
Chapter 159 The Principle of Storage Method

In fact, even if the magic power of a practitioner is infinite, it is impossible for him to sacrifice a magic weapon to collect items by forcibly distorting the space.

Space and time are the most basic structures of the whole universe, as well as the most powerful structures. It can be said that time and space are the two most powerful forces in the whole universe, two rules.

As one of the two most powerful rules in the universe, it has its own fixed form and an inherent way of existence. Even if there is a powerful force in the universe that forcibly changes the space somewhere, it will not last long.

Because the space has strong resilience and rebound. Once the original balance is broken by some force and the original form is disturbed, the space will recover in a very short time according to the laws of the universe.

Of course, you can also rely on powerful power to prevent the recovery of space. But the whole universe is actually a whole, so the whole universe is a vast and boundless space. No matter how powerful a single creature is, it is impossible to compete with the whole universe.

The whole universe is a whole, and this whole will have specific laws and forms of existence. If you only change the space somewhere in the universe, the whole universe will not be affected in any way, and it still seems to operate in its inherent form.

How wide is the space of the whole universe? No one can answer this question, but it will be extremely big. Whether it is tangible or intangible, the larger the thing, the more stable it is, the greater its inertia, and the less likely it is to be changed.

Therefore, even if a space can be changed in a very short time with powerful power, under the inertia of the whole universe, the changed space will soon return to its original trajectory.

Unless the time of the whole universe is changed at the same time, no one can force a space into another appearance. However, there is absolutely no power in the world that can change the space of the whole universe at the same time.

To sum up, it can be seen that neither the Haotian Mirror nor Zhou Cheng wants to refine the magic weapon to collect items by forcibly distorting the space.

And practitioners are not ordinary human beings, so practice has no understanding or interest in some scientific views and conclusions developed by human beings. It can be said that the world in the eyes of practitioners is very different from the world in the eyes of ordinary creatures.

How many years has human science and technology developed? How many years have you been a practitioner? The emergence of the modern scientific system is only a few hundred years. And practitioners have lived in this world for a long time, calculated in tens of thousands, 100,000 or even millions of years.

Of course, although practitioners have appeared countless years, it does not mean that there is an inheritance from millions of years ago in the practice world. Millions of years have been too long, and everything has long since disappeared in the long river of time.

However, that said, practitioners' understanding of the world does far exceed that of modern scientific systems. The modern scientific system is just studying some appearances of the world, some basic external things. What practitioners see in their eyes is the core of the world, and some powerful things that can even sense the extremely originality of the world.

Is it impossible to use a fist-sized container to hold something the size of a house? Yes, it's not. From the perspective of modern science, this is absolutely impossible. If someone insists that it is possible, it will be characterized as ectica or neurological problems. But practitioners can indeed do it.

Indeed, at least Zhou Cheng has done it! Countless things have been photographed in his huge mirror, which are definitely much larger than the area of a room.

Zhou Cheng can do this not because of his in-depth research on space technology, nor how strong his mana is, so strong that he can forcibly distort and maintain a specific space.

In fact, it is very simple for Zhou Cheng to put those things into the mirror: everything in heaven and earth is composed of vitality, whether it is mountains and rivers, wind and rain, or creatures, even if it is ourselves, or the existence of a dragon like Zhou Cheng, all these things are made of vitality.

Since everything is evolved from vitality, and vitality is different from matter, some laws and laws at the material level cannot be fully applied when they are put at the vitality level.

That is to say, vitality is different from the substances transformed by vitality, and their properties are huge and even fundamentally different.

vitality has no volume or weight, so it cannot be measured by how much and weight it is. Therefore, as long as something can be transformed from a material form to a vitality form, there will be magical things, such as using a fist-sized container to hold huge things.

Zhou Cheng's Haotian Mirror uses this principle to convert tangible and qualitative substances into the form of vitality, and then ingest these vitality into the mirror to achieve the wonderful use of receiving objects.

However, converting the substance into a state of vitality does not mean that you can change the vitality at will. However, when specific substances are transformed into specific vitality, and these vitality is put into the material world, they will automatically change back to their original material form.

