
Chapter 163 The Method of Soul Refining

Zhou Cheng wants to refine a good magic weapon. He has to devote all his strength to refining those materials and reconcile the physical properties between different materials. The dozens of physical properties of these dozens of materials must not conflict at all, and these characteristics must be combined together.

Each object is like a component for the magic weapon, like a circuit in a computer. Only when all components and loops are perfectly coordinated can the magic weapon be considered successful.

After the magic weapon is successfully sacrificed, it also needs to be cultivated by practitioners over the years. It is best to find suitable materials to add to it, not only strengthen the body of the magic weapon.

The stronger the body of the magic weapon, the higher its spirituality may grow, and the quality of the magic weapon will slowly improve. Perhaps when the body of the magic weapon and the spirituality of the magic weapon are strong enough, it will be promoted to the best magic weapon, spiritual weapon, magic weapon or even pure yang magic weapon.

Mobilize the dragon power to stimulate its own dragon nature and absorb the huge fire vitality with dragon nature. Zhou Cheng's body is still in a relatively weak early life for the time being, so it is impossible to really absorb this huge vitality.

These vitality flowed into Zhou Cheng's body continuously, ran in his body several times like lightning, and then rushed to his body again.

In a short period of time, Zhou Cheng felt that he had absorbed too much vitality and felt a little uncomfortable, as if he was about to explode, so he decisively took the dragon back from the magma.

At this time, the huge vitality absorbed into Zhou Cheng's body is instigating. If they can't integrate into the body, they want to rush out of the body and return to the magma world again.

But how could Zhou Cheng let go of these hard-earned vitality, so he used his magic to lock these vitality in his body and prevent them from really rushing out.

The fiery vitality could not rush out of Zhou Cheng's body. As soon as they rushed to the body surface, they were intercepted by Zhou Cheng's mana and only ran in Zhou Cheng's body again.

Zhou Cheng not only blocked his body with his strength, but he didn't even dare to breathe and open his mouth, for fear that he would be discouraged as soon as he breathed and mouthed, so that those fiery vitality would return to magma.

But the huge vitality stirred and circulated back and forth in the body, which also brought great pressure to Zhou Cheng. Finally, he mobilized the dragon in his body to mix into the fiery vitality, guiding these vitality not to become violent because it could not be vented outside the body.

I don't know how long it took to hold my breath, and the flow of those vitality became faster and faster, and the pressure brought to Zhou Cheng became greater and greater. Zhou Cheng finally couldn't help it. He opened a slit in his mouth, seemed to take a deep breath, and then spit out everywhere.

This spit is really good. Zhou Cheng spit out nothing, saliva, let alone vitality, and a small fire tongue. This fire tongue is only thick with chopsticks, less than one meter long, and the color is actually blue.

The fire tongue looks inconspicuous, but its temperature is obviously extremely high, and even when the air touches it, it will crackle and make a dense sonoon explosion.

opened his mouth and spit out a small fire tongue. Zhou Cheng's body flowed endlessly, and the fiery vitality that seemed to boil finally stopped working, because these vitality had been consumed. The vitality was lost, and the pressure on Zhou Cheng's body immediately lighted.

The fire vitality sucked into Zhou Cheng's body turned into the unique dragon inflammation of the fire dragon. Although this dragon inflammation is only the thickness of chopsticks, it is forcibly transformed with a huge fire vitality. Therefore, this dragon inflammation looks weak, but in fact it is extremely horrible.

The dragon inflammation spread from the air to the pile of materials immediately after it was ejected. This forcibly destroyed dragon inflammation is extremely terrible. Even if many materials are products from magma and have extremely strong resistance to high temperatures, they still gradually melt under the burning of dragon inflammation.

In fact, in general, it is not necessary or impossible to use Mingyan to melt the material when sacrificing magic weapons, but completely rely on the power of mind to refine the material. However, the materials used by Zhou Cheng at this time are different. They are all things that have been soaked in magma morning for countless years, so they are not afraid of high temperatures, and high temperatures will not damage their physical properties.

