
Chapter 168 Enemy Attack

As soon as he stretched out his hand and grabbed the picture scroll turned into the virtual world, Zhou Cheng's face could not hide the excitement. A faint and instinctive smile gradually spread on his face.

The virtual world is now just a magic weapon, a magic weapon of outstanding quality, which is still far from spiritual weapons and magic weapons. Moreover, this virtual world has no strong attack power or particularly strong protection ability. In terms of performance, it is not a good magic weapon.

However, Zhou Cheng did not have any disappointment. Because although the virtual world will not have much effect for the time being, its growth is unparalleled. And it is also a magic weapon.

The most important thing is that the spirituality of this virtual world is very special. The special spirituality also means that the wonderful use of the virtual world will be very special. Zhou Cheng originally wanted to refine a magic weapon for collecting items, but later he temporarily changed his mind and wanted to refine an earth-shaking magic weapon.

The virtual world is not earth-shaking for the time being. It can only be used to install things, but it has the potential to turn into a world. A magic weapon that may turn into a world deserves the reputation of earth-shaking.

Seeing that the magic weapon had been refined, Zhou Cheng immediately took out all the items in the Haotian mirror and piled them on the mirror, forming a hill. Then he grabbed the virtual world and unfolded it and wrapped it around the pile of things.

The virtual world wraps everything in the pile of items. Those items disappeared out of thin air, and some patterns were immediately added on the virtual world, which were exactly the images of those things that had just been taken in.

"Good things, with this magic weapon, you no longer have to worry about having good things and no place to put them! Haha, the baby has been refined, so what are you waiting for? Go to the trouble of those insects and beasts immediately! There are countless treasures waiting for me to collect!"

Zhou Cheng threw the virtual world on himself with excitement, and saw that the virtual world turned into a thin layer of things attached to Zhou Cheng's body.

The virtual world is not yet a spiritual weapon, so it can't be received directly in the body, so Zhou Cheng has to unfold it and put it on his body. It's just that the virtual world must not be an ordinary thing, but a magic weapon, and it is also a best magic weapon that is very close to the spiritual weapon. Therefore, the body of the virtual world also has a trace of changeable taste. When Zhou Cheng approves it, it integrates into Zhou Cheng's scales and can't be seen from the outside.

After finishing these, Zhou Cheng immediately controlled the Haotian Mirror to float up, trying to get out of the scope of the magma as soon as possible, and then take a short rest and restore his state to the best to find the trouble of those insects and beasts.

"boom" with a sound. Zhou Cheng just moved, and saw a loud noise from the top of his head, and then a huge impact came, directly pressing him down, so instead of floating, he was pressed back deeper into the magma.

"What's going on? It seems that there was a violent explosion on it? Is it possible that someone has cast powerful spells here?

With a stir in his heart, Zhou Cheng immediately put his mind to the ground. After his mind was released, Zhou Cheng immediately saw layers of creatures around the crater, which were strange. They surrounded the entire crater layer by layer, as if to prevent something from coming out of the fire.

"Bests and beasts!" Zhou Cheng immediately exclaimed as soon as he saw these creatures, because these creatures are insects and beasts. There are more than 100 kinds of insects and beasts in the crater, and their breath is harmonious, forming a whole.

The cultivation of these insects and beasts is not very good. The low one has only reached the psychic stage, and the high one has just reached the early stage of psychic.

But after they completely connected their own breath, more than 100 breaths turned into a substantial force to completely block the whole crater.

"What did these insects and beasts come from? Why didn't I notice it at all? They will surround the whole crater, so they will definitely find me, but now that they have found me, why don't they attack me?"

Zhou Cheng knew that he had been exposed, but he didn't understand why the insects only surrounded and did not attack. However, he was also secretly happy. Fortunately, these insects and beasts did not make any noise to disturb him when they sacrificed the magic weapon. Otherwise, it is impossible for the virtual world to succeed, and even he himself will suffer some damage.