Fortunately, otherwise, once things are transformed into vitality and put into the magic weapon, the original thing will disappear and there is no such thing in the world.

Each substance has its own specific vitality form, and each form is different. In fact, even between different individuals of the same substance, there will be extremely subtle differences in their shape after they become vitality. However, these differences are not too big, and the vitality form of each substance has a fixed range.

After the vitality within this range is transformed into matter, it is the same substance. Once it exceeds this range, the substance transformed by the vitality becomes another.

The mystery of the relationship between vitality and matter and mutual transformation cannot be told in a word, and no one can explain it clearly. It can be said that these mysteries are the laws of the whole world and the universe, that is, the natural and cosmic Tao. At the same time, these mysteries are extremely profound technology.

The scientific and technological system produced in human civilization is still very weak and small, which is not enough to explore such an esoteric and direct to the origin of the world. In fact, not to mention the science and technology system that has just been born for hundreds of years, even the world that has existed for many years only knows a little about these mysteries.

The technology pursued by human civilization and the Tao pursued by practitioners are all mysteries between vitality and matter. In fact, there is no essential difference, just observation from two different perspectives. Moreover, because the practice civilization appeared earlier, practitioners pay more attention to observing the world from the source, so practitioners have a better understanding of the world.

Of course, this is just more. The gap in the middle is a little huge, but compared with the mysteries in the whole universe, the extra ones are insignificant and can even be remembered. Although practitioners have been exposed to the secrets of the vitality world, they have only been exposed to them.

That is to say, practitioners, even all practitioners, can sense the vitality, but they cannot change the form of vitality, at most, transforming a substance into its inherent form of vitality, or transforming a certain form of vitality into its corresponding substance.

This transformation is not too difficult, just like turning water into water vapor or condensing into ice. Although the form has been transformed, there is no change in nature, and it is still the original thing.

The change in the form of vitality is to turn stone into gold and turn water into oil, which can forcibly distort the form of a vitality into another form. The manifestation of this transformation on matter is to turn one substance into another substance out of thin air. This is really difficult.

The reason why it is difficult is that the form of vitality is stable and changeable. Stability means that in general, they all have their inherent forms, but changeable means that the vitality is constantly changing. It is the vitality that will change at any time in the inherent form, so after this inherent form is disrupted, the vitality will have unpredictable changes.

The reason why it is unpredictable is that there are too many possible changes. For those creatures with insufficient realm and cultivation, changing the vitality form represents destruction and death. If you change the form of your vitality, your body will collapse. If it is to change the vitality form of matter, it means that it will disappear.

Less gossip, but Zhou Cheng wants to refine a magic weapon specially used to capture things. What this magic weapon needs is to transform matter into its inherent form of vitality, and not to change the form of vitality, so there is no difficulty for Zhou Cheng. It is rare to find the right materials and refine them into a magic weapon.

Zhou Cheng used to be a peerless master of the genshen period. Although he now only has the cultivation of the soul practice period, not only his mana is much weaker, but also his cultivation has decreased a lot. Instead of decline in the realm of the soul, he is more harmonious, so he will retain the abilities and characteristics of some practitioners in the vitality period.

The Yuanshen period has begun to have a real little contact with the origin of the world, and has been able to change the form of vitality in some aspects and transform one thing into another. It's just that practitioners in the vitality period take a long time to do these, and consume a lot of mind and mana to slowly polish and transform.

That is to say, practitioners in the Yuanshen period have been able to turn a stone into gold, but this 'point' is very long. It may take months, even years or decades to turn a stone into gold. Therefore, this ability is of little practical use, let alone form magical powers and spells. At most, some alien practitioners will spend a long time changing the form of their vitality, so as to transform themselves into human beings and get people.

If you want to change the form of vitality in an instant, perhaps only practitioners in the Yangshen realm can do this. If he can do this, then the practitioner will have extremely terrible magical power, because he can even turn you into a thoughtful and conscious stone, or a dog or a cat with one finger. Or let you disappear.