If it is other materials, I'm afraid that if it is burned indiscriminately with the high temperature of open fire, it will not be refined, but become a mass of waste.

Because these materials are not afraid of open fire, Zhou Cheng spit out such a terrible dragon flame to assist in sacrificing this. Yes, it is auxiliary sacrifice. Zhou Cheng's melting of these materials with Longyan is not to sacrifice them, but to make it easier to actually sacrifice them.

This is not difficult to understand. These materials are all special substances, and they are also composed of vitality. After melting them with dragon inflammation, the shape of these substances will change from solids to **. Of course, whether these materials are solid or **, there is no difference for the sacrificializer.

However, after roasting them with Longyan, the vitality that makes up these materials will become less solidified, and these vitality will be relatively loose. After the vitality is loosened, it will be more labor-saving and easier to sacrifice with your heart.

Ordinary materials are fine. These materials that have been soaked in high-temperature magma for countless years have absorbed too much fire vitality, so once they are formed, the solidification degree of the vitality far exceeds that of ordinary materials, so it will be more troublesome and difficult to refine. However, Zhou Cheng has to refine these materials in a very short time, which is very difficult. Therefore, he melted these materials and loosened their vitality first.

There is a terrible layer of dragon inflammation attached to the pile of materials, and it slowly melts under the roasting of dragon inflammation, turning into a different drop of ** rolling around on the Haotian mirror. These rolling **, whether it is a small drop, is also integrated into a pool, and they are stained with a little dragon inflammation. There is little dragon ash stained with this, but it is enough to keep the melted materials in a ** state and will not solidify again.

When the last piece of material was completely melted, Zhou Cheng suddenly hissed up to the sky, suddenly widened his eyes, and then forcibly pulled out a faint dragon from his body. After this dragon was extracted, Zhou Cheng immediately released a strong mind to invade the materials on the mirror.

With a soft "buzz" sound, the power of the mind was fiercely bombarded into Longyan. Long Yan suddenly expanded and turned into a translucent flame. Longyan, the power of mind and dragon nature are combined in a strange way under the harmony of Zhou Cheng and turn into a strange force. This power has the characteristics of open fire, but because of the power of mind is added, they will not destroy the material property. In addition, it contains a trace of dragon nature, which is used to refine the material. It is expected that it will be automatically branded with last week's sincerity.

It is an extremely luxurious act to extract a trace of dragon from the body and integrate it into the dragon inflammation to refine the material. Dragon nature is different from Longyan and the power of mind. Longyan is just a special flame turned into vitality. Even if it is exhausted, as long as enough vitality is absorbed, Longyan will naturally recover.

The same is true of mind. Mind is a spiritual power emitted by the soul. Even if it is exhausted, it will automatically recover as long as it is cultivated for a period of time, but the dragon nature is different. Zhou Cheng can strengthen his mind and mana by practicing, and can also make his spit out Longyan stronger, but he can't directly practice dragon nature.

It can be said that dragon nature is a special force in the body of the dragon, which is born from the powerful life of the dragon and gradually becomes stronger with the growth of the dragon. In a word, dragon nature is a ruler that measures the cultivation potential and cultivation of the dragon, and is also a decisive element of the growth of the dragon.

Therefore, in fact, Zhou Cheng should not pull out the dragon in his body in order to refine a magic weapon. In doing so, he is like damaging his own foundation. However, the magic weapon he sacrificed this time is also extraordinary. It is a magic weapon refined from his own eggshell, which will become the magic weapon that will always follow him. It is not too much to waste a trace of dragon nature for this magic weapon.

In fact, such extreme means are needed when sacrificing the original magic weapon. Even if you temporarily lose some cultivation and suffer some hidden injuries, it is normal. This method of sacrificing magic weapons by self-damage is known as 'soul refining' among the practitioners.

The word 'soul' in soul refining is a general term, which means the foundation of the practitioner, not only to the soul, but also to sacrifice the magic weapon with the soul. Instead, it forces its own most important, original and fundamental things to sacrifice the magic weapon, so that the sacrificed magic weapon becomes a part of its own life. People and magic weapons will never be separated from each other. If both sides are honored, they will be damaged.