"Yes. These insects must have followed me with the smell of resentment, but they found that the smell of resentment came from the underground magma, so they were a little uncertain and did not attack. Or these insects and beasts have confirmed that I am in the magma, but they think that as long as the crater is sealed, I will have no way to escape and finally be burned to death by the magma!"

"Well, what a delusion. No matter how smart these insects and beasts are, they will not think that I am a fire dragon, what magma is to me, and I also have a magic weapon. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for me to die in magma. The reason why they just attacked the crater must have sensed that I had moved and thought I was going to escape, so they took action to stop it.

"Hundreds of insects and beasts have not been taken seriously by Zhou Cheng, and today I will go up and do it well. Haha!"

With a wild laughter, Zhou Cheng shook his body and released a powerful mana to wrap countless magma and hit the crater. Zhou Cheng wanted to borrow the power of magma to break through the blockade of the crater.

The breath and mana of the hundreds of insects and beasts are completely integrated and become extremely powerful. Zhou Cheng can't break through the combined power of insects and beasts. As long as he sacrifices the Haotian Mirror to issue the strongest blow, he can easily do it. But in this way, it will consume a lot of his magic power.

Zhou Cheng now only has the cultivation in the early stage of soul training, so his mana is not much, and he can't waste it at will. Practitioners will always strive to keep themselves at the best level to cope with possible dangers at any time.

However, destroying magic weapons consumes a lot of magic power. Even practitioners in the later stage of soul practice cannot use magic weapons against the enemy for a long time, because they do not have enough magic power.

As a fire dragon, Zhou Cheng obviously took a big advantage of people near the mouth of the mountain fire. Because he can mobilize the power of magma at any time to help him attack the enemy. Moreover, the volcanic vitality of the crater is very sufficient, which is conducive to restoring Zhou Cheng's loss.

It is said that Zhou Cheng rushed to the mouth of the mountain fire wrapped in a lot of magma. These magma flowed violently under the influence of Zhou Cheng's magic power and spewed away as rapidly as when a volcano erupted.

Just as Zhou Cheng had just made a move, the insects and beasts above had already reacted and saw a significantly larger insect beast roaring. With this roar, the insects and beasts at the crater released their mana.

These manas circled slightly in the air and merged into a powerful force. This power instantly turned into a huge rune and was thrown into the crater.

All this happened in a very short time, but in the blink of an eye, the magma manipulated by Zhou Cheng collided with the giant rune on the crater.

This volcano is an active volcano. Under the influence of Zhou Cheng's power, the whole volcano became active and began to show signs of eruption. However, when the magma hit the record, the record burst into terrible power.

The power of Fulu is like a mountain. After its power was emitted, it directly suppressed the magma at the whole crater, and the power also passed down along the magma and directly attacked Zhou Cheng.

"Good boy, these insects and beasts are not bad. It's incredible that hundreds of low-cultivation insects and beasts can burst out such powerful power!"

Sensing the power of the rune, Zhou Cheng knew that even if a practitioner in the middle of soul training met the rune, he was afraid that he would not take any advantage of it, but would end up very miserable. Because the power of this rune is enough to be comparable to the full blow of the late soul training monk.

"It seems that I am too small. How can these guys still have such a secret method!"

In this moment of observation, Zhou Cheng has seen that those insects and beasts have a natural instinct, that is, they can combine with other races. Of course, the combination here does not mean that their bodies are combined together, but that their mana and spirit can be integrated with each other.

Ordinary practitioners can't do this, at most, they cooperate with each other to form various arrays. Although multiple practitioners can also enhance the power of the attack, the effect is not as obvious as that of insects and beasts. However, insects and beasts are different. An ordinary insect beast may only have the cultivation of the psychic period, and a slightly stronger practitioner can knead it at will.

But the situation will be different when their numbers are larger. Their power can be unimpededed, which means that if the number is enough, the power of these insects and beasts will increase infinitely.