is not enough dragon to reconcile and a powerful soul to control, the power in the body cannot be exerted at all.

It is precisely because it is naturally powerful that it takes an extremely long time to grow up. For a long time, the body, soul and dragon will continue to be strong, and will constantly reconcile, and finally reach the perfect state, thus evolving into the creatures of the yang god realm.

And in this process, Zhou Cheng can't blindly pursue some aspect of strength, otherwise his body will lose its balance and eventually cannot be reconciled. In this way, not only will there be no benefits, but there will be big trouble.

However, it does not mean that the growth period of dragons cannot be shortened. In fact, no matter what kind of creature is, it can promote its own faster growth and grow stronger in a reasonable way. For example, human beings can make themselves grow faster and stronger through scientific exercise. Zhou Cheng can also shorten his growth to adulthood through practice.

However, because the growth of the dragon is an extremely complex and long process, although Zhou Cheng can speed up himself through practice, he cannot be without scruples, and it is impossible to shorten the whole process infinitely.

Therefore, that is to say, even if Zhou Cheng practices hard, he can only upgrade his cultivation to the level of Yuanshen Dacheng in a short period of time. If there is no great accident, it is absolutely impossible to become a creature in the Yangshen realm in a short time.

Moreover, the cultivation is forcibly promoted to the realm of Yuanshen Dacheng, although it can promote the growth of the body in a short period of time and make the dragon's body grow to a stage close to adulthood.

However, it will be extremely difficult to reach real adulthood from this approaching adulthood. Because the body, dragon nature and soul of dragons are powerful, but they cannot be perfectly reconciled together.

If you choose such a method, Zhou Cheng even needs to spend more time reconserving the body, dragon nature and yuanshen. In this way, Zhou Cheng's growth period may not be really shortened, but may even be longer in the last step.